Lecture and Entertainment Course

Displaying 901 - 946 of 946 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
901 Friday evening
Normal Eyte 9:7, p.149
Lyric Ladies of Chicago presented concert.
902 During the last few days
Normal Eyte 9:4, p.78
Urges support of excellent opportunities afforded by visiting lectures.
903 Attempts have been made
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.54
To create a unified and organized calendar of campus public programs, lectures, and concerts.
904 The Normal lecture course tickets
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.54
Will feature eight events this year.
905 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 8:35, p.495
Financial statement for 1898-1899, with speakers and fees.
906 The extra number on the lecture course
Normal Eyte 8:34, p.486
Miss Isabella Beaton gave recital.
907 Bishop Fowler's lecture
Normal Eyte 8:32, p.452
Excerpts for the address on Abraham Lincoln.
908 The last number of this year's lecture course
Normal Eyte 8:30, p.414
Bishop Fowler will speak on Abraham Lincoln.
909 It seems to be an established fact
Normal Eyte 8:27, p.372
Students enjoy a good lecture; A. A. Willits will speak soon.
910 Lecture January 27, 1899
Normal Eyte 8:19, p.264
Excerpts from lecture by Bishop Vincent.
911 What student had not heard of Bishop John H. Vincent
Normal Eyte 8:17, p.232
Urges students to attend upcoming lecture.
912 The Passion Play
Normal Eyte 8:15, p.205
The Reverend J. J. Lewis presents a lecture.
913 We have heard nothing but words of praise
Normal Eyte 8:13, p.176
For lecture course; the Reverend J. J. Lewis will appear soon.
914 A musical treat
Normal Eyte 8:9, p.121
Review of performance by the Boston Ladies Symphony Orchestra.
915 The success of the Normal Lecture Course
Normal Eyte 8:5, p.67
Fully subscribed.
916 Dixon and "Backbone"
Normal Eyte 8:5, p.65
Lengthy consideration of a recent speaker.
917 The lecture course
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.26
Cost for subscription is $2.
918 The highly creditable lecture course
Normal Eyte 6:26, p.302
Enjoyed presentation of Grinnell Glee Club and Amphion Orchestra.
919 The school feels indeed very grateful
Normal Eyte 6:24, p.277
That the Lecture Committee has obtained the services of Dr. Small.
920 An old adage
Normal Eyte 6:24, p.285
Grinnell Glee Club will perform.
921 Lecture series
Normal Eyte 6:24, p.278
Excerpts from series of lectures by Albion W. Small.
922 Tennessee Jubilee Singers
Normal Eyte 6:21, p.242
Performance review.
923 Dr. Gladden's lecture
Normal Eyte 6:21, p.242
Review of recent lecture.
924 Owing to the fact
Normal Eyte 6:20, p.229
Washington Gladden will substitute for M. B. Williams as a campus speaker.
925 In procuring the Tennessee Jubilee Singers
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.219
Group will perform.
926 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 6:19, p.219
Secures service of Washington Gladden to speak.
927 To represent the faculty
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.194
Professors Bartlett and Ridley appointed to Lecture Committee.
928 The fourth number of the lecture course
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.159
The Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus spoke on Savonarola.
929 The lecture committee
Normal Eyte 6:12, p.133
Recent Redpath performance was not strong.
930 The third and last number of our highly creditable lecture course
Normal Eyte 6:10, p.109
Description of the Redpath performances.
931 We feel confident in saying
Normal Eyte 6:8, p.85
Redpath Concert Company will perform.
932 The second lecture of the course
Normal Eyte 6:6, p.65
Review of lecture by Mr. French.
933 Do not forget the lecture
Normal Eyte 6:4, p.45
W. M. R. French will speak on caricatures.
934 The first number of the lecture course
Normal Eyte 6:3, p.25
Excerpts from speech by the Reverend N. D. Hillis.
935 In our next issue
Normal Eyte 6:2, p.13
Urges students to support efforts of Lecture Committee.
936 The concert
Normal Eyte 5:24, p.219
Review of performance of the Remenyi Concert Company.
937 John Temple Graves' lecture
Normal Eyte 5:20, p.177
Excerpts for lecture.
938 Leland T. Powers
Normal Eyte 5:13, p.110
Review of the performance of reading and impersonation from David Copperfield.
939 Cranky Croaks
Normal Eyte 5:10, p.77
Comments of behavior at recent program.
940 Prof. Ed. Amherst Ott
Normal Eyte 5:6, p.46
Will lecture.
941 I. S. N. S. Lecture Course
Normal Eyte 5:6, p.44
Committee has scheduled four lectures and two concerts; a look at the performers.
942 Sunny side of life
Normal Eyte 4:24, p.375
Extensive excerpts from speech by James Hedley.
943 The illustrated lecture
Normal Eyte 4:21, p.325
Description of lecture by Frank Russell.
944 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 4:21, p.328
Dr. Headley and Robert Nourse will speak.
945 The Jenny Lind Quartet
Normal Eyte 4:16, p.246
Entertained in chapel.
946 The Normal Lecture Course
Students' Offering 1:4, p.7
Faculty speak and perform demonstrations to raise money for reference books.