Hilltopics (Column)

Displaying 101 - 135 of 135 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Hilltopics; Christmas joy is not universal
College Eye 40:13, p.4
While students feast, there are those who are not so fortunate; try to discover the true meaning of Christmas.
102 Hilltopics; Battle of the comic books
College Eye 40:13, p.4
Disagrees with the December 3rd editorial "Psychology Needed".
103 Hilltopics; right here in black and white
College Eye 40:12, p.2
The Cue from University of Dubuque presents words that have many meanings which may lead to misunderstandings.
104 Hilltopics; committees at work
College Eye 40:12, p.2
Organizations searching for members; believe it will be a worthwhile experience.
105 Confusing deductions
College Eye 40:11, p.2
Talks about how students jump to the wrong conclusion in wake of cancellation of speech by Samuel Levering,
106 Psychology needed
College Eye 40:11, p.2
Discusses outlawing of comic books, radio programs, and motion pictures.
107 Hilltopics; fashion notes
College Eye 40:10, p.2
Gives men current fashion tips.
108 Hilltopics
College Eye 40:8, p.2
Discusses the 1948 state and national elections.
109 Hilltopics
College Eye 40:6, p.2
Discusses the importance of student participation in the 1948 elections.
110 Hilltopics
College Eye 40:5, p.2
Discusses problems with Cut Day after students stage their own Cut Day without support from the administration or student government.
111 Religion vs. democracy
Public Relations News Release 40:4, p.2
Discusses the connection between democracy and religion.
112 Hilltopics
College Eye 40:2, p.2
Comments on potential bad effects of comic books.
113 Hilltopics
College Eye 40:1, p.2
Thanks students for joining the staffs of the Old Gold and College Eye.
114 "Tired Teacher" wants more "rec" activities, less books, in summers
College Eye 39:42, p.2
Believes the summers session needs to be more relaxed.
115 WHO on the shelf
College Eye 39:32, p.2
Believes that the United States needs to join the World Health Organization.
116 College and cribbing
College Eye 39:31, p.2
Believes that the best way to stop cheating is for the students to stand up against it.
117 Beauty and boards
College Eye 39:31, p.2
Requests that the administration remove the broken down Army surplus building.
118 Atoms and "Life"
College Eye 39:31, p.2
Comments on the increasing importance of the atom in our lives.
119 Freedom of speech?
College Eye 39:30, p.2
Comments on disruptions of speeches at public meeting on the draft in California.
120 Time for integration
College Eye 39:30, p.2
Some feel that seniors should wrap up their classes at mid-term of their senior year and be allowed to do an independent study.
121 Hilltopics
College Eye 39:27, p.2
Complaints about the slow moving lines in the Commons dining center.
122 . . . Salaries . . .
College Eye 39:26, p.2
Students are given some facts on the teachers' salaries..
123 . . . Surveys
College Eye 39:26, p.2
Shares opinion about the use of surveys and their reliability.
124 Safety . . . .
College Eye 39:26, p.2
Comments on adding safety patrols on 23rd just make it safer for pedestrians to cross.
125 Voltaire, thou shouldst be living . . . .
College Eye 39:25, p.2
Comments on speech calling for outlawing of Communist Party in the US.
126 Busy season at the Commons.
College Eye 39:24, p.2
Impressed with schedule of activities in Commons.
127 Hilltopics
College Eye 39:23, p.2
Members of the College Eye staff were disappointed to find that men's fashion was taking a turn towards conservatism.
128 Help wanted!
College Eye 39:23, p.2
Student concerned about the high number of students voting in the beauty and popularity contests elections compared to other elections on campus.
129 . . . Where credit is due
College Eye 39:22, p.2
Supports increase in veterans subsistence payment.
130 Giving credit . . .
College Eye 39:22, p.2
Coach "Mun" Whitford receives recognition for his work with the intramural basketball program.
131 AVC helps veterans in college
College Eye 39:21, p.2
Those receiving their subsistence checks should thank the American Veterans Committee for the increase in payment.
132 Give it a chance!
College Eye 39:20, p.2
Writer tells students and faculty how important it is to keep of the grass on campus.
133 Cut system for profs, too?
College Eye 39:19, p.2
Reminds students that professors don't get to have a day off from class to sleep an extra hour.
134 Exercise that prerogative!
College Eye 39:18, p.2
Encourages students to vote in the upcoming student organization elections.
135 Stimulating? Challenging?
College Eye 39:9, p.4
Criticizes a Protestant speaker for making negative comments about Catholicism during Religious Emphasis Week.