
Displaying 1 - 50 of 435 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Star Trek' and progressive representation in television
Northern Iowan 116:39, p.3
In the author's opinion, the Star Trek franchise has been pioneering and consistent in bringing under-represented groups to the television screen.
2 Campus group bars LGBTQ leaders
Northern Iowan 112:43, p.3

In Carr-Murphy's opinion, the campus chapter of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship discriminates against LGBTQIA+ students by not allowing them to hold leadership positions in the organization; photos.

3 Dear future panthers...
Northern Iowan 112:21, p.1

After members of Ethnic Student Promoters (ESP) boycotted an open house focusing on multicultural recruitment, UNI, ESP, the Black Student Union (BSU), Hispanic Latino Student Union (HLSU), and other multicultural student organizations held a forum on November 5 for students to discuss experiences with discrimination; photos.

4 War on Christianity
Northern Iowan 112:4, p.1

In the author's opinion, the war on Christianity in America is rhetoric manufactured by the Republican party and conservative Christian politicians, and distracts from real issues of injustice; photo.

5 Progressing through the ages
Northern Iowan 111:49, p.1
Progressive prom was held in the Commons Ballroom, this was the closing event of Pride Week; photo.
6 "Decades" of Pride at UNI
Northern Iowan 111:48, p.2
Pride week is an old tradition at UNI that spans back at least a decade; photo.
7 Personal stories expose truth at Queer Monologues
Northern Iowan 111:48, p.1
A discussion based "Queer Monologues" was held by UNI Proud as part of Pride Week; photo.
8 Kings & queens
Northern Iowan 111:48, p.1
UNI Proud's annual drag ball took place in the Maucker Union as a part of Pride Week; photo.
9 "Always here, forever queer"
Northern Iowan 111:47, p.1
UNI Proud will be holding their annual Pride week celebrating the LGBTQ* community; photo.
10 YouTuber Oakley visits campus
Northern Iowan 111:32, p.1
Online video blogger Tyler Oakley visited campus to speak about LGBT issues and answer questions chose by the audience; photo.
11 The "gay" questions are not the only questions
Northern Iowan 111:28, p.5
Student Riley Cosgrove writes about the social struggles he and many others within the LGBT community face; photo.
12 'Before Summer' illustrates growing up gay in Iowa
Northern Iowan 110:34, p.4
Review of the book "Before Summer" written by Harry Arlo Nimmo, a UNI alumnus; reflects on his experience at UNI as both enjoyable and educational. The book deals with the pressure and fears of being homosexual in the 1950's.
13 Politics put a black eye on Olympics
Northern Iowan 110:34, p.6
This year's Winter Olympics features a lot of controversy over Russian laws on homosexual rights. Safety is a top concern for athletes. Participants are cautioned about wearing team colors outside of events due to potential terrorist attacks.
14 Miller presents 'Self!' to UNI: Artist gives intimate performance about identity
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.6
Tim Miller gave a performance entitled, "Performance! Body! Self!" for an audience at UNI. Miller's performance was an artistic description of his life. The audience responded well to the performance; photo.
15 Internationally acclaimed performance artist to present 'lecture & rant' at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2013:133, p.1
Performance artist Tim Miller will perform an opinionated rant about identity, culture wars, and homosexuality. Miller offers an interesting perspective on self identification.
16 Heterosexism still prominent among college students
Northern Iowan 110:9, p.1
Heterosexism may be on the decline, but it is a mistake to think it is no longer a problem. However, UNI is taking steps in the right by opening the LGBT center; photo.
17 Protest incites student response
Northern Iowan 109:53, p.1
Protesters from Missionaries to the Pre-Born gathered outside of the Maucker Union to protest abortion and homosexuality. Groups of students opposed this protest and formed their own counter-protest group, photo.
18 A Christian perspective on gay marriage
Northern Iowan 109:48, p.4
Says the "hot topic" is currently gay marriage. When people began changing their profile picture on Facebook to the red equal sign, those who did not were labeled as bigots. This is not fair. Someone opposing your views does not make them an enemy.
19 Hopkins shares experiences with DADT
Northern Iowan 109:46, p.1
As a part of Pride Week, Mr. John Hopkins came to speak about his discharge from the military as a result of his homosexuality. Many of the audience members were surprised to hear that he was not mad at the military for discharging him.
20 HRC logo floods social media sites
Northern Iowan 109:46, p.1
As the Proposition 8 and Defense of Marriage Act hearings take place in front of the Supreme Court, social media is seeing a large support for equality. The red equal sign is seen all over Facebook newsfeeds, showing the call for marriage equality.
21 UNI's Professor Hill addresses homosexuality in the Bible
Northern Iowan 109:35, p.6
Professor Susan Hill gave a lecture about how the Bible addresses homosexuality. The title of her lecture was, "Homosexuality and the Bible: It's Complicated". Fellow Professor Thomas Hesse said the presentation was very informative.
22 Let us pee in peace (and choose who we live with)
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.4
Author feels students have fewer and poorer choices when it comes to the lack of open, gender-neutral housing and bathrooms.
23 Kick the ladder down
Northern Iowan 109:30, p.4
Author states it is our differences, not our sameness, that allows us to challenge the status quo and transform our world. Don't deny you difference. Emphasize it. Don't climb the ladder, but kick it down.
24 '8 the Play' brings battle over Prop 8 top life
Northern Iowan 109:29, p.4
Article discusses the UNI Student Theatre Association's production of "8 The Play". The production depicted the process of two California couples working to overturn the landmark measure.
25 Tradition goes 'tutu' far
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.6
Student write letter explaining discomfort and disappointment with Arthur Murder portion of Men's Glee Club Christmas Variety Show. Discusses negative implications and discrimination against non-traditional gender roles.
26 Wahls gives speech about importance of marriage
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.7
New student organization, UNI One Iowa, president comments on speech by Iowa LGBT activist Zach Wahls. Article outlines importances of marriage and discussion of equality of marriage in Iowa.
27 Promoting 'NOH8' at UNI
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.2
NOH8 event encourages students to stand up for targets of hate, specifically lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, at UNI. Students speak about support for the NOH8 event and effects on the campus community; photo.
28 Don't get comfortable
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.4
Column advises not to let recent political triumph cause us to turn a blind eye or deaf ear to the actions of the present government. Democratic victory is a relief, but is not end of the struggles we face as a nation.
29 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.6
Column expresses the author's definition of glamour and grit.
30 UNI Cycling Club members (and their bikes) don costumes for Halloween ride
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.10
31 LGBT Center committee responds to anti-Center campus posters
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.6
Student responds to anti-LGBT letters posted on campus and social media. Addresses the need for an LGBT Center to educate the campus community.
32 Students strut at Drag-a-Ganza
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.10
Photographs from UNI Proud's Halloween Drag-A-Ganza event; photo.
33 Halloween Drag-a-Ganza
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.4
UNI Proud to host drag show for Halloween.
34 Discussion is good . . . if civil
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.5
Northern Iowan staff addresses concern with responses to past articles. Encourages students to be civil, appropriate, and respectful in future interactions.
35 DOMA is not a true defense of marriage
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.6
Author speaks against anti-gay sentiments. Supports same-sex couples lifestyles and contributions to society. Readers encouraged to think more openly and stop discrimination.
36 In response to the anti-LGBT-center letters posted in campus buildings
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.7
Expresses concern with letters against LGBT center development. Author speaks out for homosexual couples and addresses hypocrisy of other student organizations.
37 Angry? Talk to your NISG senators
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.7
Summary of letters posted against the formation of an LGBT center. Students encouraged to share concerns with their NISG senators. URL given to find list of NISG senators online.
38 'Invisible War' screening at UNI brings to light the struggle of military sexual assault victims
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.1
Documentary film about victims of rape in the military was shown at Lang Hall. Nearly two hundred people in attendance for screening of film and panel discussion; photo.
39 YES to Wiggins-YES to justice
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.4
Analysis of Justice David Wiggins position in Iowa Supreme Court. Discusses importance of upholding equal rights and abiding by Iowa Constitution.
40 LGBT Suicide and Hate Crime Vigil
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.9
UNI Proud sponsors vigil for fight against hate and injustice.
41 First lady encourages voting during grassroots event at UNI
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.1
Michelle Obama spoke to UNI students, emphasizing voting and volunteering in campaigns. Highlights President Obama's first term in office. Senator Harkin and Representative Braley also spoke to students; photo.
42 We're here, we're queer and we need an LGBT center
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.3
Column urges improvement of services offered to LGBT students. Expresses concerns of LGBT students in regard to safety and environment. Encourages students to get involved and support this effort.
43 UNI Proud hosts first small group spectrum of 2012-13 school year
Northern Iowan 109:8, p.4
Meeting involved breakout sessions led my two veteran members of the group. Labeling was the main theme of the discussion. Those in attendance shared how they had lost friends and even family when they announced their sexual preferences.
44 UNI Proud hosts first-ever "Queer Monologues"
Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.7
Inspired by the "Vagina Monologues", the show is aimed at sending the message that it is OK to be who you are. The majority of the show included honest stories, written and performed by the same person.
45 Rethinking social change
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.4
The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and his fight for equality can be used today as we discuss the gay rights movement; photo.
46 What I learned from Rick Santorum
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.4
Rick Santorum stated that in every society, marriage has always been defined as between a man and a woman; writer believes Mr. Santorum is entitled to his opinion, but urges students to visit with those of differing views; photo.
47 Voting for justice(s)
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.5
The Family Leader taken to task for 2010 campaign to vote out Iowa Supreme Court judges. Persons voting today urged to vote for leaders who have integrity and courage.
48 Debating in vain
Northern Iowan 108:9, p.3
Reasons for not supporting gay marriage presented.
49 Marriage equality is at risk
Northern Iowan 108:9, p.3
With the appointment of Swati Dandekar, her senate spot is up for a special election. Liz Mathis is the Democratic candidate. If you wins the Democrats will hold the majority in the Iowa Senate.
50 New York's historical vote
Northern Iowan 107:58, p.3
Believes that the passage of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in New York is a positive step forward for the country. New York is the largest state to offer same-sex marriages; photo.