Lu--Jonathan J. (Geography Faculty)

Displaying 51 - 69 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Christmas study tour explores Bible in geographic setting
Northern Iowan 79:20, p.7
Professor Lu talks about the trip.
52 Brazil: future world power?
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.2
Believes that the United States has a tendency toward provincialism and may therefore rule out Brazil as a possible major power in the New World.
53 UNI offers trip to Holy Land
UNI Century 10:4, p.6
Professor Lu will lead study tour.
54 UNI sponsoring December trip to Israel, Egypt
Alumnus 66:3, p.10
Professor Lu will lead trip.
55 Study tour will visit Bethlehem for Christmas
Northern Iowan 79:2, p.13
Professor Lu will lead tour.
56 Education group meets
Northern Iowan 78:32, p.3
Kappa Delta Pi panel discusses education around the world.
57 UNI prof taught 'eager students' in China
Northern Iowan 78:31, p.4
Professor Lu tells about his recent teaching experience in China.
58 Regents grant 18 professional development leaves for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:373, p.1
The State Board of Regents approved professional development leaves for eighteen professors.
59 UNI business transactions approved by regents
Public Relations News Release 1980:141, p.1
The Board of Regents approves contracts to help married housing and UNI utilities.
60 Reservations due Friday (September 26) for UNI trip to Chicago
Public Relations News Release 1980:89, p.1
The Committee on Asian Studies will host a trip to Chicago for students and faculty. The trip will cost between forty and fifty dollars and will consist of a tour of the Field Museum and going to an opera.
61 Geography of the Bible seen firsthand
UNI Century 8:1, p.6
Professor Lu leads trip to Middle East.
62 Geography
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
The geography department deals with things such as patterns of urbanization, agriculture, population characteristics, economic behavior, surface features, a photographic laboratory; photo.
63 Two new courses to be added spring semester
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.9
Professor Lu will teach "Geography of the Bible" and Professor Klinkowitz will teach "Hawthorne and Melville".
64 New courses offered
Northern Iowan 74:19, p.3
Professor Lu will teach Geography of the Bible; Professor Hash will teach Topics in Values Education.
65 Elderhostel--for those who think young
Alumnus 62:3, p.12
Highlights of Elderhostel classes at UNI; photo.
66 Soil scoop
Northern Iowan 73:56, p.15
Class calculates how much topsoil was moved in last snowstorm.
67 Elderhostel offers variety in life after 60
Alumnus 62:2, p.15
Schedule of activities in Iowa in 1977.
68 Tenure given to 12 faculty members
Northern Iowan 73:46, p.7
List of those who received tenure.
69 East Asia study tour offered
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.7
Planning seven week Asian institute.