McDavitt--Elaine E. (Speech Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 154 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI seeks to implement its mission
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.441

UNI attempts to expand its curriculum on undergraduate and graduate levels; photo.

2 Dr. Elaine McDavitt Stageberg
Alumnus 64:2, p.31
Died January 19, 1979.
3 Recital
Northern Iowan 73:16, p.1
Dr. Elaine McDavitt-Stageberg to give guest recital.
4 Special Words and Voices
Northern Iowan 71:53, p.12
Professor McDavitt's students will present lectures.
5 Meeting of all graduate students
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.12
Professor McDavitt will talk about Graduate College dean search.
6 Words and Voices
Northern Iowan 71:33, p.8
Professor McDavitt will present "Woman--her Infinite Variety".
7 McDavitt honored
Northern Iowan 71:17, p.11
Professor McDavitt receives award from Iowa Communication Association.
8 Students present author studies
Northern Iowan 69:62, p.4
Professor McDavitt's students make presentations.
9 Words and Voices
Northern Iowan 69:43, p.8
Professor McDavitt will read from Edward Arlington Robinson.
10 Words & Voices
Northern Iowan 69:5, p.12
Professor McDavitt will give readings.
11 UNI to Present Words and Voices
Public Relations News Release 1972:104, p.1
"Indians" will be the topic of the next Words and Voices.
12 Words and Voices Program
Public Relations News Release 1972:23, p.1
The department of speech will host the first "Words and Voices" program of the 1971-72 academic year on Sept. 21 in the Union.
13 Dr. Seuss Stories to be Read at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:622, p.1
"Fun with Dr. Seuss," will be presented at the next Words and Voices program on May 19 in the Sabin Hall Studio Theatre.
14 UNI Words and Voices
Public Relations News Release 1971:609, p.1
"The Poet Looks at America" will be the highlight of the next Words and Voices program being held in the Union.
15 Words and Voices
Public Relations News Release 1971:579, p.1
"The Poet, Sylvia Plath and poems selected from "Ariel'" will be presented at the next program in the UNI Union.
16 UNI Words and Voices
Public Relations News Release 1971:550, p.1
"The Interview" will be presented on the Words and Voice program in the Gilchrist Chapel on April 20th.
17 UNI Words and Voices Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:473, p.1
Frances Ahrens will present, "The Poet, Anne Sexton, and Her Poetry."
18 Rock-poetry explored in Words and Voices
Northern Iowan 67:22, p.1
Lyrics of popular music will be read as poetry.
19 UNI Words and Voices Program Scheduled for Wednesday
Public Relations News Release 1970:233, p.1
"Listen: Lyrics/Music of Today" is the title of the next "Words and Voices" program scheduled for 4-5 p.m. in the North-South Room of the Union.
20 Words and Voices to Present One-Act Drama
Public Relations News Release 1970:116, p.1
"The White Liars" will be performed in the Sabin Hall Studio Theatre on Oct. 27th.
21 12 UNI Profs to Attend Inauguration of President of Upper Iowa University
Public Relations News Release 1970:108, p.1
List of professors attending and their respective departments.
22 Favorite things
Northern Iowan 67:4, p.4
Plans for Words and Voices programs.
23 UNI Words and Voices Holds First Program
Public Relations News Release 1970:46, p.1

The readings will take place in the Ambassador Room of the Union. Sponsored by the department of speech. The public is invited to attend.

24 Words and Voices Program at UNI Tuesday
Public Relations News Release 1969:325, p.1
"Voices of Change," an hour of poetry and short stories will be presented in the University Union.
25 Program of Erotic Poetry will be Presented at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:224, p.1
Words and Voices program will present erotic poetry by Jim Weber.
26 Words and Voices to Feature Short Stories
Public Relations News Release 1969:174, p.1
Readings of short stories by students.
27 Feature "Vietnam read-in"
Northern Iowan 66:17, p.8
Oral interpretation students will read selections .
28 Gallico Short Study to be Read
Public Relations News Release 1969:79, p.1
Words and Voices program.
29 Words and Voices Program to Feature Readings from Contemporary Plays
Public Relations News Release 1969:24, p.1

Three plays presented in the Ambassador Room of the University Union.

30 UNI Poetry Hour and Words and Voices Series to be Held on Alternate Tuesdays
Public Relations News Release 1969:14, p.1
Cawelti will read from the works of several poets.
31 Speech convention
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.4
Faculty attend regional meeting.
32 Potpourri
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.4
Activities and meetings.
33 Children's Theatre
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.5
Conference will be held on campus.
34 Speech Department initiates community program bureau
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.8
Will offer students opportunity for interpretation of literature to community groups.
35 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.1
"Up the Down Staircase" will be presented by the Reader's Theatre Class; photo.
36 Readers Theatre to present 'Up the Down Staircase'
Northern Iowan 65:23, p.8
Professor McDavitt's class will present reading.
37 McDavitt to read
Northern Iowan 65:21, p.8
Professor McDavitt will present "Woman, her infinite variety".
38 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:21, p.8
Activities and meetings.
39 Reading Hour to be initiated
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.5
Speech Department has initiated a Reading Hour, "Words and Voices".
40 Interpretation class presents poetry program
Northern Iowan 64:55, p.7
Will read modern poetry.
41 Dr. McDavitt to represent SAA at Cornell
Northern Iowan 64:53, p.5
Brief profile.
42 Interpretation workshop tomorrow
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.8
Professors McDavitt and Chapman will lead discussions.
43 Program to honor the late Carl Sandburg
Northern Iowan 64:27, p.1
Professor Reninger will speak; students will perform; photo.
44 Speech instructors present version of novel 'U. S. A.'
College Eye 63:26, p.4
Will make reader's theater presentation; photo.
45 Love will be theme for Poetry Hour
College Eye 60:55, p.3
Students will read from a variety of sources.
46 Oral interp. workshop tomorrow
College Eye 60:53, p.4
Highlights of workshop.
47 Regents approves leaves for 12 SCI faculty
College Eye 60:50, p.1
List of faculty who will be receiving PDLs and their proposed topics of research.
48 Six poets works read in 'Silenced Voices' Sunday
College Eye 60:49, p.8
Speech faculty read work of American poets; photo.
49 Faculty member will participate in convention
College Eye 60:46, p.4
Five will present readings at regional conference.
50 OLD GOLD beauty pageant features 'Illuminations in Frost'
College Eye 60:31, p.1
Twelve finalists will be selected from field of 33; list of competitors.