Lutheran Student Association

Displaying 1 - 50 of 528 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Students gather for hope and chocolate
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.6
Lutheran Student Center was the site of the annual Hope and Hot Chocolate event. Students gathered for hot chocolate, snacks, conversation, and friendship; photo.
2 Campus Ministry Association
Northern Iowan 107:1, p.16
Schedules for area churches, the Wesley Foundation, and the Lutheran Student Center; photo.
3 Weise lecture visits cloning, Christianity
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.1
Invited by the Lutheran Student Fellowship, Dr. Robert Weise expressed his views to students; photo.
4 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:56, p.10
Meetings and activities; Graduate Student Recognition Dinner; UNI Fall Leadership Retreat.
5 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:55, p.9
Meetings and activities; Kathryn Kamp will speak in Anthropology Lab; Graduate Student Recognition Dinner; Legislative Public Forum.
6 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:52, p.8
Meetings and activities; UNI Campus Ministries; Christ for UNI; Committee of University Research; Spring Arts and Crafts sale.
7 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:51, p.7
Meetings and activities; BACCHUS.
8 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:50, p.7
Meetings and activities; Student Bookstore Association; Christ for UNI.
9 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:49, p.10
Meetings and activities; Iowa Sociological Association.
10 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:48, p.8
Meetings and activities; Iowa Sociological Association; Happening in the Hemisphere; Christ for UNI.
11 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:42, p.4
Meetings and activities; Christ for UNI.
12 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:41, p.7
Meetings and activities.
13 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:40, p.5
Meetings and activities; Christ for UNI; Coretta Scott King.
14 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:39, p.5
Meetings and activities; Legislative Public Forum.
15 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:38, p.5
Meetings and activities; Happening in the Hemisphere; Christ for UNI.
16 What's up
Northern Iowan 79:46, p.5
Meetings and activities; Joe Wujak will speak; Student Social Association Anorexia/Bulimia Stupport Group; Students for Responsible Prices.
17 Lutherans Attend Regional Conferences
Old Gold 0:0, p.198

The Lutheran Student Association held Thursday evening vespers and Sunday suppers; these members were offered by regional conferences the opportunity to meet with other LSA'ers from Iowa and the Middle West; photo.

18 Gamma Deltans Attend Retreats at Geneva
Old Gold 0:0, p.199
Members of Gamma Delta, the International Association of Lutheran Students, and Missouri Synod discussed motivation for service; hiking, tobogganing, and ice skating were part of the regional retreat held at Lake Geneva in Geneva, Wisconsin; photo.
19 Newspapers thrive on campus; keep students well informed
College Eye 50:10, p.5
A look at the variety of ways that students keep each other informed on campus; photo.
20 LSA Relates to All Campus Life
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Description of the Lutheran Student Association is located on page 199 with two photos of the students on page 198; photos.
21 Student centers
College Eye 48:34, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
22 Student centers
College Eye 48:33, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
23 Student centers
College Eye 48:32, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
24 LSA Emphasizes Evangelism
Old Gold 0:0, p.198

Worship, study, evangelism, and service and recreation are the tasks carried out by the Lutheran Student Association; student-led matins, vesper services, a spring banquet, and the LSA Spiritual Contest are activities that were held; photo.

25 TC student to Europe
College Eye 48:31, p.4
Margaret Meyer selected by national Lutheran Student Association.
26 Student centers
College Eye 48:13, p.6
News from campus religious centers.
27 Student centers
College Eye 47:39, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
28 Student centers
College Eye 47:38, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
29 Student centers
College Eye 47:37, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
30 Student centers
College Eye 47:36, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
31 Student centers
College Eye 47:35, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
32 Student centers
College Eye 47:34, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
33 Student centers
College Eye 47:33, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
34 Lutheran student association
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
Brief description of the group; photo.
35 Student centers
College Eye 47:32, p.10
News from campus religious centers.
36 Student centers
College Eye 47:31, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
37 Student centers
College Eye 47:30, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
38 Student centers
College Eye 47:25, p.6
News from campus religious centers.
39 Student centers
College Eye 47:22, p.10
News from campus religious centers.
40 Student centers
College Eye 47:20, p.6
News from campus religious centers.
41 Student centers
College Eye 47:19, p.6
News from campus religious centers.
42 Student centers
College Eye 47:15, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
43 Student centers
College Eye 47:12, p.6
News from campus religious centers.
44 Student centers
College Eye 47:11, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
45 Student centers
College Eye 47:9, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
46 Student centers
College Eye 47:8, p.6
News from campus religious centers.
47 Student centers
College Eye 47:7, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
48 Religious news
College Eye 46:37, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
49 Religious news
College Eye 46:36, p.4
News from campus religious centers.
50 Religious news
College Eye 46:34, p.2
News from campus religious centers.