Mayfield--Alpha Corrine (Music Faculty)

Displaying 201 - 250 of 304 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Two music students
College Eye 21:13, p.5
Adeline Asher, Myrtle Kleist, Alpha Mayfield, and Alta Freeman drove to Chicago.
202 Women's Glee Clubs organize for work
College Eye 21:9, p.8
Roster of officers of the four women's clubs.
203 Miss Mayfield goes to Quincy, Ill., for institute
College Eye 21:7, p.4
Has conducted several music institutes recently.
204 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 21:6, p.3
Dinner held for alumni who returned for Homecoming; letters received from Edith Johnson and Mary Diers.
205 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 21:5, p.9
Pledging tea held; roster of pledges; news about members and alumni.
206 Women's Glee Clubs begin rehearsals
College Eye 21:4, p.1
Roster of Cecilians and Euterpeans.
207 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 21:4, p.7
Formal dinner held for the rushees.
208 Glee Club receives write-up in magazine
College Eye 21:2, p.1
Bel Cantos honored in music journal.
209 Women's glee clubs determine membership
College Eye 20:38, p.1
Roster of members.
210 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.268
Honorary members, patronesses, and members; photos.
211 Euterpean Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Program and members; photo.
212 Bel Canto Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Bel Canto program and members; photo.
213 Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Aims of the music department; photos.
214 Miss Selina M. Terry, Mrs. M. J. Nelson and Miss Alpha Corinne Mayfield entertained Miss Mildred Sharp
College Eye 20:33, p.5
Surprise shower for Mildred Sharp held at Alpha Mayfield's. The wedding will be in the early fall.
215 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:33, p.6
Sport dance, visits home, formal initiation, and alumni return.
216 Miss Alpha Mayfield of the music faculty reutrned Sunday
College Eye 20:30, p.5
Professor Mayfield returned from the District Music Conference in Milwaukee.
217 Singer of the Bel Canto glee club
Public Relations News Release 1929:442, p.1
The glee club gives their annual concert; list of chorus members provided.
218 Engagement announced
College Eye 20:28, p.5
Announcement made during a party given by Mrs. S. F. Hersey of the engagement of Mildred Sharp and N. W. Gouwans.
219 Cecilians are eagerly planning Milwaukee trip
College Eye 20:27, p.1
Will attend National Supervisors Conference.
220 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:24, p.6
Entertain at formal dance, members practice teach, visitors, members visit homes.
221 Bell Cantos will give recital Friday
College Eye 20:23, p.3
Performance program; photo.
222 Spring program given at dinner party
College Eye 20:23, p.5
Euterpean and Troubadour glee clubs hold annual banquet; guests and program.
223 Aeolians give annual dinner
College Eye 20:21, p.1
With Valentine's Day theme.
224 Miss Freeman is soloist in Aeolian Club concert tonight
College Eye 20:19, p.1
Performance program.
225 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:16, p.6
Flu and mumps have run their course. Member travels.
226 Untitled
College Eye 20:15, p.3
Several faculty have been away from class.
227 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:8, p.8
Bridge party honors actives and pledges; visitors.
228 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:5, p.8
Honorary members named, rush events.
229 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:2, p.7
Officers announced.
230 Try-outs daily at 3 p.m. in Mr. Fullerton's room
College Eye 20:2, p.1
For the four women's glee clubs.
231 Five glee clubs organized for summer term; Miss Mayfield, Miss Starr, and Mr. Hays directing
College Eye 19:41, p.1
232 Aeolian Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.203
Club officers; members; photo.
233 Euterpean Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Club officers; members; photo.
234 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.266
Honorary members; patronesses; members; pledges; photos.
235 Bel Canto Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Club officers; members; photo.
236 Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
Department roster; photos.
237 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 19:36, p.8
Sorority trip to spring "derby"; dance held.
238 Bel Canto glee club holds annual banquet.
College Eye 19:36, p.5
Banquet information.
239 Bel Canto concert Wednesday Successful
College Eye 19:34, p.5
Information about the concert performances.
240 Bel Canto concert tonight; 35 trained voices under direction of Miss Mayfield; Lucile Thompson will be accompanist; Geo. Samson, Jr., soloist;
College Eye 19:33, p.1
Performance program.
241 Bel Cantos to give concert in Orange Friday night.
College Eye 19:32, p.5
Concert information.
242 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 19:31, p.8
Sorority happenings.
243 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 19:28, p.8
Sorority happenings.
244 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 19:24, p.6
Sorority happenings; initiations; party.
245 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 19:20, p.8
Sorority happenings.
246 Phi Theta Pi
College Eye 19:18, p.6
Sorority happenings.
247 Vesper services for Dec. 11 announced; under auspices of Y. M. and Y. W.
College Eye 19:14, p.1
Service program.
248 Miss Hays competes in radio contest
College Eye 19:12, p.5
Alumna Genevieve Hays WGN performance will be broadcast in auditorium for students; photo.
249 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.265
Roster of honorary members, faculty sponsor; patronesses, members and pledges; photo.
250 The Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Overview of the department from Professor Fullerton; staff photo.