Lecture and Entertainment Course

Displaying 251 - 300 of 946 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Indian music--Skilton charming program
College Eye 18:48, p.1
Charles Skilton makes presentation.
252 Fleming the Magician here Saturday
College Eye 18:46, p.1
253 Beilharz gives fine program
College Eye 18:45, p.1
Brief review of reader Noah Beilharz.
254 Salvi-Polk here Friday; harpist and singer in joint recital
College Eye 18:45, p.1
Alberto Salvi and Daisy Polk will perform; photo.
255 Would you believe?
College Eye 18:45, p.4
Editorial is upset with the low number of men who have been attending the Lecture Course programs.
256 Embarrassing moments
College Eye 18:45, p.3
Stories about Albert Salvi.
257 Noah Beilharz Friday
College Eye 18:44, p.1
Will give reading.
258 Oswald Ryan Monday
College Eye 18:44, p.7
Will present several lectures.
259 Galli-Curci concert immense success
College Eye 18:42, p.1
About 3200 attended concert; review.
260 Galli Curci won world fame in U. S.
College Eye 18:38, p.2
Performer profile.
261 Seats for concert by Galli Curci at minimum price
College Eye 18:35, p.2
Orders coming in fast.
262 Naturalist again en route to Gobi
College Eye 18:35, p.1
Roy Chapman Andrews will explore desert.
263 Famous soprano in concert here
College Eye 18:34, p.1
Madame Galli Curci; photo.
264 Joint recital big success
College Eye 18:32, p.1
Performance program for Leo Ornstein and Harry Farbman.
265 Farbman and Ornstein in joint recital
College Eye 18:31, p.1
Harry Farbman and Leo Ornstein will perform.
266 Coming Events
College Eye 18:31, p.5
Dates, times and places of upcoming events.
267 Coming Events
College Eye 18:30, p.5
Dates, places, and times for upcoming events.
268 Marionettes draw good sized crowd
College Eye 18:30, p.1
269 Coffer-Miller Players here this weekend; two plays to be given
College Eye 18:30, p.1
Will present "She Stoops to Conquer" and "Love in Livery".
270 Coming Events
College Eye 18:29, p.5
Dates, places, and times of upcoming events.
271 There will be no moving pictures
College Eye 18:29, p.5
Lecture courses scheduled for the same time.
272 J. Paul Goode here on Monday
College Eye 18:29, p.1
Will speak on economic geography.
273 Coubroin organist Sunday at 4:00
College Eye 18:29, p.1
Charles M. Courboin will perform.
274 Four numbers of lecture course this weekend
College Eye 18:29, p.1
Schedule of performances by Harold Bauer, marionettes, Charles Courboin, and Paul Goode.
275 Harold Bauer to give piano recital; famous pianist plays here February 11
College Eye 18:28, p.1
Performer profile.
276 Harold Bauer, pianist, here February 1
College Eye 18:28, p.5
Harold Bauer, visiting pianist; photo.
277 Roy Chapman Andrews to be here January 22; foreign travel pictures shown
College Eye 18:26, p.1
Will present movies relating to his work.
278 Coming Events
College Eye 18:26, p.5
Dates, places and times.
279 Branson De Cou in illustrated lecture
College Eye 18:25, p.1
Will speak on the Alps.
280 Coming Events
College Eye 18:25, p.5
Dates and times.
281 Coming Events
College Eye 18:25, p.5
Dates and times.
282 Illustrated lecture soon
College Eye 18:23, p.5
Schedule of winter term presentations.
283 Hans Kindler gives excellent concert
College Eye 18:23, p.2
Performance review.
284 Edwin M. Whitney well received
College Eye 18:22, p.1
Brief review of his presentations.
285 Education declared indispensable to civilized progress
College Eye 18:22, p.1
Excerpts from address by Pat M. Neff.
286 Hans Kindler is scheduled Friday
College Eye 18:22, p.1
Profile of outstanding cellist.
287 Coming Events
College Eye 18:22, p.3
Roster of dates and times.
288 "The Fortune Hunter" to be read here
College Eye 18:21, p.1
Edwin M. Whitney will perform.
289 Ex-governor of Texas talks here Thursday
College Eye 18:21, p.1
Pat M. Neff will speak.
290 Melchior-Flesch Program
College Eye 18:20, p.3
The concert program.
291 Melchior-Flesch concert remarkable
College Eye 18:20, p.1
Brief review.
292 Flesch, violinist, and Melchior, tenor, in concert Friday
College Eye 18:19, p.1
293 Concert by Melchior and Flesch promising; reviewers praise both artists highly
College Eye 18:18, p.1
Lauritz Melchior and Carl Flesch will perform.
294 Wiggam talks Friday; Prominent editor to address T. C. at convocation; "What civilization is doing to us" to be topic; all students required to attend
College Eye 18:17, p.1
Edwin Albert Wiggam will speak.
295 Lambert Murphy well received; responded to four encores during evening
College Eye 18:16, p.1
Performance review.
296 Lecture course program given; program to be varied and interesting
College Eye 18:15, p.1
Schedule of speakers and performers.
297 Galli Curci concert has special place on lecture course; Lambert Murphy, tenor, to appear next week
College Eye 18:14, p.1
Galli Curci will appear in May.
298 Dr. Charles Clayton Morrison speaks Saturday evening; "What is happening to Russia?" will be topic
College Eye 18:11, p.1
Planning for Lecture and Entertainment Course now underway.
299 Resume of leading facts in life of Madame Homer
College Eye 18:8, p.1
300 Noted Hart House String Quartet here Monday
College Eye 18:8, p.1
Profile of the group.