Mendenhall--Leland Lester (Physical Education Faculty)

Displaying 301 - 343 of 343 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Football prospects look brighter every day; squad working hard to prepare for first game
College Eye 16:4, p.1
Preview of 1924 squad.
302 Tutors start football practice under Mendenhall; prospects for season bright
College Eye 16:3, p.6
Preview of 1924 squad.
303 Crepehangers--no!
College Eye 16:2, p.4
Predicts a successful football season.
304 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Photo of team and record of 1923-1924 season.
305 Baseball
Old Gold 0:0, p.247
Names of players and season record; photo.
306 Baseball
Old Gold 0:0, p.248
Photos of players.
307 Square and Compass Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
Names of officers and members; group organized in 1921; photo.
308 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Photos and names of faculty members.
309 Mr. Mendenhall
College Eye 15:16, p.8
Attended an athletic conference.
310 Radio program
College Eye 15:13, p.5
Alumni welcomed through radio announcement.
311 Pictorial section; Homecoming; Football
College Eye 15:12, p.
Pictures of campus, faculty, and students; photo.
312 Many loyalty songs handed in
College Eye 15:10, p.1
Winner of song contest not yet announced.
313 Student council is organized for year; will back Senior Class in carrying out "College Day"; prize of $15 is offered for school song; contest closes
College Eye 15:5, p.1
Roster of officers; plans to support Class Day activities.
314 Moleskin wearers start scrimmage work on field; candidates are rapidly rounding into form; Coach "Mendy" has wealth of material to choose from
College Eye 15:4, p.6
Coach Mendenhall has football men split into smaller teams to manage better; many practices are scheduled; will start cutting down the size of the squad soon.
315 146 men out for football; this years squad biggest ever; pigskin warriors fighting hard for places on team
College Eye 15:3, p.6
There are plenty of students to choose from for a team; looks to be a promising year in football.
316 Coach training
College Eye 14:49, p.1
Over two hundred men are enrolled in coach training.
317 News and comments
College Eye 14:47, p.1
News from campus and off-campus.
318 Baseball season 1922-23
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Season's summary; photo.
319 Physical Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
320 The football season
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Football team won five of seven games in 1922 season; photo.
321 Schedule
Old Gold 0:0, p.175
1923 football schedule and the effects of Coach Mendenhall on the team; photo.
322 Basketball 1922-23
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Season summary and schedule; photo.
323 New physical education course offered; Teachers College first school in state to offer such course; graduates will receive four year diploma
College Eye 15:1, p.7
Students may now earn a four year degree in Physical Education; outline of the program; a look at the faculty.
324 T. C. has big year in athletics; basketball
College Eye 15:1, p.6
Overview of the season; with only two players leaving, next season looks to be a winning one; photo.
325 Teachers play Cornell Friday; the baseball season is finally on
College Eye 14:41, p.1
Season prospects.
326 Tutors will stage annual track meet; Coach Mendenhall sets date for May 26
College Eye 14:41, p.1
I. S. T. C. will host Iowa high school track meet.
327 The season; Teachers have won five out of seven games
College Eye 14:23, p.1
Review of 1922 football season; photo.
328 Aristos
College Eye 14:19, p.8
Held regular meeting.
329 Coach Mendenhall held first football practice Monday
College Eye 14:13, p.1
Brief look at the season's prospects.
330 Department of Physical Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
Description of department, faculty; photo.
331 The football squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.134
Game scores, players, staff, overview of last season; photo.
332 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Scores, staff, members, overview of last season; photo.
333 Football prospects
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.1
Director Mendenhal and Assistant Director Bender lead a team of seventy newly enrolled football players.
334 Conference here for Iowa colleges last Saturday; it was for the purpose of deciding on athletic rules in the various games during the year
College Eye 13:4, p.1
L. L. Mendenhall calls meeting; elect board of arbitration.
335 Editorially speaking
College Eye 13:4, p.4
Proposes the creation of a "Men's Union" to benefit the men students.
336 Football squad in dead earnest for record season; the squad feels the loss of eight of last year's players
College Eye 13:3, p.1
Team will miss their graduated teammates.
337 Changes in faculty
College Eye 13:2, p.7
Roster of resignations and additions.
338 Prospect now brightest ever for football
College Eye 13:2, p.1
Preview of the upcoming season.
339 Editorially speaking
College Eye 13:1, p.4
Comments on the 1920-1921 College Eye staff; the 1921 Old Gold is finished; news from around campus.
340 Baseball this summer term
College Eye 13:1, p.3
Coach L. L. Mendenhall is looking forward to putting together a team.
341 New coach has splendid record in athletics; Mendenhall a man of broad experience in athletics
College Eye 12:34, p.1
Short biography of new coach; photo.
342 T. C. Club gives luncheon to Mendenhall
College Eye 12:34, p.2
Made a good impression on athletes.
343 Athletic coach chosen
College Eye 12:33, p.2
L. L. Mendenhall will succeed Ivan Doseff.