Ice Skating

Displaying 51 - 100 of 106 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Saturday becomes winter sports time
College Eye 36:17, p.3
Students enjoy Prexy's Pond; photo.
52 Annual ice carnival planned for next week
College Eye 36:17, p.1
At Prexy's Pond.
53 Skiing supplies credit for fun loving co-eds
College Eye 36:15, p.3
Professor Short teaches a winter sports class.
54 The Line
College Eye 36:12, p.4
Campus news and gossip.
55 The campus parade
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Summary of the school year; photo.
56 The campus parade
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
57 Carl Westerling's skaters feature of Winter Frolic
College Eye 33:20, p.3
Description of the skating entertainment.
58 Winter Frolic Saturday night
College Eye 33:19, p.3
Entertainment at Prexy's Pond.
59 Winter frolic features fancy ice skating
College Eye 33:18, p.3
Dorms will present skits.
60 "Winter wonderland" returns
College Eye 30:20, p.1
Roskopf and Messersmith enjoy ice skating; photo.
61 Called Shots
College Eye 29:9, p.6
Encourages administration to prepare a pond on which students can ice skate.
62 Dig out your red flannels and skates; ice carnival soon
College Eye 28:20, p.3
To be held at Prexy's Pond.
63 Untitled
Alumnus 21:1, p.
Students preparing to go ice skating; photo.
64 Survey to be conducted by experts soon
College Eye 28:12, p.4
Of physical education departments; students skating on new pond.
65 Bullfrogs, snipes are busy moving into campus home
College Eye 27:4, p.1
Description of the new pond; measures about 50 X 80 yards; depth will be about four feet; will hold 525,000 gallons of water.
66 January
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Photo of students preparing to ice skate.
67 Construct campus "classroom" for canoeing classes
College Eye 27:1, p.2
Description of what will be called Prexy's Pond.
68 Panther Tales
College Eye 23:26, p.4
Talks briefly about wrestling, Teachers College High School basketball, intramurals, and a possible ice skating rink west of Bartlett Hall.
69 Students forget lessons; skate at park tonight; first college Ice Carnival to be staged at Washington Park skating rink; plan interclass contests
College Eye 21:16, p.1
Lots of fun promised at winter carnival.
70 "Skate awhile for fun" shout students on way
College Eye 21:15, p.1
Will hold winter carnival at Washington Park.
71 A new type of collegiate social activity
Public Relations News Release 1929:144, p.1
Student Council announced that an ice carnival will be held at Washington Park.
72 Many of the students have been skating
College Eye 10:7, p.3
The ice is not very thick but is good enough.
73 A skating rink?
College Eye 9:10, p.4
Believes that a skating rink would be a benefit to students attending Teachers College.
74 Student Council
College Eye 8:14, p.3
News from Student Council meeting; hope to have ice skating rink; planning to write constitution.
75 The skating rink suggestion
College Eye 8:14, p.8
Athletic field will be flooded to make a rink.
76 Juniors had a grand time
College Eye 7:14, p.2
Junior class holds skating party.
77 Jasper Thompson
College Eye 3:16, p.278
Informed that his brother drowned while ice skating.
78 Miss Nell Kinney
College Eye 3:15, p.264
Hosted a party for some of her friends.
79 The matter of flooding our athletic field
Normal Eyte 21:16, p.283
Trying to find equipment to flood field for skating.
80 Miss Whitney
Normal Eyte 8:20, p.280
Had skating accident.
81 Twas good skating weather
Normal Eyte 8:14, p.196
82 Skating is now a favorite amusement
Normal Eyte 8:12, p.169
83 Athletic; Athletic Association
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.42
History of athletics at the school; current athletic records.
84 Where is our skating pond
Normal Eyte 7:14, p.170
Proposes creating pond on Dry Run Creek.
85 Dame nature
Normal Eyte 6:22, p.261
Alternating thaw and freeze makes for good skating conditions.
86 The skating rink
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.224
Has not worked out this year.
87 Frequent were the visits
Normal Eyte 6:13, p.152
Students enjoy skating on Cedar River.
88 A great many
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.129
Enjoyed ice skating.
89 Athletic Department
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.126
Skating rink just about completed; ISNS defeats Cedar Valley Seminary, 12-0; second team defeats Reinbeck, 28-10.
90 The snowstorm of last week
Normal Eyte 6:9, p.98
Urges students to support a skating rink again this year.
91 Athletic Department
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.353
Report on athletic activities for 1895-1896, including report on first football team.
92 Moonlight nights
Normal Eyte 5:17, p.154
Students enjoying winter weather.
93 The skating pond
Normal Eyte 5:16, p.143
Students enjoying the skating.
94 What is the latest illustration
Normal Eyte 5:15, p.132
Enjoying skating pond.
95 We are going to have a skating pond
Normal Eyte 5:13, p.113
Preparing rink on Hill.
96 Seek not the river too frequently
Normal Eyte 5:12, p.106
Ice not thick enough for skating.
97 Get out your coasters and your skates
Normal Eyte 5:10, p.77
Snow is coming.
98 Skating must be fine now
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.218
Many head for the river.
99 As we sat busily working last Saturday
Normal Eyte 4:12, p.187
Would like to have time to go skating.
100 Don't miss the skating
Normal Eyte 3:15, p.119
Some exercise will help with the studying.