Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 158 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI to honor former UNI President J. W. Maucker Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Memorial for Maucker will take place on Friday, September 16. A profile of the former president is given. | |
2 | Former UNI pres Maucker dies at 92 Northern Iowan 101:59, p.4 |
J. W. Maucker died July 5, 2005. | |
3 | UNI's fifth president, J. W. Maucker, dead at age of 92 Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Includes brief summary of the life and accomplishments of J. W. Maucker. |
4 | The image of UNI 1969-1970 A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.302 |
The effects of campus events on the public perception of UNI. | |
5 | The Hoffmans affair A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.282 |
Detailed account of the controversy surrounding Mr. Hoffmans and his protests against the Viet Nam War and the draft; photo. | |
6 | NI has editorial prerogative on letters Northern Iowan 70:50, p.3 |
Had hoped to rekindle the activist climate of the 1960s. | |
7 | Hoffmans is alive and well in Sandstone Northern Iowan 68:11, p.5 |
Mr. Hoffmans is serving sentence at federal prison in Sandstone, Minnesota. | |
8 | From dissent to resistance: 'Hell no, I won't go' Northern Iowan 68:9, p.3 |
Reprint of Mr. Hoffmans' 1967 draft manifesto; photo. | |
9 | Potpourri Northern Iowan 66:3, p.4 |
Activities and meetings. | |
10 | Request Turner legal ruling Northern Iowan 65:66, p.1 |
Representative Doderer wants to know legality of "social adaptability" investigation. | |
11 | Hoffmans returns to UNI area Northern Iowan 65:65, p.1 |
Has returned to Cedar Falls to offer counseling and to look at the proposed investigation of faculty "social adaptability". | |
12 | Seeks prof's spirit Northern Iowan 65:63, p.2 |
Still seeking mystery prof. | |
13 | "Some property has no right to exist"; Hoffmans interviewed Northern Iowan 65:62, p.5 |
Mr. Hoffmans talks about his recent work in the draft resistance movement. | |
14 | Priest sentenced in draft record burnings to appear Northern Iowan 65:19, p.3 |
Thomas Melville will speak. | |
15 | Cloister Coffeehouse Northern Iowan 65:12, p.16 |
Last year's all night vigil in support of President Maucker's stand on freedom of speech in connection with Ed Hoffmans' case will be commemorated with an anniversary celebration on October 19. | |
16 | Would commemorate rally, all-night vigil Northern Iowan 65:11, p.2 |
Letter calls for commemoration of President Maucker's courageous stand for freedom of speech in connection with the Ed Hoffmans case one year before. | |
17 | Ed Hoffmans to counsel for 'Resist' Northern Iowan 65:10, p.12 |
Former UNI English instructor Edward Hoffmans spoke on a variety of topics Tuesday at a meeting of Students for a Democratic Society. | |
18 | AAUP honors Maucker Alumnus 53:3, p.6 |
Will receive Meiklejohn Award. | |
19 | A University demands free expression; pictorial review of year Northern Iowan 64:57, p.7 |
Pictorial review of year; photo. | |
20 | Legal issues of procedure; perspective Northern Iowan 64:54, p.2 |
Mr. Hoffmans offers opinions on administration's procedures regarding involvement in student arrests. | |
21 | Hoffmans will not teach Northern Iowan 64:53, p.2 |
Protests administrative role in recent arrest of draft resister. | |
22 | University's role in arrest results in review of policy Northern Iowan 64:53, p.1 |
Mr. Hoffmans initially decides to discontinue teaching in protest, then reconsiders. | |
23 | Blau approves of policy Northern Iowan 64:53, p.3 |
Those who are protesting the manner of his arrest are not speaking for him; they may be speaking even after he asked them not to protest the matter. | |
24 | Maucker receives award for academic freedom Northern Iowan 64:52, p.1 |
President Maucker honored with AAUP's Meiklejohn Award; photo. | |
25 | Hoffmans will work next in Iowa City Northern Iowan 64:46, p.1 |
Mr. Hoffmans will represent draft resistance groups. | |
26 | CADRE representatives talk at counseling session Northern Iowan 64:45, p.1 |
Representatives discuss draft options. | |
27 | 'Parading causes debate' Northern Iowan 64:45, p.3 |
Attempts to refute charges relating to US presence in Asia. | |
28 | Ed Hoffmans included in 'broad' draft investigation Northern Iowan 64:44, p.4 |
Investigation into activities in progress. | |
29 | Oversimplifies argument Northern Iowan 64:43, p.2 |
Mr. Hoffmans continues argument again demonstration policy. | |
30 | On Blackman's assertions Northern Iowan 64:43, p.2 |
Reacts to recent letter about Viet Nam. | |
31 | Questions defiance of federal law Northern Iowan 64:43, p.3 |
Disagrees with Mr. Hoffmans' contentions. | |
32 | CADRE support group petitions recruit decision Northern Iowan 64:43, p.1 |
Attempt to gather support for appearance of CADRE on campus. | |
33 | 'Peaceful campaign' seen by CADRE supporters Northern Iowan 64:42, p.5 |
Plans to appear on campus despite denial of permission. | |
34 | Blackman: 'Well that is nice' Northern Iowan 64:41, p.5 |
Critical of Hoffmans viewpoint on personal rights. | |
35 | Touché Mr. H. but . . . Northern Iowan 64:41, p.5 |
Critical of Mr. Hoffmans' critique of demonstration policy. | |
36 | Group supports right of Draft Resisters in interview Northern Iowan 64:41, p.1 |
Administration will not allow CADRE to interview on campus because of fears of demonstrations. | |
37 | Protest CADRE refusal Northern Iowan 64:41, p.5 |
Group believes draft resistance group should have been allowed to interview on campus. |
38 | Iowan published for leftists?! Northern Iowan 64:41, p.2 |
Believes Northern Iowan has limited viewpoint. | |
39 | Happy time for senior men? Northern Iowan 64:38, p.2 |
Outlines arguments against war for those who are about to graduate. | |
40 | Previews Northern Iowan 64:36, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
41 | Hoffmans reads 'Poems Toward Peace' today Northern Iowan 64:36, p.1 |
Will read local and more widely-known poets. | |
42 | Conclusion--not premise Northern Iowan 64:36, p.2 |
Carefully points out parts of his argument. | |
43 | Previews Northern Iowan 64:35, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
44 | The protection of student rights Northern Iowan 64:34, p.2 |
Disagrees with Ed Hoffmans on his interpretation of new policy. | |
45 | An exercise in thought control; UNI demonstrations policy Northern Iowan 64:33, p.2 |
Believes recently adopted policy is repressive. | |
46 | Welcome to CIA recruiter Northern Iowan 64:29, p.2 |
Ironic comments; believes recruiter will find fertile ground at UNI. | |
47 | AAUP nominates Maucker for Meiklejohn Award Northern Iowan 64:29, p.1 |
Would recognize President Maucker for his role in defending academic freedom. | |
48 | Student publications at UNI Alumnus 53:1, p.8 |
Survey of procedures and practices involving student publications especially in light of recent controversies; photo. | |
49 | Who really won World War II? Northern Iowan 64:28, p.4 |
Questions authority of federal government. | |
50 | Untitled Northern Iowan 64:28, p.6 |
Burn your local draft board. |