Kraft--Claire O. (Class of 1934)

Displaying 51 - 100 of 143 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Letter and award presentation
Public Relations News Release 1932:316, p.1
The varsity and freshman basketball and wrestling teams, last falls freshman football team, freshman baseball, and numeral winners from track and tennis were honored in a special all-student assembly.
52 Annual track and field meet
Public Relations News Release 1932:296, p.1
Coach Fritzel's entire freshman squad and Coach Bender's varsity team (those who did not compete in the South Dakota relays) will compete in as many events as possible on May 4 and 5.
53 Twelve men nominated for the Drake relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:287, p.1
Bender announce the nominations of twelve track men to participate in the Drake relays in Des Moines on April 28 and 29.
54 Board of Publications elects new president
College Eye 24:25, p.1
Clair Kraft will be president.
55 Basketball players currently hold 2nd place
Public Relations News Release 1932:253, p.1
Basketball team currently hold the 2nd place position in Iowa conference basketball race. Photo
56 Basketball players still fighting for honors
Public Relations News Release 1932:254, p.1
Panthers hold second in the conference but they still are considered to be strong contenders for the conference flag.
57 Panthers head to foreign courts
Public Relations News Release 1932:240, p.1
With six conference basketball victories and no defeats, and completion of their home schedule, the basketball team will visit other schools.
58 Kraft is selected for board position
College Eye 24:16, p.1
Will replace Max Boller.
59 The Panthers go to Iowa conference competition.
Public Relations News Release 1932:216, p.1
On January 27, the Panthers meet Parsons College in basketball. The Panthers are tied with St. Ambrose; both are undefeated and in the first place conference standings.
60 The Iowa Teachers basketeers meet against Luther College Norsemen
Public Relations News Release 1932:211, p.1
The basketball team will play the Luther College Norsemen on January 18. Coach Fritzel is encouraged by the improvement his team has made but feels that the team will have to work to win.
61 Basketball players prepare for game
Public Relations News Release 1932:366, p.1
College players meet their last non-conference foe on Thursday night.
62 Coach Melvin Fritzel's Iowa State Teachers College cagers
Public Relations News Release 1932:195, p.1
Basketball team prepares for match with Columbia.
63 Varsity men get grid letters
Alumnus 17:1, p.22
Roster of men who won letters in football for 1932.
64 The Iowa State Teachers College basketball squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:198, p.1
After a short holiday recess, team prepares for match against Iowa State on January 2.
65 The Iowa State Teachers College basketball squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:192, p.1
Panthers prepare for January 2 match against Iowa State.
66 Basketball schedule
Public Relations News Release 1932:190, p.1
Men's basketball team announces this season's schedule and team members.
67 Three seniors, veterans of two previous campaigns
Public Relations News Release 1932:186, p.1
Starting lineup for men's basketball team announced.
68 David Grant and Clair Kraft
Public Relations News Release 1932:154, p.1
Both men made the honor roll for the fall term.
69 David Grant, Oelwein
Public Relations News Release 1932:145, p.1
David Grant earned straight A's for the fall term; roster of other men who made the honor roll.
70 The Iowa State Teachers College football squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:144, p.1
Finished the season with five wins, three losses, and one tie.
71 With victories already recorded against Columbia, Coe, and Grinnell
Public Relations News Release 1932:141, p.1
Basketball team prepares for a retun game against Grinnell.
72 The Iowa State Teachers College baskeball squad.
Public Relations News Release 1932:132, p.1
First game of the season is against Columbia College.
73 With their initial game of the season safely tucked away
Public Relations News Release 1932:136, p.1
Basketball team prepares for match against Grinnell.
74 The Iowa State Teachers cage five
Public Relations News Release 1932:138, p.1
Basketball team prepares for match against Coe.
75 Ten lettermen are expected for cage squad; thirteen games have been scheduled for coming season
College Eye 24:12, p.4
Six returning lettermen raise hopes for successful season.
76 The Iowa State Teachers College Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1932:117, p.1
Football team prepares for Dad's Day match against Michigan State Normal.
77 When the Iowa State Teachers College eleven
Public Relations News Release 1932:108, p.1
Last game of the season is against Luther; collegiate careers over for six men.
78 A victory over Michigan State Normal
Public Relations News Release 1932:99, p.1
Football team plays the Ypsilanti, Michigan, school this week.
79 Clair Kraft, of Oelwein
Public Relations News Release 1932:67, p.1
Will play in the Homecoming game.
80 The State Teachers grid camp
Public Relations News Release 1932:75, p.1
Injuries weaken football team.
81 Below are three regulars
Public Relations News Release 1932:79, p.1
Will play in the Homecoming game.
82 Twelve veterans of the Iowa State Teachers College grid squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:125, p.1
Collegiate career ends for twelve footballers.
83 These two men are members
Public Relations News Release 1932:63, p.1
Clair Kraft and Gale Fisher will play in the Homecoming game.
84 Pictured above are three regulars
Public Relations News Release 1932:50, p.1
Football team plays Morningside this weekend.
85 When the Iowa Teachers meet Grinnell
Public Relations News Release 1932:31, p.1
Football team plays Grinnell College.
86 Final drill in offensive tactics
Public Relations News Release 1932:29, p.1
Football team plays Luther College this Friday.
87 The old jinx of injuries
Public Relations News Release 1932:24, p.1
Two players' injuries are mild enough to allow them to play in the Cornell game.
88 Gridders set for nine game schedule
Alumnus 16:4, p.16

1932 football season preview.

89 Apparently displeased at the showing
Public Relations News Release 1932:20, p.1
Coach Baker changes his lineup; list given.
90 A number of new faces
Public Relations News Release 1932:13, p.1
Football team plays Penn; starting lineup changes.
91 The Iowa State Teachers gridders
Public Relations News Release 1932:8, p.1
Football team's first game of the season is at Columbia, in Dubuque.
92 Prospects for a strong line were a bit brighter
Public Relations News Release 1932:3, p.1
Some letter winners return to ISTC.
93 Thirteen lettermen to report for football
Alumnus 16:3, p.19
1933 football season preview.
94 Sophomore B. A. and B. S.
Old Gold 0:0, p.89

Photo and roster of the Class of 1934.

95 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
Names and photos of members of the football team.
96 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Description of the 1931-32 basketball season; photo of coach and team members.
97 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Photos and names of members of the basketball team; schedule of games.
98 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
Roster of officers and members of the "I" Club.
99 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.243
Names of officers and members; photo.
100 Prospects for a powerful Iowa State Teachers College track team
Public Relations News Release 1931:287, p.1
Rainy weather forces track team indoors; other problems for the team include tracksters who graduated last year.