Lutheran Student Association

Displaying 301 - 350 of 528 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Several dances and the "Spring Fling" will give this week a social swing
College Eye 27:40, p.3
Campus social calendar.
302 Untitled
College Eye 27:39, p.4
Hortence Hege will speak to Lutheran Student Association.
303 Students pursue new activities as call of the outdoors lures them
College Eye 27:36, p.3
Campus social calendar.
304 Old Gold Beauty dance tonight heads this week's social list
College Eye 27:28, p.3
Campus social calendar.
305 The campus this week
College Eye 27:24, p.4
Campus news notes.
306 Lutheran students name term officers
College Eye 27:23, p.5
List of officers.
307 Week's social program includes Booster Day and Frosh Night
College Eye 27:14, p.3
Campus social calendar.
308 Society briefs
College Eye 27:13, p.3
Quick news articles about student organizations.
309 Independence Day holiday, new forum series on social program
College Eye 27:47, p.2
Campus social calendar.
310 "At Home," Piney Woods Singers, book review, on week's calendar
College Eye 27:46, p.3
Campus social calendar.
311 Registration tea today inaugurates social activities of summer term
College Eye 27:44, p.5
Campus social calendar.
312 Lutheran Students Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
Founded in 1922; officers and members; photo.
313 L. S. A. luncheon
College Eye 26:44, p.135
Lutheran Student Association will be honored with a luncheon.
314 Lutherans plan week of church activities
College Eye 26:33, p.3
Include sleigh party.
315 Ten members of the Teachers College chapter of the Lutheran Students' Association will attend the L.S.A. convention
Public Relations News Release 1934:884, p.1
The L.S.A. ,held in Ames, and will be the twelfth annual conference of the Mississippi Valley region.
316 L. S. A. convention draws ten students
College Eye 26:30, p.3
List of those who will attend state meeting.
317 Tutor Ticklers absorb interest along with men's intramurals
College Eye 26:29, p.3
318 Glazed roads and slippery walks make indoor amusements popular
College Eye 26:28, p.3
Summary of recent meetings.
319 Sigma Tau Delta elects candidates
College Eye 26:27, p.3
Roster of new candidates.
320 L. S. A. talk
College Eye 26:22, p.3
Arthur Holm will speak.
321 Students will entertain visiting Kohawks and dads over weekend
College Eye 26:18, p.3
Social calendar.
322 Jolly "hellos" greet students returning to revamped campus
College Eye 26:12, p.3
Faculty fete Charles Holden; V. O. V. holds picnic.
323 Commencement week to end social events with a flourish
College Eye 26:10, p.3
Campus social calendar.
324 Farewell picnics are popular as end of term draws nearer
College Eye 26:9, p.3
Campus social calendar.
325 Light program of social events is attributed to warm weather
College Eye 26:8, p.3
Campus social calendar.
326 All-college dance, music hour, forum scheduled for next week
College Eye 26:6, p.3
Campus social calendar.
327 Hot weather, Fourth of July respite, lighten social week
College Eye 26:4, p.3
Campus social calendar.
328 Lutheran Students' Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.208

Organized in 1922; purpose, brief history, and members; photo.

329 Sorority and fraternity dances hold spotlight over week-end
College Eye 25:43, p.3
Campus social calendar.
330 "Pirates of Penzance," weekend dance, picnics, crowd calendar
College Eye 25:37, p.3
Campus social calendar.
331 G. Winger to head Lutheran students
College Eye 25:36, p.3
List of other officers.
332 Formal dinner-dance tonight heads society events of the week-end
College Eye 25:35, p.3
Campus social calendar.
333 Social activities minimized for high school basketball tourney
College Eye 25:34, p.3
Campus social calendar.
334 Eleven sororities fete rushees; other societies hold meetings
College Eye 25:18, p.3
Campus social calendar.
335 Opening dance of fall season is week-end's major social event
College Eye 25:14, p.3
Campus social calendar.
336 Open house, teas, receptions are among events honoring freshmen
College Eye 25:12, p.3
Planned events for the various churches are given.
337 Pi Beta Alpha banquet, sorority parties make up social schedule
College Eye 25:10, p.3
Campus social calendar.
338 Kappa Delta Pi will celebrate tenth anniversary at reunion in August
College Eye 25:5, p.3
Campus social calendar.
339 Lutheran Students
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Officers, history, and purpose; group organized December 8, 1922; photo.
340 Sororities, fraternities, literary clubs fill weekend with dances and parties
College Eye 24:33, p.3
Campus social calendar.
341 Pi Omega Pi elects officers Wednesday
College Eye 24:31, p.3
Roster of officers.
342 L. S. A. service
College Eye 24:27, p.3
Lutherans hold confirmation memorial service.
343 Waterloo girls have Depression party as rest of organizations remain quiet
College Eye 24:27, p.3
Campus social calendar.
344 Sororities, fraternities fill week with rushing, pledging, initiation activities
College Eye 24:25, p.3
Campus social calendar.
345 You can believe this
College Eye 24:23, p.3
News notes and announcements.
346 Dances, house parties, teas and zest to coming week-end social program
College Eye 24:20, p.3
Campus social calendar.
347 Christmas parties, dance, ring out old year of college social affairs
College Eye 24:14, p.3
Campus social calendar.
348 Christmas parties are planned to fill interval before arrival of holidays
College Eye 24:13, p.5
Campus social calendar.
349 Entertainments multiply as term and opportunities near close
College Eye 23:54, p.3
Campus social calendar.
350 Tenth week only brings on increase in social activities
College Eye 23:53, p.3
Campus social calendar.