Kappa Theta Psi
Displaying 451 - 500 of 660 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
451 | Kappa Theta Psi will dance at Sunnyside College Eye 24:30, p.3 |
452 | Alpha Chi and A. D. A's are popular men; Dahl, Colburn, and Howell win in women's contest College Eye 24:28, p.1 |
Results of popularity contests. | |
453 | Sororities, fraternities fill week with rushing, pledging, initiation activities College Eye 24:25, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
454 | Fraternity and Sorority initiations Public Relations News Release 1932:274, p.1 |
Pledging and initiation ceremonies were held last week for thirty-six students. | |
455 | Eleventh annual Washington Ball tonight comes as climax to winter social events College Eye 24:21, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
456 | Seventh week of term draws to close with sorority dances and supper parties College Eye 24:17, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
457 | Ella Cole to marry Ed. Lambert College Eye 24:13, p.5 |
458 | Fall dances and house parties are features of week-end social events College Eye 24:8, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
459 | College organizations honor former students at Homecoming festivities College Eye 24:7, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
460 | The Alpha Beta Gamma sorority Public Relations News Release 1932:59, p.1 |
Eleven sororities pledge eighty-five women; list of women provided. | |
461 | Elections of sorority pledge officers marks sixth week of autumn quarter College Eye 24:6, p.3 |
Campus social calendar; list of Greek officers. | |
462 | Seven girls added to sorority pledge lists this week College Eye 24:5, p.1 |
List of pledges. | |
463 | Seventy-seven women students Public Relations News Release 1932:15, p.1 |
Area soroities add new members; list of inductees. | |
464 | Sorority parties for future pledges consist of teas and informal affairs College Eye 24:3, p.3 |
Description of rush activities. | |
465 | Fraternities entertain before pledging while sororities elect new officers College Eye 24:2, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
466 | Untitled College Eye 24:2, p.1 |
Several initiated into sororities. | |
467 | Picnics bow out the spring term as club elections greet the new College Eye 23:44, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
468 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.255 |
Names of officers and members; photos. | |
469 | Inter-Sorority Council Old Gold 0:0, p.250 |
Names of officers and sorority representatives; photo. | |
470 | Four sororities elect officers for next year College Eye 23:43, p.3 |
List of officers. | |
471 | Five sorority and fraternity dances to conclude spring social program College Eye 23:43, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
472 | Four fraternity and sorority dances are scheduled for this weekend College Eye 23:39, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
473 | Sororities are initiating and pledging new members this week College Eye 23:36, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
474 | Helen Barber, of this city Public Relations News Release 1931:262, p.1 |
Made the honor roll for the first time during the winter term. | |
475 | Kappa Theta Psi give "breakfast bridge College Eye 23:34, p.3 |
476 | Untitled College Eye 23:34, p.3 |
Actives host pledges. | |
477 | Delta Phi Delta winter dance and A.D.A. house party this weekend climax social events for this term College Eye 23:32, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
478 | Three sororities are entertaining with dances tomorrow evening College Eye 23:31, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
479 | Two fraternities will entertain at dancing parties tomorrow evening College Eye 23:27, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
480 | Marcella Gutz, daughter of Mr, and Mrs John Public Relations News Release 1931:156, p.1 |
Nominated as a campus beauty. | |
481 | Kappa Theta Psi College Eye 23:24, p.3 |
List of initiates. | |
482 | Social interests flourish despite exam week; dances are planned College Eye 23:22, p.3 |
Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar. | |
483 | Kappa Theta Psi sorority will have dance tonight College Eye 23:20, p.5 |
484 | Sorority officers are announced for fall term College Eye 23:18, p.5 |
List of officers. | |
485 | The complete list Public Relations News Release 1931:58, p.1 |
Sororities announce their officers; list of women given. | |
486 | Eleven students from Cedar Falls Public Relations News Release 1931:56, p.1 |
Area women students are officers of sororities. | |
487 | Society on campus slackens its pace; sorority pledge list is announced College Eye 23:16, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
488 | Cedar Falls girls Public Relations News Release 1931:38, p.1 |
Area women pledge sororities. | |
489 | Sorority pledge lists Public Relations News Release 1931:37, p.1 |
Several women pledge sororities; list given. | |
490 | Fourteen young women Public Relations News Release 1931:39, p.1 |
Area women pledge sororities; list of women given. | |
491 | Carol Akin Alumnus 15:4, p.29 |
The daughter of E. Akin of Grundy Center, Iowa, married Harold Alberts, son of Otto Alberts, of Reinbeck, Iowa. They will reside in Reinbeck. | |
492 | Sorority rushing events are now holding full sway on the campus College Eye 23:14, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
493 | Untitled College Eye 23:1, p.2 |
Kappa Theta Psi has picnic. | |
494 | Untitled College Eye 23:1, p.2 |
Kappa Theta Psi had dinner. | |
495 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.253 |
Honorary members, sorores on faculty, sorores in college, and pledges; photo. | |
496 | Wilhelmine Haley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Haley Public Relations News Release 1930:420, p.1 |
Chosen as on of the "campus leaders." | |
497 | Helen Swedberg, (pictured above) Public Relations News Release 1930:423, p.1 |
Named one of the "Campus Leaders." | |
498 | Mother and Dan Cupid rate high in college society this week College Eye 22:30, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
499 | "If there is society we want the news," says society editor College Eye 22:25, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
500 | One hundred and fifty collegians will dance, sing, and otherwise cavort Public Relations News Release 1930:195, p.1 |
Student organizations perform in Tutor Ticklers vaudeville show. |