McCalley--David V. (Biology Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 95 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI; I am living the legacy!
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.18
Seven members of the Stout family have attended UNI over the past eighty-seven years; photo.
2 CEEE celebrates 10th anniversary
Northern Iowan 101:30, p.2
A celebration for the CEEE's tenth anniversary will take place on January 24. Speakers will discuss environmental education in Iowa.
3 UNI Center for Energy and Environmental Education celebrates 10th anniversary
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Anniversary celebration will be held on Monday at the CEEE.
4 UNI named sustaining member of Iowa Academy of Science
Campus News Network 11:1, p.2
A plaque is presented to UNI for its involvement with the Iowa Academy of Science.
5 UNI named sustaining member of Iowa Academy of Science
Public Relations News Release 2000:9, p.1
The Iowa Academy of Science recognized UNI for hosting the Academy for the last thirty-three years.
6 Religious and environmental conference to take place at the University of Northern Iowa Oct. 3-4
Public Relations News Release 1997:36, p.1
Wendell Berry, Wes Jackson, and Paul Gorman will be keynote speakers at "Conserving and Renewing Community: A Conference on Religion and Environment". One credit hour workshop offered with conference with instructor David McCalley.
7 Taiwanese junior high students learn about environment in Outlook program at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:475, p.1
Taiwanese students learn about biology and environment through the program Outlook. Tina Howe and David McCalley traveled to Taiwan to help prepare them for the experience.
8 Outlook gives students different view of their world
Northern Iowan 93:61, p.2
Students from Taiwan visited UNI to learn about the environment in Outlook Taiwan.
9 Taiwanese Junior High students at UNI through Friday, July 18
Public Relations News Release 1996:470, p.1
Thirty-three junior high students from Taiwan took part in "Outlook", a hands-on program to introduce internationals to the American lifestyle. After visiting campus, the group will visit other locations in Iowa.
10 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: David McCalley
Campus News Network 7:21, p.
David McCalley presented papers at two biology conferences.
11 Teaching Iowans about the importance of water
Public Relations News Release 1996:415, p.1
David McCalley of the Center for Energy and Environmental Education teaches Iowans about the importance of water.
12 Society, environment . . . will they ever be in synch?
Northern Iowan 93:16, p.4
Society and environment were discussed at Monday's "Our Place on Earth: Environmental Sustainability and the Consumer Society" conference.
13 Bill Witt: 'caring, responsive' candidate
Northern Iowan 93:11, p.9
Faculty member believes Bill Witt is the best candidate for Iowa House of Representatives.
14 "Our Place on Earth: Environmental Sustainability and the Consumer Society" conference to be held at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:98, p.1
Alan Thein Durning will be the keynote speaker at the conference; brief biographical profile of Alan Thein Durning.
15 "Taken for Granted: 20th Century Chair Design" now on display at University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art through September 19
Public Relations News Release 1996:25, p.1
"Taken for Granted: 20th Century Chair Design" is on display through September 19.
16 CEEE site of summer fellows institute
Campus News Network 6:19, p.1
Advanced Technology and Environmental Education Center will conduct its second Summer Fellows Institute at UNI June 17-28.
17 Center for Energy and Environmental Education helps raise environmental awareness on campus
Northern Iowan 92:51, p.8
Will sponsor Earth Week activities.
18 Paving the way
Public Relations News Release 1995:312, p.1
UNI has been on the cutting edge of environmental education for many years.
19 Dissertation and thesis awards announced
Campus News Network 6:7, p.2
Bruce S. Frana received Outstanding Dissertationi Award; first place for Outstanding Master's Thesis Award went to Sergio Chaigneau, second to Heather Rhoads, and third to Saed Jamal Abu-Hijleh.
20 CEEE hosts teleconference on hunger
Campus News Network 6:4, p.1
Twelfth annual World Food Day satellite teleconference "Fighting Hunger: Looking Back; Looking Ahead" will be broadcast today at CEEE.
21 University of Northern Iowa to be site for 12th annual World Food Day Satellite teleconference October 16
Public Relations News Release 1995:69, p.1
World Food Day activities at UNI are announced.
22 Environmental symposia for United Nations 50th anniversary to be held at University of Northern Iowa October 11 and 18
Public Relations News Release 1994:93, p.1
UNI to host two symposia on the UN and the Environment.
23 Saving energy and money NOW
Public Relations News Release 1994:71, p.1
David McCalley feels that people can save energy now by some very simple measures such as changing the type of light bulb and turning off air conditioners when we don't need them.
24 University of Northern Iowa Center for Energy and Environmental Education to host local first graders
Public Relations News Release 1994:42, p.1
CEEE to host first graders shortly after the building opens.
25 Media Advisory
Public Relations News Release 1993:683, p.1
Nine Taiwanese science teachers will receive degrees from UNI.
26 Media Advisory
Public Relations News Release 1992:749, p.1
The schedule for the Cheerleading Workshops is announced. "Outlook Taiwan" for 30 junior and senior high school students from Taiwan will be held at UNI.
27 Assignment UNI
Public Relations News Release 1992:744, p.1
Activities from July 5 through July 23 are listed.
28 Assignment UNI
Public Relations News Release 1992:739, p.1
Activities listed for July6 through August 10.
29 Media Advisory
Public Relations News Release 1992:107, p.1
UNI to host Middle East Environment and Development Professionals.
30 Northern Iowa expands international presence with unique Taiwan exchange
Northern Iowa Today 20:2, p.3
Nineteen science students study at UNI; photo.
31 Seven courses featured in University of Northern Iowa fall telecourse offerings
Public Relations News Release 1992:11, p.1
Telecourses offer a viable alternative to persons who find on-campus class attendance difficult according to Jim Bodensteiner. More courses added for the fall semester.
32 U.S./Taiwan science education program off to good start
Campus News Network 2:21, p.1
Taiwan science teachers will come to UNI campus to study; photo.
33 Taiwanese graduate students completing first of four summers toward science education master's degree at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:766, p.1
Science teachers from Taiwan will spend four summers at UNI taking classes towards a master of arts in science education. In addition, two UNI professors will teach classes in Taiwan during February for the next four years.
34 Unique master's degree program between UNI and Taiwan
Public Relations News Release 1991:761, p.1
Science teachers from Taiwan are enrolled in a four year program leading to a master of arts in science education from UNI. Classes are held during the summer. In addition, two UNI professors will teach during the month of February in Taiwan.
35 Telecourses offer chance to expand education on Iowa Public Television
Northern Iowan 88:62, p.1
Will offer seven courses this fall; description of courses.
36 Telecourses to be offered by the University of Northern Iowa on Iowa Public TV this fall
Public Relations News Release 1991:718, p.1
Iowa Public TV will air 7 telecourses being offered by UNI this fall.
37 UNI worldwide; faculty members travel overseas on educational missions
Northern Iowa Today 76:1, p.17
Professor McCalley travels to Russia; Professor Weiser goes to Japan.
38 Can the U.S. economy survive if the planet doesn't?
Northern Iowan 88:59, p.1
Views on the biodiversity treaty.
39 They've got their problems
Public Relations News Release 1991:575, p.1
David McCalley states that Russia has systematically poisoned land, water, air, and people over time.
40 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1991:568, p.1
Faculty members are available to discuss the flat tax/sales tax issue, environment in USSR/CIS, and independent presidential candidates.
41 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1991:308, p.1
Roster of professors who are willing contacts for further information on current events.
42 Soviet environmental educators visit UNI
Campus News Network 2:1, p.2
Six visit with Professor McCalley; photo.
43 Soviet environmental educators visit Northern Iowa
Northern Iowa Today 19:2, p.6
Six visitors work on environmental education curriculum; photo.
44 Soviet environmental educators to visit University of Northern Iowa August 9-16
Public Relations News Release 1990:687, p.1
UNI to host six Soviet educators. They will be aided in writing curriculum materials on environmental education for the Soviet Union by educators from across the U. S.
45 Soviet visitors
Campus News Network 1:21, p.4
Will meet with environmental educators.
46 Taiwanese youth summer program in Environmental Education at University of Northern Iowa July 14-27
Public Relations News Release 1990:656, p.1
UNI to host twenty-eight junior high students from Taiwan for a two week study of the natural world.
47 Northern Iowa takes environmental education to Europe, Soviet Union
Northern Iowa Today 74:2, p.11
Professor McCalley visits Russia; President Curris attends conference in France.
48 Soviets, U.S. and McCalley bridge environmental gap
Northern Iowan 87:10, p.1
David McCalley designed "Outlook" program for environmental education curriculum in Soviet Union.
49 David McCalley
Campus News Network 1:3, p.2
Parts of the curriculum that he designed are included in a cooperative US-Soviet package.
50 Environmental education and concerns in the Soviet Union
Public Relations News Release 1990:78, p.1
Environmental concerns are present in the Soviet Union, especially in industrialized cities.