
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Second annual wheelchair basketball game Saturday
Northern Iowan 88:48, p.2
2 UNI student turns physical adversity into a triumph
Northern Iowan 86:50, p.10
Profile of Michelle Holdorf who won essay contest; photo.
3 Northern Iowa sophomore's triumph over handicap results in national contest win
Public Relations News Release 1989:518, p.1
Michelle Holdorf wins the "In View" magazine essay competition. She was selected for her use of humor in writing of the difficulties that she has faced having been born with one limb. Holdorf active as both a peer counselor and member of Tomahawk.
4 University of Northern Iowa gives 100 students on-the-job experience through spring co-op placements.
Public Relations News Release 1989:398, p.1

List of those participating in the program and their hometown. Also listed is the position, firm and town the individual is placed.