Millar--Michael H. (Mathematics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 53 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to host symposium to celebrate 500th birthday of Cardano, noted mathematician and scientist
Public Relations News Release 2001:104, p.1
The Department of Mathematics and the College of Natural Sciences will present "Cardano" on Sept. 24.
2 Retiring long-term employees recognized
Campus News Network 11:19, p.1

Thirty-nine retirees recognized at UNI's 43rd Annual Recognition Breakfast.

3 Long-term employees retiring from the University of Northern Iowa to be recognized Saturday, April 28
Public Relations News Release 2000:383, p.1
List of thirty-nine employees who have retired or will be retiring from the university in the 2000-01 fiscal year.
4 Oscar nominated 'Salvador' by Oliver Stone to be featured in UNI's human rights film series
Public Relations News Release 2000:262, p.1
'Salvador' will be fourth film in "Human Rights in the Americas-II" series, and will be shown on February 28.
5 'Riel' film to be the third in Inter-American series at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2000:255, p.1
'Riel' will be third film shown in series titled "Human Rights in the Americas--II;" the film will be shown on February 22.
6 Math professor honored for outstanding teaching
Northern Iowan 96:4, p.9
Professor Michael Millar was 1999 recipient of the Outstanding Teaching at the Collegiate Level award of the Iowa Section of the Mathematical Association of America; profile; photo.
7 Michael Millar
Campus News Network 9:21, p.
Received Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics.
8 Association honors veteran math prof
Northern Iowa Today 83:2, p.18
State math group honors Professor Millar.
9 Michael Millar, University of Northern Iowa professor of mathematics, honored with the Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching
Public Relations News Release 1998:406, p.1
Michael Millar, mathematics professor, was selected to receive award by the Iowa section of the Mathematical Association of America. He was nominated by Department Head Joel Haack.
10 Films from Mexico, Brazil and Jamaica to complete film series on "Youth and Counter-Culture in the Americas" at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1997:219, p.1
"Youth and Counter-Culture in the Americas" film series continues February 18 and 25, and March 14. Michael Millar of Inter-American Studies Committee gives brief description of series.
11 Film series depicts youth, culture
Northern Iowan 94:34, p.9
Film series "Youth and Counter-Culture in the Americas" is being sponsored by the Inter-American Studies Committee.
12 "Easy Rider" the first of month-long film series on "Youth and Counter-Culture in the Americas" at the University of Northern Iowa Feb. 4
Public Relations News Release 1997:198, p.1
Film series at UNI to feature "Easy Rider".
13 University of Northern Iowa students and professors view AIDS Memorial Quilt in Washington, D. C.
Public Relations News Release 1996:162, p.1
Three professors and two students traveled to Washington, D. C. to view the AIDS Memorial Quilt.
14 Collective bargaining
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.428
Detailed account of legal actions and negotiations leading to the election of a faculty bargaining agent; photo.
15 University of Northern Iowa Graduate College announces winners of outstanding thesis awards
Public Relations News Release 1994:302, p.1
Winners of outstanding thesis awards are announced.
16 University of Northern Iowa announces winners of outstanding thesis awards.
Public Relations News Release 1994:214, p.1
Winners in thesis award competition are announced.
17 UNI graduate students make lasting impressions
Campus News Network 5:8, p.1
Eric Juhnke and Stephen Walk win thesis awards.
18 Mathematics Awareness Week to be April 21-27 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:504, p.1
UNI announces Mathematics Awareness Week schedule. Jerry Glynn will lead the workshop.
19 Department assumes new title
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
The title of Department of Mathematics was replaced by Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; photo.
20 Mathematics
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Mathematics is a basic science; there are careers available in many diverse areas of Mathematics including teaching, industry, management, government service, and research; photo.
21 Einstein series
Northern Iowan 75:39, p.9
Symposium will honor Einstein centennial.
22 Newton's works
Northern Iowan 75:33, p.7
Panel will assess importance of Isaac Newton's work.
23 AFT wins right to decertify election; obtained required number of signatures
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.1
Election will be held in early 1979.
24 Petition may halt bargaining; PERB ruling may decide
Northern Iowan 75:23, p.1
Question about whether or not a bargaining agent can bargain while facing a decertification election.
25 76% of needed signed
Northern Iowan 75:23, p.1
AFT has gathered 130 signatures in support of decertification of UF; need total of 170.
26 Play ball!
Northern Iowan 74:54, p.17
Faculty challenge administration to softball game.
27 The effect of the Quirk case
Northern Iowan 74:54, p.13
AFT will hold panel discussion.
28 Faculty to evaluate Kamerick, Martin
Northern Iowan 74:52, p.1
Committee will administer the evaluation and tabulate the results; concern over motive behind evaluation.
29 Faculty to evaluate top administrators?
Northern Iowan 74:48, p.1
Faculty voice continued frustration; claim administrators refuse to make progress on any matters not mandated by contract.
30 Teacher vs. publishing
Northern Iowan 74:45, p.2
Feels the Board of Regents should moderate their requirements for promotions.
31 Regents hearing called for promotional grievance
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.7
Professor Quirk continues his appeal of denial of promotion.
32 Few attend faculty meeting--stops action on mission
Northern Iowan 74:27, p.7
Few attended faculty meeting to discuss the new mission statement; those who did tended not to like the proposal.
33 Research over teaching? Senate opposes change
Northern Iowan 74:25, p.6
Faculty questions role of research in new mission statement.
34 Gauss symposium
Northern Iowan 73:55, p.9
Panel will honor bicentennial of Karl Friedrich Gauss.
35 Bargaining agreement reached
Northern Iowan 73:1, p.7
Bargaining unit established; call for election soon.
36 Faculty to evaluate administration?
Northern Iowan 72:50, p.4
Establish a committee to determine a means of evaluation.
37 Salaries involve larger scope and variety of problems
Northern Iowan 71:53, p.2
Professor Millar points out that AFT representatives also assisted in presentation to General Assembly.
38 "Troublesome issues"
Northern Iowan 71:38, p.6
AFT and AAUP sponsor panel discussion on important faculty and university issues.
39 Geometry systems explained
Northern Iowan 71:27, p.4
Professor Millar will talk about non-Euclidean systems.
40 The conclusion doesn't follow
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.2
Professor Millar believes that there are reasons to pursue grievances.
41 An open letter
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.3
Professor TePaske believes analogies of earlier letter will not hold up.
42 Want to add your name?
Northern Iowan 69:12, p.2
Disappointed in administration for their stand on the budget cut matter.
43 AFT calls for more Union service
Northern Iowan 68:49, p.4
Wants food service hours restored.
44 AFT pickets at noon; support for Ahmad
Northern Iowan 68:41, p.1
Attempting to raise money and create support for Professor Ahmad and his grievance.
45 AFT, Local 1894 to Sponsor Symposium at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:585, p.1
"Unionism and Education: What Are the Issues?" will be the feature presentation of a science symposium held at UNI on May 4th.
46 Unionism and education to be explored at AFT Symposium
Northern Iowan 67:49, p.1
AFT will present all day presentation.
47 UNI to Offer Extension Class at Marshalltown
Public Relations News Release 1969:260, p.1
Extension class offering.
48 'Nim' film shown today and tomorrow
Northern Iowan 64:38, p.12
Film on game will be next in math series.
49 They support Dr. Maucker
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.2
Commend President Maucker for his handling of the Hoffmans matter.
50 Board of Regents ratifies college personnel changes
College Eye 59:33, p.5
Approves five resignations and a leave of absence.