Kimberlin--Kenneth E. (Class of 1935)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 174 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 The Iowa Teachers basketeers meet against Luther College Norsemen
Public Relations News Release 1932:211, p.1
The basketball team will play the Luther College Norsemen on January 18. Coach Fritzel is encouraged by the improvement his team has made but feels that the team will have to work to win.
102 The Panthers go to Iowa conference competition.
Public Relations News Release 1932:216, p.1
On January 27, the Panthers meet Parsons College in basketball. The Panthers are tied with St. Ambrose; both are undefeated and in the first place conference standings.
103 Basketball players prepare for game
Public Relations News Release 1932:366, p.1
College players meet their last non-conference foe on Thursday night.
104 Coach Melvin Fritzel's Iowa State Teachers College cagers
Public Relations News Release 1932:195, p.1
Basketball team prepares for match with Columbia.
105 Panthers on mythical eleven
Alumnus 17:1, p.20
Roster of football players on all-conference teams.
106 Varsity men get grid letters
Alumnus 17:1, p.22
Roster of men who won letters in football for 1932.
107 Basketball schedule
Public Relations News Release 1932:190, p.1
Men's basketball team announces this season's schedule and team members.
108 The Iowa State Teachers College basketball squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:192, p.1
Panthers prepare for January 2 match against Iowa State.
109 The Iowa State Teachers College basketball squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:198, p.1
After a short holiday recess, team prepares for match against Iowa State on January 2.
110 Three seniors, veterans of two previous campaigns
Public Relations News Release 1932:186, p.1
Starting lineup for men's basketball team announced.
111 The Iowa State Teachers College football squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:144, p.1
Finished the season with five wins, three losses, and one tie.
112 With victories already recorded against Columbia, Coe, and Grinnell
Public Relations News Release 1932:141, p.1
Basketball team prepares for a retun game against Grinnell.
113 The Iowa State Teachers College baskeball squad.
Public Relations News Release 1932:132, p.1
First game of the season is against Columbia College.
114 Letter winner are announced; twenty varsity men and eighteen frosh will receive awards
College Eye 24:12, p.4
Football players will receive their letters.
115 Coaches name Duea for guard position on mythical eleven
College Eye 24:12, p.1
Virgil Duea was selected for first all-Iowa conference football team.
116 The fighting Iowa State Teachers College Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1932:124, p.1
Final football game of the season is against Coe.
117 The Iowa State Teachers College Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1932:117, p.1
Football team prepares for Dad's Day match against Michigan State Normal.
118 The Iowa State Teachers Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1932:112, p.1
Football team gears up for Dad's Day match against Michigan State Normal.
119 When the Iowa State Teachers College eleven
Public Relations News Release 1932:108, p.1
Last game of the season is against Luther; collegiate careers over for six men.
120 In their final grid encounter of the season
Public Relations News Release 1932:105, p.1
Football team's last game of the season is against Luther College on Dad's Day.
121 A victory over Michigan State Normal
Public Relations News Release 1932:99, p.1
Football team plays the Ypsilanti, Michigan, school this week.
122 Pictured here are four men
Public Relations News Release 1932:96, p.1
Will play in upcoming game against Michigan State Normal College.
123 Pictured here are three Panther regulars
Public Relations News Release 1932:77, p.1
Will play in the Homecoming game.
124 The State Teachers grid camp
Public Relations News Release 1932:75, p.1
Injuries weaken football team.
125 Twelve veterans of the Iowa State Teachers College grid squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:125, p.1
Collegiate career ends for twelve footballers.
126 The injury jinx
Public Relations News Release 1932:51, p.1
Sports injuries change football team's starting line up.
127 A contest which promises to have a distinct bearing
Public Relations News Release 1932:46, p.1
Football team ready for upcoming match against Sioux City's Morningside College.
128 With another game safely chalked up
Public Relations News Release 1932:35, p.1
Football team's next match is against Western State Teachers College of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
129 With but three days in which to shape his eleven
Public Relations News Release 1932:30, p.1
Coach Baker unhappy with team performance; announces extra scrimmages sessions.
130 Final drill in offensive tactics
Public Relations News Release 1932:29, p.1
Football team plays Luther College this Friday.
131 These two Iowa State Teachers College gridders
Public Relations News Release 1932:34, p.1
Football team plays Western State Teachers College of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
132 The old jinx of injuries
Public Relations News Release 1932:24, p.1
Two players' injuries are mild enough to allow them to play in the Cornell game.
133 Gridders set for nine game schedule
Alumnus 16:4, p.16
1932 football season preview.
134 With the opening grid date but five days away
Public Relations News Release 1932:16, p.1
Football team plays Columbia this week.
135 Two classes to elect councilmen; all-college vote will elect sophomore for place on council
College Eye 24:3, p.1
List of candidates.
136 A number of new faces
Public Relations News Release 1932:13, p.1
Football team plays Penn; starting lineup changes.
137 With the return of one more regular
Public Relations News Release 1932:11, p.1
Kenneth Kimberlin returns to ISTC.
138 The Iowa State Teachers gridders
Public Relations News Release 1932:8, p.1
Football team's first game of the season is at Columbia, in Dubuque.
139 Thirteen lettermen to report for football
Alumnus 16:3, p.19
1933 football season preview.
140 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
Names and photos of members of the football team; poem.
141 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
Roster of officers and members of the "I" Club.
142 Prospects bright for coming grid season
Alumnus 16:2, p.20
1932 season preview; fourteen lettermen will return.
143 Panther Tales
College Eye 23:27, p.4
Comments on Kenneth Kimberlin's injuries, intramural bulletin board, men's basketball, Keith Stapley, and Maynard Harman.
144 Kimberlin continues to improve after two weeks hospital rest
College Eye 23:24, p.4
Recovering from nasal hemorrhages.
145 Panthers beat Coe in season's final for third victory; Kimberlin runs sixty yards for lone touchdown of the game
College Eye 23:23, p.3
ISTC defeated Coe College, 6-0.
146 Panthers lose five contests in 1931 season; Coach Whitford's men beat Columbia, Penn, and Coe College
College Eye 23:23, p.3
ISTC finished the 1931 season with five losses and three wins; photo.
147 Football star fights for life; Kimberlin has transfusion at hospital; condition reported critical
College Eye 23:23, p.1
Suffering from severe nose bleeding; photo.
148 Nineteen members of the Iowa State Teachers College football squad
Public Relations News Release 1931:127, p.1
Receive letters; this is the second or third letter for ten of them.
149 When Western State Teachers of Kalamazoo
Public Relations News Release 1931:103, p.1
Football team prepares for Homecoming match this Saturday.
150 Coach "Munn" Whitford
Public Relations News Release 1931:92, p.1
Football team plays Simpson this weekend; team riddled with injuries.