Kappa Theta Psi

Displaying 451 - 500 of 660 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
451 Kappa Theta Psi will dance at Sunnyside
College Eye 24:30, p.3
452 Alpha Chi and A. D. A's are popular men; Dahl, Colburn, and Howell win in women's contest
College Eye 24:28, p.1
Results of popularity contests.
453 Sororities, fraternities fill week with rushing, pledging, initiation activities
College Eye 24:25, p.3
Campus social calendar.
454 Fraternity and Sorority initiations
Public Relations News Release 1932:274, p.1
Pledging and initiation ceremonies were held last week for thirty-six students.
455 Eleventh annual Washington Ball tonight comes as climax to winter social events
College Eye 24:21, p.3
Campus social calendar.
456 Seventh week of term draws to close with sorority dances and supper parties
College Eye 24:17, p.3
Campus social calendar.
457 Ella Cole to marry Ed. Lambert
College Eye 24:13, p.5
458 Fall dances and house parties are features of week-end social events
College Eye 24:8, p.3
Campus social calendar.
459 College organizations honor former students at Homecoming festivities
College Eye 24:7, p.3
Campus social calendar.
460 The Alpha Beta Gamma sorority
Public Relations News Release 1932:59, p.1
Eleven sororities pledge eighty-five women; list of women provided.
461 Elections of sorority pledge officers marks sixth week of autumn quarter
College Eye 24:6, p.3
Campus social calendar; list of Greek officers.
462 Seven girls added to sorority pledge lists this week
College Eye 24:5, p.1
List of pledges.
463 Seventy-seven women students
Public Relations News Release 1932:15, p.1
Area soroities add new members; list of inductees.
464 Sorority parties for future pledges consist of teas and informal affairs
College Eye 24:3, p.3
Description of rush activities.
465 Fraternities entertain before pledging while sororities elect new officers
College Eye 24:2, p.3
Campus social calendar.
466 Untitled
College Eye 24:2, p.1
Several initiated into sororities.
467 Picnics bow out the spring term as club elections greet the new
College Eye 23:44, p.3
Campus social calendar.
468 Kappa Theta Psi
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
Names of officers and members; photos.
469 Inter-Sorority Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
Names of officers and sorority representatives; photo.
470 Four sororities elect officers for next year
College Eye 23:43, p.3
List of officers.
471 Five sorority and fraternity dances to conclude spring social program
College Eye 23:43, p.3
Campus social calendar.
472 Four fraternity and sorority dances are scheduled for this weekend
College Eye 23:39, p.3
Campus social calendar.
473 Sororities are initiating and pledging new members this week
College Eye 23:36, p.3
Campus social calendar.
474 Helen Barber, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1931:262, p.1
Made the honor roll for the first time during the winter term.
475 Kappa Theta Psi give "breakfast bridge
College Eye 23:34, p.3
476 Untitled
College Eye 23:34, p.3
Actives host pledges.
477 Delta Phi Delta winter dance and A.D.A. house party this weekend climax social events for this term
College Eye 23:32, p.3
Campus social calendar.
478 Three sororities are entertaining with dances tomorrow evening
College Eye 23:31, p.3
Campus social calendar.
479 Two fraternities will entertain at dancing parties tomorrow evening
College Eye 23:27, p.3
Campus social calendar.
480 Marcella Gutz, daughter of Mr, and Mrs John
Public Relations News Release 1931:156, p.1
Nominated as a campus beauty.
481 Kappa Theta Psi
College Eye 23:24, p.3
List of initiates.
482 Social interests flourish despite exam week; dances are planned
College Eye 23:22, p.3
Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar.
483 Kappa Theta Psi sorority will have dance tonight
College Eye 23:20, p.5
484 Sorority officers are announced for fall term
College Eye 23:18, p.5
List of officers.
485 The complete list
Public Relations News Release 1931:58, p.1
Sororities announce their officers; list of women given.
486 Eleven students from Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 1931:56, p.1
Area women students are officers of sororities.
487 Society on campus slackens its pace; sorority pledge list is announced
College Eye 23:16, p.5
Campus social calendar.
488 Cedar Falls girls
Public Relations News Release 1931:38, p.1
Area women pledge sororities.
489 Sorority pledge lists
Public Relations News Release 1931:37, p.1
Several women pledge sororities; list given.
490 Fourteen young women
Public Relations News Release 1931:39, p.1
Area women pledge sororities; list of women given.
491 Carol Akin
Alumnus 15:4, p.29
The daughter of E. Akin of Grundy Center, Iowa, married Harold Alberts, son of Otto Alberts, of Reinbeck, Iowa. They will reside in Reinbeck.
492 Sorority rushing events are now holding full sway on the campus
College Eye 23:14, p.5
Campus social calendar.
493 Untitled
College Eye 23:1, p.2
Kappa Theta Psi has picnic.
494 Untitled
College Eye 23:1, p.2
Kappa Theta Psi had dinner.
495 Kappa Theta Psi
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Honorary members, sorores on faculty, sorores in college, and pledges; photo.
496 Wilhelmine Haley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Haley
Public Relations News Release 1930:420, p.1
Chosen as on of the "campus leaders."
497 Helen Swedberg, (pictured above)
Public Relations News Release 1930:423, p.1
Named one of the "Campus Leaders."
498 Mother and Dan Cupid rate high in college society this week
College Eye 22:30, p.5
Campus social calendar.
499 "If there is society we want the news," says society editor
College Eye 22:25, p.5
Campus social calendar.
500 One hundred and fifty collegians will dance, sing, and otherwise cavort
Public Relations News Release 1930:195, p.1
Student organizations perform in Tutor Ticklers vaudeville show.