Hoffmans--Edward C. (English Faculty)
Displaying 101 - 150 of 158 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Board of Control plans policy statement addition Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1 |
Considers clarification of policy in wake of Hoffmans article on draft resistance. | |
102 | Motives can be questioned Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2 |
Analyzes recent controversy involving the Hoffmans article and the response to it. | |
103 | Must be responsible, too Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2 |
Editor outlines recent actions of Board of Control of Student Publications; discusses her duties and responsibilities with regard to the material that she publishes. | |
104 | He'll print article Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12 |
Former editor believes Mr. Hoffmans deserves print forum. | |
105 | 'Means everything or nothing' Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12 |
Considers issue of Hoffmans letter in a newspaper supported by tax money. | |
106 | Viet Nam War is illegal, he says Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11 |
Ed Hoffmans states his case. | |
107 | He objects Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11 |
Believes that civil disobedience is sometimes appropriate. | |
108 | Questions 15 faculty members Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11 |
Critical of faculty who questioned appearance of Hoffmans article in Northern Iowan. | |
109 | 'Bravo Dr. Fox' Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11 |
Supports Professor Fox and Ed Hoffmans for stating beliefs. | |
110 | Free speech, free press fundamental Northern Iowan 64:12, p.10 |
Professor Thompson criticizes the faculty letter protesting publication of the Hoffmans article. | |
111 | 'Letter is insult' Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12 |
Believes students are mature enough to listen to all sorts of ideas. | |
112 | Censorship instead of freedom? Northern Iowan 64:12, p.9 |
Professor Wilson criticizes those who would limit free speech. | |
113 | How far to go? Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3 |
Professor Eiklor believes that it is appropriate to print Hoffmans article in student newspaper. | |
114 | Opposes editorial policy Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3 |
Believes that recently stated policy is unconstitutional and runs counter to the purposes of a university. | |
115 | Confessions of a protest signer Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3 |
Professor Wood, a signer of the faculty protest letter, explains his position. | |
116 | 'Hoffmans made me think' Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2 |
Professor Crownfield believes that Ed Hoffmans is worth listening to on Viet Nam issue. | |
117 | What would Hoffmans substitute? Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2 |
Believes students are capable of making responsible choices, but would like to know what kind of government Ed Hoffmans would prefer. | |
118 | Maucker declares Hoffmans innocent 'til proven guilty Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1 |
Ed Hoffmans turns in his draft card to U. S. Marshall in Cedar Rapids; President Maucker says that since Hoffmans was not arrested, his employment is not under review; photo. | |
119 | Admires Hoffmans' courage Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2 |
Critical of professors who believed Hoffmans immature. | |
120 | Defends right of editor Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2 |
Disagrees with Hoffmans letter, but believes newspapers have right to publish it. | |
121 | Maucker announces no action is planned against Hoffmans Northern Iowan 64:11, p.1 |
Local newspaper columnists critical of publication of letter in Northern Iowan. | |
122 | 'Hoffmans way not responsible' Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2 |
Believes Hoffmans letter counsels breaking law. | |
123 | Meeting to talk about Viet Nam to be Thursday Northern Iowan 64:10, p.5 |
Town hall meeting scheduled for Wesley Foundation. | |
124 | Contrary to best interests of students, staff, school Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3 |
Believe that Hoffmans letter on draft advised young men to break law; urges Northern Iowan not to publish similar material. | |
125 | From dissent to resistance: 'Hell no, I won't go' Northern Iowan 64:9, p.3 |
Edward Hoffmans outlines his position on draft resistance | |
126 | Explanations are 'irrelevant' College Eye 64:6, p.2 |
Critical of written question policy proposed for speakers. | |
127 | 'Beg Out' group greets UNIans at convocation College Eye 64:5, p.3 |
Raise about $25; photo. | |
128 | Poems 'hard to stomach' College Eye 63:55, p.3 |
Chides the writers of recent protest-oriented letters sent in poetic form to the editor. | |
129 | Hoffmans: how to escape the draft without compromising integrity College Eye 63:55, p.4 |
Gives step by step procedures for deciding on and applying for conscientious objector status. | |
130 | 'Distraction' game by Hoffmanns, Jones College Eye 63:54, p.4 |
Argues that historians must favor accuracy over bias. | |
131 | How to be an all-American boy College Eye 63:53, p.2 |
Poetically counters a letter from the last issue of the paper. | |
132 | Hoffmans explains letters College Eye 63:48, p.2 |
Attempts to clarify the messages in previous letters which received confused rebuttals. | |
133 | Dialogue to discuss Viet Nam College Eye 63:47, p.8 |
Ed Hoffmans and James Heller will lead discussion. | |
134 | Hoffmans plays games too College Eye 63:46, p.3 |
Declares that the professor has been hypocritical in his recent letters. | |
135 | Eight SCIans to leave for anti-war demonstration College Eye 63:46, p.5 |
Ed Hoffmans will lead group to New York. | |
136 | SCI students attend New York demonstrations College Eye 63:45, p.1 |
Mr. Hoffmans says that seven to ten SCI students will go. | |
137 | Troutner proposes new Viet debate College Eye 63:44, p.3 |
Proposes another debate be held in the proper fashion. | |
138 | An anatomy of demonstrations College Eye 63:44, p.4 |
Gives a thorough description of what the strategies are for protests and demonstrations. | |
139 | Open letter to SCI students, teachers, and administrators College Eye 63:44, p.10 |
Ed Hoffmans urges people to attend a mass demonstration in New York against the Viet Nam War. | |
140 | Miss Farrell and Knapp play word games--Hoffmans College Eye 63:44, p.3 |
Continues the argument about the lack of real debate in a recent debate. | |
141 | Debate not unrealistic College Eye 63:43, p.3 |
Contends that the recent debate accomplished its goal of creating interest. | |
142 | Objects to Viet Nam debate College Eye 63:42, p.4 |
Disagrees with the methods used in the recent debate. | |
143 | Smiles at irony College Eye 63:42, p.2 |
Contends that a previous letter sounds similar to the views of modern extremist groups. | |
144 | Untitled College Eye 63:42, p.2 |
Shows the power of protests, and appealing to the masses. | |
145 | Counseling thesis 'Dangerous' College Eye 63:40, p.2 |
Believes counseling is a device used to discourage deviation from the norm. | |
146 | Untitled College Eye 63:37, p.1 |
Three protesters in front of the library; photo. | |
147 | Until Americans stop killing and being killed in Viet Nam: College Eye 63:36, p.5 |
Full page ad for noon vigils to be held every Wednesday. | |
148 | Questions Viet news coverage College Eye 63:29, p.2 |
Criticizes the actions of troops in Viet Nam. | |
149 | Apology to Dr. Dohrman College Eye 63:25, p.2 |
Claims he went over the line in last week's column; apologizes for the misunderstanding it created. | |
150 | Damns Dohrman's espousal of 'non-activism' College Eye 63:23, p.2 |
Criticizes a previous column about student demonstrations for not having a strong enough argument. |