
Displaying 201 - 226 of 226 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Truman Manship has accepted a teaching and coaching job for next year
Public Relations News Release 1934:566, p.1
202 Don Klotz accepted a teaching and coaching position for next year
Public Relations News Release 1934:565, p.1
203 Francis Flanagan accepted teaching and coaching job
Public Relations News Release 1934:564, p.1
204 Claire Kraft has accepted a position as teacher and coach next year
Public Relations News Release 1934:563, p.1
205 1934 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.151
The "TC" Club was formed in 1927; purpose and officers; photo.
206 Athletic clubs play hosts at gym fun fest
College Eye 25:27, p.4
250 attend play night.
207 Play night to attract many to fieldhouse; first annual co-educational night is sponsored by "I" Club, W.A.A.
College Eye 25:26, p.1
208 Letter winners to be initiated at "I" Club meeting Jan. 17
College Eye 25:26, p.1
209 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Officers, history, purpose, and members; organized in 1927 when athletic letter changes from TC to I; photos.
210 'I' Club to elect 1933-1934 officers
College Eye 24:33, p.4
211 'I' Club men plan Friday night dance
College Eye 24:29, p.4
212 'I' Club holds place of honor; Bartlett Hall to give dance and party
College Eye 24:26, p.3
Campus social calendar.
213 Quartet will entertain at 'I' Club carnival; faculty-student kitten ball game to be feature of program
College Eye 24:26, p.1
Will feature many kinds of activities.
214 Kittenball scheduled for 'I' Club carnival
College Eye 24:25, p.4
I-Club carnival taking place. Kittenball faculty team will play the I-Club. The carnival will have many activities.
215 Latham discusses coaching problems as "I" Club meeting
College Eye 24:25, p.1
Talks about the difficulties a small town athletics coach will face.
216 'I' Club plans carnival night; dancing, swimming, cards, contests to feature program
College Eye 24:24, p.1
Will include many activities including mixed swimming.
217 Oscar Johnson appointed student manager of intramural basketball
Public Relations News Release 1932:244, p.1
Oscar Johnson was appointed student manager of intramural basketball by L. L. Mendenhall.
218 Program of social events is superseded by annual Tutor Tickler performance
College Eye 24:18, p.3
Campus social calendar.
219 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
Roster of officers and members of the "I" Club.
220 Crowd attends first dance sponsored by major letter winners
College Eye 23:37, p.3
221 Major "I" men sponsor first dance tonight; Art Biddinger and his band of Cedar Rapids replace Lloyd Wells, originally reported engaged
College Eye 23:36, p.1
222 "I" Club gives dance Friday; letter winners book Lloyd Well's eleven-piece band for student dance
College Eye 23:35, p.1
223 Don Cole
Public Relations News Release 1931:191, p.1
Selected as one of twenty most popular according to Old Gold.
224 Wayne Johnson, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1931:192, p.1
Selected as one of twenty most popular according to Old Gold.
225 Men's athletic plant improved
Alumnus 14:4, p.21
T. C. Club Room on second floor of Men's Gym opened; north section of football practice field filled and leveled; new goal and flag posts installed; new parking area and ticket office built.
226 Editorial
College Eye 8:11, p.4
Various thoughts from the College Eye.