Military Service

Displaying 251 - 300 of 617 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Literary; a lost opportunity
College Eye 14:21, p.5
Discusses experience in American Expeditionary Force.
252 Field artillery at sea (concluded)
College Eye 14:19, p.3
Relates experience on the transport Traz Os Montes during World War I.
253 Field artillery at sea
College Eye 14:18, p.7
Relates experience on the transport Traz Os Montes during World War I.
254 Leslie A. I. Chapman
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.8
Lieutenant Colonel Leslie A. I. Chapman of the U. S. Army dies of heart failure in his office at Fort Riley on September 14, 1922. His remains are buried at the Fort Riley Military Cemetary.
255 Sophus C. Jacobsen
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.6
Captain Sophus C. Jacobsen serves as an instructor in the Citizens Military Training Camp at Fort Snelling, Minnesota.
256 Captain Julian H. Gist
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.6
Captain J. H. Gist is transferred to Honolulu, Hawaii from Fort Fleming, Georgia.
257 Iowa soldier-sailor monument, Capitol Hill
Old Gold 0:0, p.9
Photo of monument.
258 Casper Schenk
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.5
Casper Schenk is named a Major in the Eighty-eighth Division of the National Army Reserve Corps. He is placed in charge of machine gun and howitzer service.
259 Orth tells of life at West Point
College Eye 12:19, p.2
Leonard Orth writes of his experiences there.
260 Henry Immerzeel
College Eye 12:17, p.7
Henry Immerzeel tells humorous story about his war service.
261 Robert Lindsay Robinson
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.5
Promoted to Captain, transferred to Washington D. C., and attached to War Risk Bureau.
262 Van Houten goes to good position
College Eye 12:4, p.6
Rural Education Professor L. H. Van Houten is elected head of University of Wyoming's Rural Education Department.
263 Harry W. Anderson
College Eye 12:2, p.8
Is director of the US Army automobile school in Oklahoma.
264 Faculty Club
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.2
Professors gave account of experiences as educators in army at monthly meeting.
265 What army life did for a man; Perrine talks to men
College Eye 11:7, p.1
Believes that military service gives men a broader outlook on life and world affairs.
266 Military
Old Gold 0:0, p.155
Illustration of three men in trenches..
267 Camp life
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Humorous cartoon about life in camp.
268 Rules of etiquette
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Humorous etiquette rules and sayings about the students; photo.
269 Student Army Training Corps
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
Description of the training program; group photographs; individual photographs with captions; photo.
270 The Military Hop
Old Gold 0:0, p.177
Overview of the Farewell Military Hop; lyrics to the song "Good bye and good luck."
271 Harold Sheldon
College Eye 11:35, p.8
Visited Cedar Falls after returning from service overseas; plans to attend in the fall.
272 Romeo Short
College Eye 10:27, p.5
Former football captain and former military man left for Canadian farming interests.
273 Kenney Brunsvold now stationed at Camp Grant
College Eye 10:27, p.5
Visited the campus while on furlough.
274 Lieut. Al Sorenson
College Eye 10:27, p.5
Alumnus and aviator stationed at Kelley field visited the campus.
275 Wendell Strike, '16, who served over a year in Italy
College Eye 10:26, p.3
Former football player visited college after a year of service.
276 Sgt. John Mastain, '15, was discharged
College Eye 10:26, p.3
Alumnus visits college after discharge from Camp Dodge.
277 John Wright, '17, who was discharged from the army
College Eye 10:26, p.3
Star athlete and alumnus visited town after a year overseas and his recent discharge.
278 Chauffeur Donald A. Mann
College Eye 10:26, p.3
Gladbrook man visited here shortly after returning from France.
279 Milton Tostlebe who was junior here when he enlisted
College Eye 10:1, p.3
Medical Corps man discharged from service.
280 V. V. ("Jack") Frost, '17
College Eye 10:1, p.3
Former student and overseas soldier visited college last week and intends to enroll.
281 Corporal Bruce West
College Eye 10:1, p.3
Newly returned from service in France; visits sister Helen here on campus.
282 Twelfth division votes for universal training
College Eye 10:25, p.4
Survey in Massachusetts reveals support for some sort of military training.
283 Major Frank Ward
College Eye 10:25, p.5
Former student has been reassigned from France to Russia.
284 Nelson Hersey, versatile Teachers College athlete
College Eye 10:25, p.5
Student in Navy training; will leave military service in June and return to college.
285 Miss Mae Triplett went to Camp Dodge
College Eye 10:25, p.5
Visited brother, who recently returned from overseas.
286 Sergeant Fordyce Jones, better known as "Slim"
College Eye 10:25, p.5
Former student returns home to Cedar Falls after ten months overseas.
287 Vic. Peterson, B. A. '17
College Eye 10:24, p.5
Medical corpsman and former student visited last week.
288 In the window of Cross and Co.
College Eye 10:24, p.5
Captain Sophus Jacobsen's souvenirs from his war service.
289 Editorially speaking
College Eye 10:23, p.2
Faculty present their issue of the College Eye and their views; oppose compulsory ROTC; urges students to be interested in the history of their own institution.
290 Words have been received here that John Mastain
College Eye 10:23, p.5
Military man to set sail again.
291 From "over there"
College Eye 10:23, p.4
Notes from Casper Schenk, W. C. Schluter, and John R. Brown.
292 Mr. Wm. T. McGrew, a former student
College Eye 10:21, p.3
Visiting college friends upon returning from service in France.
293 Brief accounts of returning overseas men; Corporal Frank G. Piercy, and Private Joseph Rude
College Eye 10:20, p.1
Profiles of military service of Frank G. Piercy and Joseph P. Rude.
294 Brief accounts of returning overseas men
College Eye 10:19, p.4
Profiles of Elmer P. Schindler, William J. Berry, and Miller Christiansen.
295 Classical Club at home of Doctor Merchant
College Eye 10:19, p.5
Program for the meeting.
296 Lieutenant Lester Ary
College Eye 10:16, p.5
Served overseas for three months; now an instructor; visited college.
297 Historic phrases of the war; notable slogans, terse epigrams, and laconic messages by leaders in the world struggle
College Eye 10:16, p.4
Explanation of several memorable quotations from World War I.
298 Kint helps sink "subs" on chaser; another Teachers College man has thrilling experiences on Atlantic; was a listener
College Eye 10:16, p.1
Manford Kint tells of his experiences in the US Navy.
299 Professor Hersey has received notice
College Eye 10:16, p.5
His son, Nelson Hersey, is due for a six week cruise in the Navy.
300 Fred Jean has entered college here.
College Eye 10:15, p.5
Following Navy discharge.