Displaying 501 - 544 of 544 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Studio broadcasts
Northern Iowan 72:22, p.5
Schedule of live folk performances.
502 Support KHKE/KUNI "Public Radio Week"
Northern Iowan 72:22, p.2
The Northern Iowan staff urges students to support their local radio stations.
503 Public Radio Week underway
Northern Iowan 72:21, p.1
504 Friends and phones
Northern Iowan 72:21, p.5
The friends of KUNI/KHKE began their annual fund drive; photo.
505 Birth Control
Northern Iowan 72:17, p.1
Special KUNI program will feature panel and call-ins.
506 Comedy on KUNI
Northern Iowan 72:10, p.7
Will broadcast "The Projects on 39th Street".
507 KUNI folk
Northern Iowan 72:6, p.1
Will feature Iowa folk musicians.
508 KUNI auditions
Northern Iowan 72:1, p.5
Looking for both on-air and technical help.
509 Public radio moves up ladder of success
Northern Iowan 71:60, p.2
Applauds grants.
510 Public radio awarded grant
Northern Iowan 71:60, p.1
Federal grants totaling over $93,000 will be used for developing a production facility and for increasing membership.
511 UNI's public radio returns to air
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.1
Tower repairs completed.
512 Broadcaster to be featured tonight
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.5
Susan Stamberg will speak.
513 Folk broadcasts
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.5
KUNI will present folk performances.
514 Friends annual meeting hosts broadcaster; KHKE/KUNI
Northern Iowan 71:51, p.1
Susan Stamberg will be part of meeting program.
515 KUNI suffers damages
Northern Iowan 71:49, p.4
Tower sustains several thousand dollars in damage in ice storm.
516 KUNI off air
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.9
Has been off air for two weeks due to ice storm.
517 UNI public radio expanded
Northern Iowan 71:46, p.4
"News Plus Twenty" will be broadcast on WOI.
518 Friends to hold fund drive
Northern Iowan 71:44, p.12
Susan Stamberg will speak to meeting.
519 KUNI broadcasts folk art
Northern Iowan 71:29, p.8
Will audition folk musicians.
520 Tower strengths KUNI
Northern Iowan 71:28, p.5
Doug Vernier talks about effects of new tower near Walker; photo.
521 New opera offerings
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.5
KUNI will broadcast operas.
522 KUNI broadcasts Panther football
Northern Iowan 71:3, p.5
Clare Rampton and Loren Buser will announce the games.
523 Public radio expands
Northern Iowan 71:2, p.4
Description of programming.
524 UNI public radio awarded grant
Northern Iowan 71:1, p.8
Wins award to develop volunteer projects.
525 Progression rap
Northern Iowan 70:61, p.7
A look at the "Progression" program on KUNI; photo.
526 Game broadcast
Northern Iowan 70:61, p.3
No local station has picked up the football broadcast for this fall.
527 KUNI offers listening variety
Northern Iowan 70:61, p.7
KUNI programming.
528 New broadcasters
Northern Iowan 70:58, p.8
Diane Denison and Erik Baum join staff.
529 Friends raise $3500 for KHKE/KUNI
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.11
530 UNI-Dome tops year's events
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.19
Round up of year's news.
531 KUNI is on the air at last
Alumnus 59:2, p.13
Signed on March 5, 1974; replaces KHKE, which signs back on April 1, 1974, as concert and fine arts station.
532 Friends hold drive
Northern Iowan 70:51, p.9
Group will attempt to raise $2000; first effort netted $5000.
533 KHKE back on air
Northern Iowan 70:44, p.16
On air daily from 10AM through midnight; some programs shifted from KUNI.
534 Art major designs new station symbol
UNI Century 2:2, p.5
Fletcher Williams designs logo for new KUNI station; will go on air at 84,000 watts initially; KHKE will go off air temporarily until site for new transmitter can be located; photo.
535 KUNI, public radio goes "on the air"
Northern Iowan 70:35, p.1
KUNI will begin broadcasting in late February or early March at 90.9 megahertz; KHKE will leave air with plans to revive it later this year.
536 Fund drive is success
Northern Iowan 70:28, p.1
$5900 pledged to KHKE/KUNI.
537 KHKE "friends" help with pledge drive
Northern Iowan 70:23, p.1
Friends will run four day on-air fundraiser.
538 Fatal tower collapse delays new station
Alumnus 58:4, p.9
Five killed in collapse of KCRG tower on which UNI's equipment was to have been installed; delays start of 100,000 watt public radio station.
539 "Friends" of public radio support local stations
Northern Iowan 70:19, p.5
Friends group organized.
540 KCRG tower falls
Northern Iowan 70:7, p.10
Five workers killed when tower falls; KUNI debut delayed.
541 Wanted: radio staffers
Northern Iowan 70:2, p.7
KUNI scheduled to go on air as 100,000 watt station on November 19; openings for students available.
542 Decision made to operate two campus stations; for the price of one
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.5
Doug Vernier outlines history and plans for the two stations: KHKE and KUNI.
543 Regents approve license application request
Northern Iowan 69:41, p.4
KHKE will continue to broadcast at 88.1 megahertz; new station will broadcast at 90.9.
544 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 68:38, p.11
Activities and meetings.