Koob--Robert D. (Class of 1962; President of UNI)

Displaying 251 - 300 of 686 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Budget crunch
Northern Iowa Today 86:2, p.2
A look at recent budget cuts; administrators offer views of the effects of the budget cuts; photo.
252 Salaries: United Faculty, UNI administration negotiations reach pay decision
Northern Iowan 98:58, p.1
The negotiated rate of 5.6% will go into effect on November 1, 2002, rather than the previously agreed to date of July 1, 2002.
253 UNI reinstates women's swimming and tennis
Public Relations News Release 2001:530, p.1
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice had indicated an intent to file lawsuit, on behalf of UNI women athletes, against the university contending non-compliance of Title IX.
254 UNI Gallery of Art to present works from the Koob residence June 10 - Aug. 4
Public Relations News Release 2001:519, p.1
Pieces on display from the Koob residence from the previous year will be included in display.
255 University of Northern Iowa to cut public service and economic development programs
Public Relations News Release 2001:497, p.1
Cuts are made in anticipation of further reductions in the fiscal year 2003 budget.
256 UNI news conference tomorrow
Public Relations News Release 2001:495, p.1
Budget reductions for FY2003 will be discussed.
257 UNI names student employees of the year
Public Relations News Release 2001:461, p.1
Four students were named Student Employees of the Year on April 11.
258 Untitled
Campus News Network 12:17, p.2
President Koob discusses budget concerns; photo.
259 UNI on the prowl for solutions
Northern Iowan 98:51, p.1
Robert Koob spoke at an all-campus meeting to inform UNI community members about the effects of the budget cuts; photo.
260 NU group battles potential closing; parents, teachers appeal to Regents
Northern Iowan 98:45, p.1
The NU Parents and Teachers in Partnership plans to use legal means to take the issue of closing NU High to the Iowa Board of Regents.
261 State legislature hits UNI with more cuts; early retirement programs, equipment purchases crippled by recent budget reduction
Northern Iowan 98:43, p.1

According to President Koob, the latest budget cut will take an additional $1.5 million from the UNI budget.

262 UNI honors voice professor
Public Relations News Release 2001:347, p.1
Darryl Taylor will be honored for his accomplishments during an event in the Commons ballroom.
263 Check presented to panther athletics
Northern Iowan 98:39, p.14
The UNI Athletic Club donates $1,118,818.00 to the athletic program; photo.
264 Koob cooks 'em up
Campus News Network 12:13, p.2
Presidents Koob prepares omelets for the senior class; photo.
265 Price Lab High School to close in '03; UNI forms partnership with CF, Waterloo schools
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.1
The Northern University High School will be closed due partly to the state's budget cuts in education.
266 Student body strong, despite trying times
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.1
Adam Briddell comments that the student body has remained strong in the midst of difficult situations like terrorism, tuition increases, and violence against women.
267 Malcolm Price Laboratory School to partner with Cedar Falls Schools for grades 10-12
Public Relations News Release 2001:315, p.1
The UNI College of Education is forming a Professional Development School partnership with Cedar Falls and Waterloo Schools, and will shift the teaching of MPLS grades 10-12 in 2003.
268 Koob's office finds new home
Northern Iowan 98:29, p.1
Offices have been shifted so that eventually Gilchrist Hall will become an "Integrated Student Services Center"; President and Provost are now in Seerley Hall.
269 Students First; campaign's Cedar Valley phase undertaken this fall
Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.8
Mr. and Mrs. Koob make $100,000 gift; review of purposes of the campaign.
270 UNI accreditation continued
Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.16
By North Central Association.
271 Untitled
Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.
President Koob addresses the university's budget difficulties; photo.
272 Good news despite tough times
Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.2
A review of the university's current achievements against a backdrop of budget difficulties; photo.
273 President's move
Campus News Network 12:9, p.1
The president's office moved to Seerley Hall last week; photo.
274 Controversial play stirs emotions
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.1
The play "Corpus Christi" is sponsored by the UNI Student Theatre Association; photo.
275 Priority registering granted for athletes
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.1
The UNI Registrar's office is developing a 'plan of study' which they hope will make registration more convenient for all students; photo.
276 UNI remains respected
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.3
The North Central Association of Colleges and Universities of Higher Learning Commission sees UNI as a model for other universities.
277 Fall review: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.13
Important fall events include the attacks on September 11, the 18.5 percent tuition increase, and the success of UNI athletics; photo.
278 UNI receives continued accreditation
Northern Iowan 98:27, p.2
Accreditation is based on a campus visit and an evaluation of UNI's self-study process.
279 UNI receives continued accreditation
Public Relations News Release 2001:232, p.1
The North Central Association of Colleges and Universities Higher Learning Commission continued UNI's accreditation.
280 Panther hoopsters upset Hawkeyes in the UNI-Dome
Northern Iowan 98:26, p.1
President Koob and Governor Tom Vilsack watch the UNI basketball game; photo.
281 Regents: Iowa college students will pay more
Northern Iowan 98:23, p.1
Student government officials encourage students to write to their representatives in hopes of preventing future budget cuts; tuition will rise 18.5%; photo.
282 Koob talks with the NI about big issues
Northern Iowan 98:21, p.1
President Koob discusses state budget cuts and the McLeodUSA Center; photo.
283 Adjunct professors bear brunt of cuts
Northern Iowan 98:18, p.1
University budget cuts will cause an increase in class size; photo.
284 Future of programs unsure
Northern Iowan 98:13, p.1
Board of Regents will make a final decision on tuition increases in their November meeting at UNI; photo.
285 Koob: programs could be cut
Northern Iowan 98:12, p.1
President Koob discusses the impact that proposed budget cuts will have on University services programs; photo.
286 Koob to address P&S meeting
Campus News Network 12:4, p.3
President Koob will speak about current budget situation with the Professional and Scientific Council.
287 UNI Lang Hall rededication Friday, Oct. 12
Public Relations News Release 2001:140, p.1
The rededication ceremonies for recently renovated Lang Hall will commence at 3:30 on October 12.
288 Foundation puts 'Students First'
Northern Iowan 98:10, p.4
"Students First" campaign works to help students get as much as they can out of life at UNI.
289 Koob speaks to NISG Senate to explain budget cut options
Northern Iowan 98:9, p.1
Senate needs to decide which budget cut option they would like to support.
290 UNI Foundation kicks off Cedar Valley major gift drive of "Students First" campaign
Public Relations News Release 2001:128, p.1
An on-campus rally was held by the UNI Foundation, as a part of the "Students First" campaign.
291 Iowa governor proposes $200 million budget cut
Northern Iowan 98:7, p.1
UNI administrators look at how state budget cuts will affect Iowa's universities.
292 UNI marks 25th anniversary of the UNI-Dome Sept. 29
Public Relations News Release 2001:116, p.1
LeRoy Redfern, Robert Koob, and Rick Hartzell will speak as a part of the UNI-Dome's 25th anniversary.
293 Preliminary UNI statement regarding budget proposal
Public Relations News Release 2001:113, p.1
President Robert Koob claims that if the budget proposal is passed, budget cuts will total to $12-13 million.
294 'We are a strong nation'
Northern Iowan 98:5, p.14
Students comment on a service held in Lang Hall to remember those killed in terrorist attacks on the U. S.; photo.
295 UNI ranks well in U. S. News and World mag
Northern Iowan 98:5, p.1
President Koob comments on the criteria used to rank colleges.
296 Regents may raise tuition 18%
Northern Iowan 98:5, p.1
Increased enrollment heightens the need for higher tuition.
297 In memory of those killed
Northern Iowan 98:4, p.5
UNI community gathers for a moment of silence in honor of the terrorist attack on the United States; photo.
298 'Acts of cowardice' . . . . . . shake UNI
Northern Iowan 98:4, p.1
Political science professors comment on the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D. C.; includes a timeline of events; photo.
299 Saturday celebration
Campus News Network 12:2, p.3
President Koob will be hosting a picnic for faculty, staff, and their families.
300 President makes lead gift to "Students First" campus campaign
Campus News Network 12:2, p.1
Campaign's goal is to raise money for scholarships, multi-purpose sports arena, and other capital projects.