McDavitt--Elaine E. (Speech Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 154 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI seeks to implement its mission A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.441 |
UNI attempts to expand its curriculum on undergraduate and graduate levels; photo. |
2 | Dr. Elaine McDavitt Stageberg Alumnus 64:2, p.31 |
Died January 19, 1979. | |
3 | Recital Northern Iowan 73:16, p.1 |
Dr. Elaine McDavitt-Stageberg to give guest recital. | |
4 | Special Words and Voices Northern Iowan 71:53, p.12 |
Professor McDavitt's students will present lectures. | |
5 | Meeting of all graduate students Northern Iowan 71:39, p.12 |
Professor McDavitt will talk about Graduate College dean search. | |
6 | Words and Voices Northern Iowan 71:33, p.8 |
Professor McDavitt will present "Woman--her Infinite Variety". | |
7 | McDavitt honored Northern Iowan 71:17, p.11 |
Professor McDavitt receives award from Iowa Communication Association. | |
8 | Students present author studies Northern Iowan 69:62, p.4 |
Professor McDavitt's students make presentations. | |
9 | Words and Voices Northern Iowan 69:43, p.8 |
Professor McDavitt will read from Edward Arlington Robinson. | |
10 | Words & Voices Northern Iowan 69:5, p.12 |
Professor McDavitt will give readings. | |
11 | UNI to Present Words and Voices Public Relations News Release 1972:104, p.1 |
"Indians" will be the topic of the next Words and Voices. | |
12 | Words and Voices Program Public Relations News Release 1972:23, p.1 |
The department of speech will host the first "Words and Voices" program of the 1971-72 academic year on Sept. 21 in the Union. | |
13 | Dr. Seuss Stories to be Read at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:622, p.1 |
"Fun with Dr. Seuss," will be presented at the next Words and Voices program on May 19 in the Sabin Hall Studio Theatre. | |
14 | UNI Words and Voices Public Relations News Release 1971:609, p.1 |
"The Poet Looks at America" will be the highlight of the next Words and Voices program being held in the Union. | |
15 | Words and Voices Public Relations News Release 1971:579, p.1 |
"The Poet, Sylvia Plath and poems selected from "Ariel'" will be presented at the next program in the UNI Union. | |
16 | UNI Words and Voices Public Relations News Release 1971:550, p.1 |
"The Interview" will be presented on the Words and Voice program in the Gilchrist Chapel on April 20th. | |
17 | UNI Words and Voices Program Public Relations News Release 1971:473, p.1 |
Frances Ahrens will present, "The Poet, Anne Sexton, and Her Poetry." | |
18 | Rock-poetry explored in Words and Voices Northern Iowan 67:22, p.1 |
Lyrics of popular music will be read as poetry. | |
19 | UNI Words and Voices Program Scheduled for Wednesday Public Relations News Release 1970:233, p.1 |
"Listen: Lyrics/Music of Today" is the title of the next "Words and Voices" program scheduled for 4-5 p.m. in the North-South Room of the Union. | |
20 | Words and Voices to Present One-Act Drama Public Relations News Release 1970:116, p.1 |
"The White Liars" will be performed in the Sabin Hall Studio Theatre on Oct. 27th. | |
21 | 12 UNI Profs to Attend Inauguration of President of Upper Iowa University Public Relations News Release 1970:108, p.1 |
List of professors attending and their respective departments. | |
22 | Favorite things Northern Iowan 67:4, p.4 |
Plans for Words and Voices programs. | |
23 | UNI Words and Voices Holds First Program Public Relations News Release 1970:46, p.1 |
The readings will take place in the Ambassador Room of the Union. Sponsored by the department of speech. The public is invited to attend. |
24 | Words and Voices Program at UNI Tuesday Public Relations News Release 1969:325, p.1 |
"Voices of Change," an hour of poetry and short stories will be presented in the University Union. | |
25 | Program of Erotic Poetry will be Presented at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:224, p.1 |
Words and Voices program will present erotic poetry by Jim Weber. | |
26 | Words and Voices to Feature Short Stories Public Relations News Release 1969:174, p.1 |
Readings of short stories by students. | |
27 | Feature "Vietnam read-in" Northern Iowan 66:17, p.8 |
Oral interpretation students will read selections . | |
28 | Gallico Short Study to be Read Public Relations News Release 1969:79, p.1 |
Words and Voices program. | |
29 | Words and Voices Program to Feature Readings from Contemporary Plays Public Relations News Release 1969:24, p.1 |
Three plays presented in the Ambassador Room of the University Union. |
30 | UNI Poetry Hour and Words and Voices Series to be Held on Alternate Tuesdays Public Relations News Release 1969:14, p.1 |
Cawelti will read from the works of several poets. | |
31 | Speech convention Northern Iowan 65:51, p.4 |
Faculty attend regional meeting. | |
32 | Potpourri Northern Iowan 65:51, p.4 |
Activities and meetings. | |
33 | Children's Theatre Northern Iowan 65:49, p.5 |
Conference will be held on campus. | |
34 | Speech Department initiates community program bureau Northern Iowan 65:37, p.8 |
Will offer students opportunity for interpretation of literature to community groups. | |
35 | Untitled Northern Iowan 65:25, p.1 |
"Up the Down Staircase" will be presented by the Reader's Theatre Class; photo. | |
36 | Readers Theatre to present 'Up the Down Staircase' Northern Iowan 65:23, p.8 |
Professor McDavitt's class will present reading. | |
37 | McDavitt to read Northern Iowan 65:21, p.8 |
Professor McDavitt will present "Woman, her infinite variety". | |
38 | Previews Northern Iowan 65:21, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
39 | Reading Hour to be initiated Northern Iowan 65:15, p.5 |
Speech Department has initiated a Reading Hour, "Words and Voices". | |
40 | Interpretation class presents poetry program Northern Iowan 64:55, p.7 |
Will read modern poetry. | |
41 | Dr. McDavitt to represent SAA at Cornell Northern Iowan 64:53, p.5 |
Brief profile. | |
42 | Interpretation workshop tomorrow Northern Iowan 64:31, p.8 |
Professors McDavitt and Chapman will lead discussions. | |
43 | Program to honor the late Carl Sandburg Northern Iowan 64:27, p.1 |
Professor Reninger will speak; students will perform; photo. | |
44 | Speech instructors present version of novel 'U. S. A.' College Eye 63:26, p.4 |
Will make reader's theater presentation; photo. | |
45 | Love will be theme for Poetry Hour College Eye 60:55, p.3 |
Students will read from a variety of sources. | |
46 | Oral interp. workshop tomorrow College Eye 60:53, p.4 |
Highlights of workshop. | |
47 | Regents approves leaves for 12 SCI faculty College Eye 60:50, p.1 |
List of faculty who will be receiving PDLs and their proposed topics of research. | |
48 | Six poets works read in 'Silenced Voices' Sunday College Eye 60:49, p.8 |
Speech faculty read work of American poets; photo. | |
49 | Faculty member will participate in convention College Eye 60:46, p.4 |
Five will present readings at regional conference. | |
50 | OLD GOLD beauty pageant features 'Illuminations in Frost' College Eye 60:31, p.1 |
Twelve finalists will be selected from field of 33; list of competitors. |