
Displaying 251 - 300 of 609 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Enrollment continues upward trend
Alumnus 30:2, p.1
Spring term enrollment is 1497, of whom 555 are men; 447 are veterans; 46 students completed special six week session for veterans.
252 Veterans return verbal slap as they uphold men students
College Eye 37:21, p.2
Student comments on an editorial in the last College Eye; believes that the student was wrong to accuse all men of these actions.
253 Roommate prefers 'wolfing' weekend to jolting home via stuffy bus
College Eye 37:20, p.6
Weekend plans.
254 Male species slapped-hard!
College Eye 37:20, p.2
Angry student comments on the attitude of the men on TC campus after returning from war.
255 More men enroll for winter quarter
Alumnus 30:1, p.2
Winter term enrollment is 1261, including 297 men; 170 of the men are veterans; sixty-five of the men are married.
256 Enrollment increases 41%
Alumnus 29:4, p.30
1228 students registered for Fall 1945, including 202 men; 866 students, including 81 men, registered in Fall 1944; 58 of the Fall 1945 men are veterans.
257 Ruth O. McCarn to lead discussion on "Love and Marriage"
Public Relations News Release 1945:89, p.1
Student Christian Association sponsors Northwestern University counselor to women as discussion leader.
258 Questions, problems provide springboard for college forums
College Eye 36:7, p.1
Professors Bodein and Gates will lead discussions.
259 Why aren't you in the Army?
College Eye 35:38, p.5
Men students face the question of why they are not in military service.
260 Men students to occupy Baker Hall Next fall; women, Seerley Hall
College Eye 35:36, p.1
Lawther Hall overcrowding should be relieved; dorms being prepared for students; WAVES will remain in Bartlett Hall.
261 What women will wear!---says Joe College
College Eye 35:27, p.5
Students give opinion on the clothing choices of women.
262 War time campus
College Eye 35:3, p.2
Talks about the campus without the presence of the men who are off fighting.
263 Bigger job than ever for Dean Reed
College Eye 35:2, p.1
Dean Reed is still in charge of men's dorm facilities even though they are now occupied by military personnel; located rooming house facilities for the few men who are enrolled; fraternities not active this year.
264 Class in school laws has 40 per cent men
College Eye 34:34, p.3
265 Men's grade points rise this spring dean's office says
College Eye 34:27, p.3
Dean Reed speculates that the men are more dedicated to their studies now.
266 Notes of a novice
College Eye 34:24, p.2
Comments on the former TC men in the services, and on the appearance of the average TC woman.
267 Tutor athletic staff forced to cancel competitive sports
College Eye 34:21, p.4
Although men's track and field will still compete this spring, the golf, baseball, and tennis teams will not because of the limited enrollment of men at TC.
268 Assembly will explain reserve plan to men
College Eye 34:8, p.1
Professor Riebe will talk about options for military service.
269 Notice men!
College Eye 34:6, p.1
Men asked to fill out questionnaire on military service.
270 Induction accommodations planned for reserves
College Eye 34:3, p.1
Men will not need to interrupt studies to travel to Des Moines; outline of training programs for men.
271 Forty men return for summer school
College Eye 33:35, p.3
Comparable to last summer's enrollment.
272 Today in Hyde Park
College Eye 33:35, p.2
Describes the friendly relationship between President Price and the men on campus.
273 Evening dress for men turns informal
College Eye 33:34, p.3
274 Spring spree is stag line and date affair
College Eye 33:23, p.3
Individual tickets will be sold, not just tickets for couples; men allowed to cut in during dances.
275 Notice to men
College Eye 33:16, p.1
Urges men to take math courses so that they will be better prepared for military service.
276 'All men are rats' girl's group says
College Eye 33:14, p.4
277 Today in Hyde Park
College Eye 32:40, p.2
Defends men against charges of women.
278 Coeds think beauty expensive
College Eye 32:39, p.3
Men and women talk about what they spend for personal items.
279 Today in Hyde Park; Baker fate forecast
College Eye 32:37, p.2
Complaint that men having nothing to themselves at TC any longer because women now live in Baker Hall.
280 Hyde Park; come on fellows--let's dance
College Eye 32:35, p.2
Urges men to join the dancing at the recreational dances.
281 Joeds aren't what they used to be
College Eye 32:17, p.4
Graduate of ISTC forty-five years ago makes comments on how men's dress has become sloppier over the years.
282 It isn't what it ought to be; the editors turn
College Eye 32:11, p.2
Comments on Miss Osborne's thoughts about the male students at ISTC.
283 Sleepy heads take notice
College Eye 31:40, p.3
Comparison of the chores that men and women face in the morning.
284 Three questions put to students registering early
College Eye 31:11, p.1
Will ask student opinion on a possible third term for President Roosevelt, the involvement of the US in the war in Europe, and the appropriate role for men and women in dating and marriage arrangements.
285 Housekeeper says men's rooms are first in neatness
College Eye 31:11, p.3
"Men are better housekeepers," says one housekeeper.
286 Notice
College Eye 30:42, p.3
Society page is dedicated to the men on the campus; both feature columns were written by men.
287 Editorially speaking; the College Eye presents; campus views; significant events; coeds make rules
College Eye 30:38, p.2
Advice for men on dating.
288 College men pet peeves
College Eye 30:38, p.3
289 Coeds launch counter-attack on the men
College Eye 30:21, p.1
Women talk about what they like and dislike in TC men.
290 Make-up or barn paint? The men criticize
College Eye 30:20, p.1
Men have their own opinions when it comes to women wearing make-up.
291 Men reveal knowledge of modern coed's garb
College Eye 29:42, p.1
Men talk about women's fashions; photo.
292 Night owls at Baker Hall are few
College Eye 29:39, p.1
Men have no hours; may come and go as they please.
293 Men students are ambitious
College Eye 29:37, p.2
Rate of student employment among men is about the same during the summer and the regular terms.
294 Mrs. Adams differentiates
College Eye 29:35, p.3
Mazie Adams talks about being a housemother in an off-campus house.
295 Faculty Forum
College Eye 29:34, p.2
Professor Charles discusses differences between men and women professors.
296 Faculty Forum
College Eye 29:31, p.1
Discusses differences between men and women professors.
297 He will cook in his family
College Eye 29:27, p.1
David Swanson is the only man enrolled in the home economics cooking class.
298 Committee in charge marriage forum
College Eye 29:24, p.1
Considering appropriate roles for men and women; photo.
299 Wives of the future discussed Wednesday
College Eye 29:23, p.1
Will consider role of women.
300 Students begin forums on homemaking
College Eye 29:20, p.1
Charles Poppenheimer and Lela Van Engen express views on roles for women and men.