Men's Union

Displaying 51 - 100 of 594 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Loretta Ross chosen as Miss SCI pageant queen
College Eye 63:29, p.8
Profile of Loretta Ross; list of attendants.
52 Teams sought for College Bowl competition
College Eye 63:28, p.8
Sponsored by Men's Union.
53 Select Miss SCI and court pageant Thursday
College Eye 63:27, p.1
Sponsored by AWS and MU.
54 Two toboggans are available to SCI men
College Eye 63:26, p.8
Purchased by Men's Union.
55 McBride replies to student
College Eye 63:25, p.3
Defends the activities of the Men's Union and tries to show their value.
56 '67 orientation chairman position is open
College Eye 63:25, p.5
57 MU discusses pageant, head residents
College Eye 63:23, p.4
Decision delayed.
58 MU discusses military obligations
College Eye 63:22, p.4
Will offer panel discussion.
59 Pudenz replies to Boyle
College Eye 63:21, p.3
Criticizes statements made in a previous letter.
60 Charges editor 'nearsighted'
College Eye 63:20, p.2
Complains the paper isn't doing a good enough job at seeking out the news.
61 Men's Union plans dance, revises scholarship policy
College Eye 63:19, p.1
To allow more participation by male students to apply for the scholarship, the grade point requirement was lowered from 3.0 to 2.7.
62 Applications due for MU scholarship
College Eye 63:18, p.8
The Men's Union scholarship will be awarded in December.
63 Ma Commons wins popularity title
Alumnus 51:3, p.17
Irene Eaton and Professor Eiklor honored by Men's Union; photo.
64 Applications for MU scholarships now available
College Eye 60:55, p.4
65 College Bowl finals May 15 in Commons
College Eye 60:51, p.4
Men's Union will sponsor event.
66 SS votes to oppose graduated parking fines
College Eye 60:50, p.1
Also consider faculty evaluation and roles of AWS and MU.
67 AMRH ends 10 years of existence May 1
College Eye 60:50, p.3
Men's Union will represent all men's interests on campus.
68 'Day of the gorilla is gone' says Viking Mason
College Eye 60:49, p.6
Tom Mason speaks at Men's Union event; photo.
69 Untitled
College Eye 60:47, p.8
Ken Clapp, Ken Huelman, Gary Reid, and Jim Heller celebrate MU Week with a pizza eating contest.
70 MU sponsors scholarships
College Eye 60:47, p.8
Will sponsor two $100 scholarships.
71 Mrs. Eaton, Dr. Eiklor chosen by SCI men
College Eye 60:47, p.1
Professor Eiklor selected favorite prof; Mrs. Eaton selected most popular girl; photo.
72 H. R. Gross will highlight activities of MU Week
College Eye 60:46, p.1
Schedule of activities.
73 Men's Union appropriates $200 for scholarship
College Eye 60:46, p.6
Will award two $100 scholarships.
74 MU week starts Monday, features dance, pizza-eating
College Eye 60:45, p.1
Lengthy description of activities.
75 Reid tells of projects to be completed
College Eye 60:44, p.3
Men's Union will buy more golf clubs.
76 Denny Boyle announces as AIM MU candidate
College Eye 60:38, p.1
Candidates outline positions; photo.
77 Heller announces for presidency of Men's Union on ROC ticket
College Eye 60:37, p.1
Candidates state their positions.
78 Applications due Tuesday for elections
College Eye 60:36, p.4
Qualifications for offices.
79 MU discusses inter-collegiate bowl games
College Eye 60:35, p.4
Meet with representatives of Drake, Iowa, and Iowa State to set up College Bowl competition.
80 Men's Gym at 8:00 p.m.: New Christy Minstrels appearing next Monday
College Eye 60:33, p.1
Profile of the group; photo.
81 MU Week scheduled for April
College Eye 60:31, p.4
Need men to work on committees.
82 Orientation applications available
College Eye 60:29, p.6
Seeking chair for junior orientation.
83 Men's gym to be open on Saturdays
College Eye 60:27, p.5
84 Walkway will be constructed south of Baker
College Eye 60:27, p.4
Also consider establishing chapter of honorary society.
85 Hallenbeck: MU could start 'Campus Chest'
College Eye 60:23, p.4
Would provide funds for worthwhile causes.
86 SUI proposes intercollegiate College Bowl
College Eye 60:20, p.10
Men's Union investigating possibility of competition.
87 Men's Union vote against dress code
College Eye 60:16, p.6
Also favor proposed location of new Union.
88 Untitled
College Eye 60:15, p.1
Men's Union president Gary Reid speaks to Lieutenant Governor Fulton.
89 Fall Leadership Conference in Commons today
College Eye 60:14, p.5
Men's Union sponsors conference for Iowa student government leaders.
90 College Bowl's first matches are void
College Eye 60:13, p.4
Cite discrepancies in procedures.
91 Untitled
College Eye 60:11, p.2
Features a Men's Union representative dressed somewhat strangely claiming that they have no other choice but to turn down suggestions for a dress code.
92 Heinz Frey resigns his MU position
College Eye 60:10, p.6
Will take IFC position.
93 Dark Knights will play for dance Saturday
College Eye 60:10, p.1
94 Men's Union vetoes dress code plan
College Eye 60:9, p.1
Also request sidewalk for path south of Baker Hall.
95 AWS, MU plan Tuesday party for transfers
College Eye 60:6, p.3
96 Men's Union money for new lounge
College Eye 60:5, p.6
Will be located in basement of Auditorium Building.
97 Style show cancellation announced
College Eye 60:4, p.4
98 Book discussion program to be introduced by booklet
College Eye 59:44, p.3
AWS and MU will recommend books for new students.
99 Men's Union title change voted down
College Eye 59:43, p.1
Vote 112-83 to retain name.
100 Men students to vote Wednesday on name change
College Eye 59:42, p.1
Will vote on proposal to change name from Men's Union to Men's Student Association.