Hutchison--Jennie G. (Class of 1901; Latin Faculty)

Displaying 51 - 100 of 115 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 The ladies of the faculty closed their tennis tournament Friday afternoon
Normal Eyte 17:8, p.126
Jennie Hutchison won the tournament.
52 The following members of the Normal faculty attended the teacher's conference
Normal Eyte 17:7, p.111
Many faculty attended the meeting in Cedar Rapids.
53 Miss Hutchinson
Normal Eyte 17:7, p.111
Visited Iowa City.
54 A picnic in the woods
Normal Eyte 17:6, p.95
A number of faculty enjoyed a Saturday picnic.
55 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.79
Visited Waterloo.
56 Friday evening
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.563
Neos hold reception.
57 Society
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.556
Alphas enjoyed a marine program; Orios held their usual meeting; Neos held annual reception.
58 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 16:30, p.479
Visited parents in Monmouth, Illinois.
59 During vacation
Normal Eyte 16:13, p.205
Jennie Hutchison visited Monmouth, Illinois.
60 One evening last week
Normal Eyte 16:6, p.93
Laura Seals entertained friends.
61 Last Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 16:4, p.62
Professors Rice, Hutchison, and Baker entertained new faculty.
62 Saturday
Normal Eyte 16:3, p.45
Misses Carter, Paffendorf, Bowman, Gregg, Hutchison, Childs, Bundy, and Mr. and Mrs. Cable spent the day at Big Woods.
63 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 16:1, p.7
Spent three weeks in Winnipeg.
64 The Hutchinsons hev moved away
Normal Eyte 15:14, p.224
Poem reflects author's sentiment of missing Jennie Hutchison.
65 A few evenings before the close of the last term
Normal Eyte 15:14, p.223
Jennie Hutchison gave waffle supper for friends.
66 The latter part of Miss Hutchison's summer vacation
Normal Eyte 15:1, p.15
Visited South Dakota.
67 Tennis tournament; Miss Hanson defeats Miss Hemsworth in the finals
Normal Eyte 14:34, p.539
Women play singles and doubles matches.
68 Dr. Grace Steele
Normal Eyte 14:31, p.490
Visited Jennie Hutchison.
69 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 14:25, p.399
Visited Monmouth, Illinois.
70 Miss Oliver
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.334
Gave birthday party.
71 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 14:16, p.253
Miss Hutchison stayed in town for Christmas.
72 Miss Seals
Normal Eyte 14:11, p.175
Laura Seals hosted party for her students.
73 Professor Hutchison
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.46
Miss Hutchison was visited by her father.
74 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.410
Entertained friends.
75 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 13:25, p.396
Sister visiting.
76 Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.192
Margaret Oliver entertained football team.
77 Maggie Robertson and Mrs. Kennedy
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.141
Visited Jennie Hutchison.
78 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.75
Rented house on Franklin Street.
79 Chas. Ball
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.555
Visited Jennie Hutchison.
80 Miss Philipps and Miss Hutchison's cousin
Normal Eyte 12:34, p.537
Miss Phillipps and Miss Goudy visited chapel.
81 Misses Seals, Hutchison, Baker and Buck
Normal Eyte 12:33, p.521
Enjoyed picnic on the river.
82 Misses Seals, Hutchinson, Oliver, and Prof. and Mrs. Parish
Normal Eyte 12:32, p.506
Entertained those who traveled to Emporia.
83 Miss Oliver
Normal Eyte 12:30, p.473
Led pep rally for athletics.
84 Miss Hutchinson
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.424
Sister visiting.
85 Many of the faculty
Normal Eyte 12:23, p.365
Visited friends during vacation.
86 Miss Drenning
Normal Eyte 12:21, p.331
Entertained friends; Jennie Hutchison also served as hostess.
87 The following are the rooms which have been assigned
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.316
Classrooms assigned to literary societies.
88 Mr. Arthur Holden
Normal Eyte 12:18, p.280
Visited campus.
89 Miss Hutchinson
Normal Eyte 12:15, p.235
Visited Fonda, Cherokee, and Des Moines.
90 The prayer meeting topic
Normal Eyte 12:13, p.203
Jennnie Hutchison presented practical religion.
91 Miss Hutchinson
Normal Eyte 12:12, p.186
Visited Albert Lea.
92 Misses Seals and Hutchinson
Normal Eyte 12:6, p.91
Attended services in Waterloo.
93 In general; candidates for graduation in June
Normal Eyte 11:32, p.783
Roster of members of the June 1901 graduating classes.
94 Latin in the summer school
Normal Eyte 10:22, p.537
Myra Call will teach an advanced course in Virgil.
95 Miss Call
Normal Eyte 10:14, p.337
How the faculty spent the Christmas vacation.
96 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.287
Some of the faculty left campus for Thanksgiving.
97 Miss Hutchison
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.12
Visited South Dakota.
98 Official
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.636
Mary Simmons will teach English at the Normal School; news of other additions to the faculty; street railway loop to College Hill considered; new departments to be organized; faculty promoted; summer session fees decreased.
99 Robert Caldwell
Normal Eyte 9:21, p.498
Entered school.
100 The faculty enjoyed the holidays
Normal Eyte 9:14, p.333
Brief summary of faculty holiday activities.