High Schools

Displaying 101 - 150 of 305 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Five graduates enter teams in state meet
College Eye 41:23, p.5
Five alumni will be coaching teams at this year's boys' state high school basketball tournament.
102 Teacher relays set for April 22
College Eye 41:21, p.5
The 27th annual relay competition is open to colleges and high schools.
103 Researchers discover inside dope on what teen-agers talk about
College Eye 41:20, p.3
A microphone was placed in a local high school lunch room to record comments made by high school girls.
104 Annual play day to be held Sat.
College Eye 41:19, p.5
Eleven high schools will be participating in the annual Basketball Play Day sponsored by the winter sports methods class. Chairmen are listed.
105 Eleven schools to participate in annual speech tournament
College Eye 41:16, p.1
The top three speakers will receive four year scholarships.
106 Counselors needed to help keep teen-agers in school
College Eye 41:11, p.4
The number of high school drop-outs is increasing.
107 Iowa wrestling coaches meet here tomorrow
College Eye 41:10, p.5
A clinic will start today for the Iowa Wrestling Coaches Association.
108 High schools here participating in discussion meet
College Eye 41:9, p.7
Fourth annual discussion meet will host approximately one hundred students from twelve high schools.
109 HS students here for press day conference
College Eye 41:8, p.4
Over 120 students from eighteen high schools attended.
110 High School Press Day is tomorrow
College Eye 41:7, p.1
The conference is established for advisors, editors, and staffs of high school newspapers and yearbooks.
111 High school editors here for Press Day
College Eye 41:6, p.1
First annual Press Day will be October 29, 1949; committee members are listed.
112 High school students guests of library
College Eye 40:28, p.3
Students are those who are interested in library work.
113 Faculty members will attend 'Career Days'
College Eye 40:18, p.1
At Iowa high schools.
114 Comments on Germany
College Eye 40:17, p.2
Gives an overview of German high schools.
115 Building improvements handicap?
College Eye 40:17, p.2
Solving immediate problem does not help the long term goal of building larger consolidated high schools.
116 Visiting students discuss peaceful world relations
College Eye 40:9, p.1
Eight high schools will send students to campus.
117 English, speech department host to high schools
College Eye 39:28, p.1
Faculty will make presentations.
118 Play Day will be here February 21
College Eye 39:20, p.4
Fifteen high schools will bring students to participate in the annual basketball Play Day events.
119 Nine high schools will participate in tournament
College Eye 39:15, p.3
Three students will win scholarships in the Brindley Tournament.
120 3 debate winners to be awarded TC scholarships
College Eye 39:14, p.4
At Brindley Tournament.
121 Students adopt bill to eliminate labor difficulty
College Eye 39:11, p.6
At recent discussion meeting.
122 Iowa high schools will revise study course
College Eye 39:7, p.4
Professor Plaehn is part of the effort to revise high school curriculum.
123 Lack of advisors impedes program
College Eye 39:7, p.8
George Holmes talks about the difficulties face by high schools in their journalism and publications programs.
124 High school curriculum may change
College Eye 38:14, p.8
Professor Plaehn talks about potential changes.
125 Industrial Arts Club holds dinner to discuss high school programs
College Eye 37:39, p.1
126 Two no-hitters as Waverly wins prep ball tourney
College Eye 37:32, p.3
The sectional high school baseball tournament was played here this past weekend and Waverly walked away with the win.
127 High school track, baseball meets on week's schedule
College Eye 37:31, p.5
Eight high school baseball teams and six track teams will be here this weekend competing.
128 Faculty members lead high school discussions
College Eye 37:29, p.2
At Career Day in Eagle Grove.
129 Seniors honored today; 700 seniors on campus for all day
College Eye 37:28, p.1
Schedule of activities for the high school visitors.
130 Hello, high school seniors; come and see us as we are
College Eye 37:28, p.1
Welcomes visitors to campus.
131 12 colleges, 40 preps in giant relays field
College Eye 37:25, p.6
The TC relays are becoming more popular, with three out of state colleges having shown interest in competing.
132 4,000 a night watch substate basketball
College Eye 37:25, p.6
Marshalltown, Waverly, Montour, and Lansing are representing the Teacher College substate basketball tournament at the state finals in Iowa City.
133 16 high school teams in sub-state meet here
College Eye 37:24, p.4
High school basketball teams are still battling for a chance to advance to the semifinals.
134 Gym to be site of sub-state meet
College Eye 37:23, p.5
Men's gymnasium will host the northeast Iowa sub-state basketball tournament.
135 Physical education department hosts high school girls
College Eye 37:22, p.1
Will hold Play Day for four hundred high school students.
136 High school servicemen athletes to be eligible
College Eye 36:44, p.6
137 Seniors from ten area schools attend Senior Day at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1945:119, p.1
Three hundred seniors toured campus in small groups. Swimming, roller skating and various indoor games kept the group busy after lunch.
138 College students to be admitted free to three 'Jubilee' games and shows
College Eye 36:21, p.1
Three high school basketball games will be featured.
139 Seven schools to attend play day
College Eye 36:21, p.4
Three hundred high school students will participate in recreational activities on campus.
140 College will be host for Basketball jubilee
College Eye 36:20, p.4
Previews the event.
141 Classwork with actual experience to be emphasized
College Eye 36:13, p.3
Professor Douglas believes that high schools will feature classes as well as business experience.
142 Fun-day for visiting high schools
College Eye 35:20, p.6
143 Campus speaks
College Eye 35:10, p.2
Students and faculty respond to question about requiring military training in high school.
144 High school fitness programs outlined by gym teachers
College Eye 34:27, p.4
Women's Physical Education Department brings programs to schools via Extension Service.
145 Prep coaches convene here during tomorrow
College Eye 33:11, p.4
Iowa High School Wrestling Coaches Association will hold their annual state meeting in the Men's Gymnasium.
146 Dr. Charles views problem of low intelligence
College Eye 31:40, p.1
High schools must learn to deal productively with less intelligent students.
147 New records slated for Relays; 'Chuck' Fenske to race
College Eye 31:28, p.1
Lengthy preview and description; photo.
148 Relay records
College Eye 31:28, p.6
Present Teachers College Relays records for individual events are posted.
149 Teachers Relay preliminaries begin at 10 a.m. Saturday
College Eye 31:28, p.6
Schedule for Teachers College Relays is posted.
150 Officials form plans for relay meet
College Eye 31:27, p.4
Preview of the Teachers College Relays.