Letter Winners

Displaying 251 - 294 of 294 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 If in athletics, why not in other activities?
College Eye 13:30, p.4
Believes students should be awarded school letters for participating in band, debate, and glee club as well as for athletics.
252 Sweaters awarded athletes
College Eye 11:31, p.7
Basketball and football letter winners received sweaters at chapel session.
253 Basketball captain chosen; James new leader
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Abram James will be next year's captain; letter winners are announced.
254 Letters awarded athletes
College Eye 11:26, p.2
Basketball and football letter winners announced; Russell Dickinson, Glenn Cowan, and Albert McKinstry received all-state honors.
255 Editorially Speaking
College Eye 11:26, p.4
Criticizes lettermen who do not support other campus athletics.
256 Winners of the Teachers College letter '18-'19
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Letter winners from various sports.
257 Football men receive Teachers College monograms
College Eye 10:16, p.6
Football players receive college letters.
258 Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Illustration of a football player; letter winners for the 1917-1918 athletic season.
259 Five members
College Eye 9:22, p.7
Five basketball team members will receive Old Gold V-neck sweaters and letters.
260 How about those sweaters
College Eye 9:13, p.5
Thinks the school should raise money for sweaters for the football team.
261 Wearers of the TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Letter winners of 1917; members of the Athletic Board.
262 Eight men awarded letters; a mention of the individual men
College Eye 8:18, p.1
Profiles of men winning letters in football.
263 Editorial
College Eye 8:11, p.4
Various thoughts from the College Eye.
264 Athletic Board awards letters; fourteen men win honor letters in football
College Eye 7:12, p.1
Letter winners for football listed.
265 Teachers College Letter Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Overview of the club; roster of officers and members, divided by sport; photo.
266 T. C. Club meets
College Eye 4:19, p.5
Possible presentation of athletic sweaters was discussed; abolishing the baseball team for the 1915 season was also explored.
267 Financial report of football season
College Eye 4:15, p.3
Reports money spent by I. S. T. C. for each game; letter winners announced.
268 Women's athletic emblems appear; are granted by the athletic department for excellence in work; equivalent of six ones is required
College Eye 4:12, p.1
Physical training students have opportunity to earn the new letters.
269 Women's athletic emblem adopted; will be small reproductions of the regular athletic letter
College Eye 4:6, p.1
Physical Education women will by given 4 X 4 inch athletics emblems, as opposed to the men's 7 X 7 athletic letters.
270 The "T. C." Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
T. C. Club is made up of letter winners in football, basketball, baseball, track, and gymnastics; members listed; photo.
271 Athletics
College Eye 3:26, p.438
Athletic Board has $85 for spring sports; awards athletics letters.
272 The TC Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
List of members.
273 Debaters awarded medals
College Eye 2:28, p.3
Debaters receive debate medals, the debate equivalent of a varsity letter.
274 Winter athletes all rewarded; members of gymnastic team as well as basketball men will receive honor emblems
College Eye 2:24, p.4
Letter winners listed.
275 Varsity football men honored; loyal support made possible the presentation of fine sweaters; second team also recognized
College Eye 2:14, p.1
Presentation of the football emblems.
276 Wearers of TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
Roster of letter winners
277 We should like to remind our readers again
College Eye 1:16, p.4
Seeking submissions to the College Eye; suggests possibility of an ISTC lettermen's club; urges students to patronize advertisers.
278 Athletic notes
College Eye 1:14, p.5
M. A. Sheffield is working at Charles City; Athletic Board reorganized; Gymnasium open for recreation; designing new football emblems; gymnastics prospects good.
279 Football monograms are given to eleven men
Normal Eyte 21:13, p.220
Professor Bailey awarded football monograms to eleven men.
280 Athletics; Athletic Board
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.14
Describes the events of the final Athletic Board meeting and lists the athletes receiving college letters.
281 Football review for 1909; victorious season gives team high rank; twelve players receive emblems; 1910 prospects good; Boatman is captain
Normal Eyte 20:12, p.205
Teachers go undefeated; review of the 1909 season and prospects for the 1910 season; photo.
282 Athletic regulations
Normal Eyte 20:7, p.130
Rules and regulations governing student athletic participation.
283 Receivers of the Honorary
Old Gold 0:0, p.304
Roster of letter winners.
284 Athletics; regulations governing awards of the "N" to women students at I. S. N. S.- March 16, 1909
Normal Eyte 19:23, p.361
Women now to receive letters for athletics.
285 Athletic Medals and N's
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Criteria for athletics medals and letters.
286 Track and baseball N's
Normal Eyte 17:29, p.455
Letters will be awarded to winners of 5 points in a dual meet in track, and those people playing in at least four of the most important games of the season for baseball.
287 Wearers of "N"
Pedagog 0:0, p.138
Roster of letter winners.
288 Amendment to constitution
Normal Eyte 14:30, p.469
Athletic Association amendment gives specification for athletics letters.
289 Proposed amendment
Normal Eyte 14:19, p.289
The Athletic Association will keep honorary "N's" in stock and present them free of cost to eligible candidates.
290 Constitution amended
Normal Eyte 14:17, p.268
The Athletic Association amended the rules for lettering in a sport.
291 Proposed amendment to the A. A. Constitution
Normal Eyte 14:11, p.169
New rules regarding the "Honorary N."
292 The following gentlemen
Normal Eyte 12:23, p.364
Several received honorary letters.
293 The honorary N
Normal Eyte 10:20, p.492
Will award sweaters and letters to successful athletes.
294 Athletic
Normal Eyte 10:13, p.315
Assessing the place of ISNS on the Iowa college sports scene; baseball drill will begin; will award sweaters with letters.