McCabe--Keith Allen (Class of 1937)

Displaying 101 - 140 of 140 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 The Teachers College basketball team returns to competition against Simpson
Public Relations News Release 1934:844, p.1
The cagers hope to climb back into the conference fight, knowing a defeat will eliminate them from the race.
102 Despite his poor showing against Grinnell, Maurice Carr added to his lead in the scoring race
Public Relations News Release 1934:836, p.1
Individual scoring of each player.
103 Coach Arthur Dickinson's Panther cagers meet Morningside tonight
Public Relations News Release 1934:805, p.1
Starting lineup.
104 Twelve Teachers College cagers left here today for the game with Morningside
Public Relations News Release 1934:804, p.1
Starting lineup.
105 The Teachers College basketball team will face their toughest opponent tomorrow night
Public Relations News Release 1934:787, p.2
Probable lineup for the Cornell game.
106 Gridders set field record--roll up 101 points
Alumnus 19:1, p.14
1934 season wrap-up; season record was 3-3-2.
107 Reconstruction of entire team faces court coach
Alumnus 19:1, p.13
1935 basketball season preview.
108 Three Teachers College athletes will not return to school following the Christmas holidays
Public Relations News Release 1934:768, p.1
The three men will be unable to continue because of lack of funds.
109 The Teachers College basketball team opens its championship campaign here against Penn College tomorrow
Public Relations News Release 1934:751, p.1
Using a combination of four forwards and a center, Coach Dickinson must produce a scoring punch and an efficient defense.
110 Penn College must be played before the Teachers College basketball team can focus on the Coe College game
Public Relations News Release 1934:750, p.1
Lack of experience will continue to handicap the Teachers College, however height will not be a problem against Coe College.
111 The Teachers College cagers see nothing but trouble ahead when they meet Penn College tomorrow
Public Relations News Release 1934:749, p.2
Lack of size and experience gives Dickinson's team only an outside chance of extending the invading quintet.
112 Five Panthers rate all-Iowa
College Eye 26:23, p.1
Five grid players were honored in the annual selection of the United Press All-Iowa conference football teams.
113 The 1934 football season came to a close for two Naperville men
Public Relations News Release 1934:712, p.1
McCabe served as captain for the first six games, and Schulz was elected captain for the Morningside game.
114 The game against Luther brought an end to Paul Hoemann's second year of football competition
Public Relations News Release 1934:723, p.1
Hoemann played at the halfback post, and saw service in practically every game.
115 O. Lester Jones closed his first season of varsity football competition
Public Relations News Release 1934:715, p.1
Jones played halfback all season, and played almost every game.
116 The Teachers College football team has been working out new defense plays this week
Public Relations News Release 1934:708, p.1
The same lineup used against Morningside will be used, with the exception of Russell Bell.
117 The Iowa State Teachers College football team prepares for the Morningside game
Public Relations News Release 1934:701, p.1
Starting line up.
118 Olin and McCabe will take their usual halfback position for the game against Morningside College
Public Relations News Release 1934:700, p.1
Terry Olin was injured earlier in the season, but both men are healthy now.
119 Coach John Baker plans to use the same line up from the Homecoming football game
Public Relations News Release 1934:697, p.1
Starting line up and schedule of Saturday's games.
120 None of the Iowa State Teachers College football squad will be out of the game with injuries
Public Relations News Release 1934:696, p.1
Starting line up for the game against Morningside College.
121 Watch 'em step out and go tomorrow!
College Eye 26:20, p.1
TC football players Orville Nichols, Keith McCabe, Harry Helgason, Melvin Nelson, and William Chambers are sure to be in the limelight of the Homecoming game this Saturday.
122 Four men are slated to start the Homecoming football game
Public Relations News Release 1934:682, p.1
Record breaking crowds are expected for the game, as the Cedar Falls American Legion has invited Legionnaires from surrounding towns.
123 Four men are designated to start in the Homecoming football game
Public Relations News Release 1934:682, p.1
Legionnaires from surrounding towns have been invited to the game by the Cedar Falls American Legion.
124 Chalk talk Monday opens a week of drills
Public Relations News Release 1934:666, p.1
Starting lineup for the Homecoming game.
125 Coach John Baker is concerned with the number of injured football players
Public Relations News Release 1934:662, p.1
A few previously injured players will be back this week, but many were injured in Saturday's game.
126 Football team heads to Kalamazoo, Michigan
Public Relations News Release 1934:639, p.1
Season updates.
127 The Iowa State Teachers College basketball team will play three out-of-conference teams this season
Public Relations News Release 1934:642, p.2
Season outlook and schedule of games.
128 The football team polishes up some untried plays
Public Relations News Release 1934:630, p.2
Season updates.
129 Forty-five likely gridders answer first call
Alumnus 18:4, p.15
1934 season preview; photo.
130 Coach John Baker polishes his football team for their first game
Public Relations News Release 1934:616, p.2
Schedule for this week's practices and season updates.
131 Football practices will be closed from now until the first game
Public Relations News Release 1934:607, p.2
Season updates.
132 Vernon Stribley is forced to drop out of competition
Public Relations News Release 1934:597, p.2
Football season preview.
133 45 men turned out as candidates for the college football team
Public Relations News Release 1934:595, p.1
Season preview
134 Athletic trophies presented at special assembly
Alumnus 18:3, p.24
Letters, MVP awards, and other honors announced for 1933-1934 season; photo.
135 Athletic awards were given out at a special assembly
Public Relations News Release 1934:513, p.2
Program for the awards assembly.
136 Phi Sigma Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.221
Founded in 1899; officers; purpose, and members; photos.
137 Letter and numeral winners from the winter term
Public Relations News Release 1932:439, p.1
This week the coaches and athletic board announced that twenty-one varsity athletes and a like number of freshman earned letters and numerals for the winter term.
138 Panther Cubs; Keith McCabe
College Eye 25:32, p.4
McCabe stands out as a freshman with promise.
139 Frosh to meet Coe yearlings; to get their first taste of college football on November 4
College Eye 25:18, p.4
Freshmen learning new plays in preparation for their meet with Coe; photo.
140 Reduce Frosh squad to 35; Kensinger, Bell, Anderson, Gnagy, Stout, McCabe show promise
College Eye 25:14, p.4
Freshman players show promise