Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 158 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Board of Control plans policy statement addition
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Considers clarification of policy in wake of Hoffmans article on draft resistance.
102 Motives can be questioned
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Analyzes recent controversy involving the Hoffmans article and the response to it.
103 Must be responsible, too
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Editor outlines recent actions of Board of Control of Student Publications; discusses her duties and responsibilities with regard to the material that she publishes.
104 He'll print article
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12
Former editor believes Mr. Hoffmans deserves print forum.
105 'Means everything or nothing'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12
Considers issue of Hoffmans letter in a newspaper supported by tax money.
106 Viet Nam War is illegal, he says
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11
Ed Hoffmans states his case.
107 He objects
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11
Believes that civil disobedience is sometimes appropriate.
108 Questions 15 faculty members
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11
Critical of faculty who questioned appearance of Hoffmans article in Northern Iowan.
109 'Bravo Dr. Fox'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11
Supports Professor Fox and Ed Hoffmans for stating beliefs.
110 Free speech, free press fundamental
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.10
Professor Thompson criticizes the faculty letter protesting publication of the Hoffmans article.
111 'Letter is insult'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12
Believes students are mature enough to listen to all sorts of ideas.
112 Censorship instead of freedom?
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.9
Professor Wilson criticizes those who would limit free speech.
113 How far to go?
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3
Professor Eiklor believes that it is appropriate to print Hoffmans article in student newspaper.
114 Opposes editorial policy
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3
Believes that recently stated policy is unconstitutional and runs counter to the purposes of a university.
115 Confessions of a protest signer
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3
Professor Wood, a signer of the faculty protest letter, explains his position.
116 'Hoffmans made me think'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Professor Crownfield believes that Ed Hoffmans is worth listening to on Viet Nam issue.
117 What would Hoffmans substitute?
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Believes students are capable of making responsible choices, but would like to know what kind of government Ed Hoffmans would prefer.
118 Maucker declares Hoffmans innocent 'til proven guilty
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Ed Hoffmans turns in his draft card to U. S. Marshall in Cedar Rapids; President Maucker says that since Hoffmans was not arrested, his employment is not under review; photo.
119 Admires Hoffmans' courage
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2
Critical of professors who believed Hoffmans immature.
120 Defends right of editor
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2
Disagrees with Hoffmans letter, but believes newspapers have right to publish it.
121 Maucker announces no action is planned against Hoffmans
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.1
Local newspaper columnists critical of publication of letter in Northern Iowan.
122 'Hoffmans way not responsible'
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2
Believes Hoffmans letter counsels breaking law.
123 Meeting to talk about Viet Nam to be Thursday
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.5
Town hall meeting scheduled for Wesley Foundation.
124 Contrary to best interests of students, staff, school
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3
Believe that Hoffmans letter on draft advised young men to break law; urges Northern Iowan not to publish similar material.
125 From dissent to resistance: 'Hell no, I won't go'
Northern Iowan 64:9, p.3
Edward Hoffmans outlines his position on draft resistance
126 Explanations are 'irrelevant'
College Eye 64:6, p.2
Critical of written question policy proposed for speakers.
127 'Beg Out' group greets UNIans at convocation
College Eye 64:5, p.3
Raise about $25; photo.
128 Poems 'hard to stomach'
College Eye 63:55, p.3
Chides the writers of recent protest-oriented letters sent in poetic form to the editor.
129 Hoffmans: how to escape the draft without compromising integrity
College Eye 63:55, p.4
Gives step by step procedures for deciding on and applying for conscientious objector status.
130 'Distraction' game by Hoffmanns, Jones
College Eye 63:54, p.4
Argues that historians must favor accuracy over bias.
131 How to be an all-American boy
College Eye 63:53, p.2
Poetically counters a letter from the last issue of the paper.
132 Hoffmans explains letters
College Eye 63:48, p.2
Attempts to clarify the messages in previous letters which received confused rebuttals.
133 Dialogue to discuss Viet Nam
College Eye 63:47, p.8
Ed Hoffmans and James Heller will lead discussion.
134 Hoffmans plays games too
College Eye 63:46, p.3
Declares that the professor has been hypocritical in his recent letters.
135 Eight SCIans to leave for anti-war demonstration
College Eye 63:46, p.5
Ed Hoffmans will lead group to New York.
136 SCI students attend New York demonstrations
College Eye 63:45, p.1
Mr. Hoffmans says that seven to ten SCI students will go.
137 Troutner proposes new Viet debate
College Eye 63:44, p.3
Proposes another debate be held in the proper fashion.
138 An anatomy of demonstrations
College Eye 63:44, p.4
Gives a thorough description of what the strategies are for protests and demonstrations.
139 Open letter to SCI students, teachers, and administrators
College Eye 63:44, p.10
Ed Hoffmans urges people to attend a mass demonstration in New York against the Viet Nam War.
140 Miss Farrell and Knapp play word games--Hoffmans
College Eye 63:44, p.3
Continues the argument about the lack of real debate in a recent debate.
141 Debate not unrealistic
College Eye 63:43, p.3
Contends that the recent debate accomplished its goal of creating interest.
142 Objects to Viet Nam debate
College Eye 63:42, p.4
Disagrees with the methods used in the recent debate.
143 Smiles at irony
College Eye 63:42, p.2
Contends that a previous letter sounds similar to the views of modern extremist groups.
144 Untitled
College Eye 63:42, p.2
Shows the power of protests, and appealing to the masses.
145 Counseling thesis 'Dangerous'
College Eye 63:40, p.2
Believes counseling is a device used to discourage deviation from the norm.
146 Untitled
College Eye 63:37, p.1
Three protesters in front of the library; photo.
147 Until Americans stop killing and being killed in Viet Nam:
College Eye 63:36, p.5
Full page ad for noon vigils to be held every Wednesday.
148 Questions Viet news coverage
College Eye 63:29, p.2
Criticizes the actions of troops in Viet Nam.
149 Apology to Dr. Dohrman
College Eye 63:25, p.2
Claims he went over the line in last week's column; apologizes for the misunderstanding it created.
150 Damns Dohrman's espousal of 'non-activism'
College Eye 63:23, p.2
Criticizes a previous column about student demonstrations for not having a strong enough argument.