Minkel--Lewis H. (Classes of 1894 and 1895)

Displaying 51 - 96 of 96 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Lewis H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.639
Is now principal of Van Horne schools.
52 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 9:1, p.9
Visited campus.
53 O. J. McManus . . . and L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 8:26, p.362
Visited campus.
54 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 8:12, p.167
Doing well at Van Horne.
55 Lewis H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.9
Will continue as principal at Van Horne.
56 That our alumni are enthusiastic
Normal Eyte 7:21, p.11
Lewis Minkel organizes literary society in Van Horn.
57 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 7:4, p.42
Candidate for superintendent in Tama County.
58 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 6:26, p.306
Review of recent meetings.
59 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 6:25, p.292
May run for superintendent in his county.
60 Lewis Minkel
Normal Eyte 5:13, p.113
Teaching at Dysart.
61 Mr. L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 5:3, p.18
Teaching in Dysart.
62 The museum
Normal Eyte 5:1, p.4
Lewis Minkel donates specimens of the skink.
63 Fourth Year class
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.590
Composite class photo on two pages; photo.
64 Military officers
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.598
Group photo; photo.
65 Mr. L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 4:35, p.554
Will be assistant principal in Dysart.
66 Inter-Society debate
Normal Eyte 4:33, p.521
Extensive coverage of the debate.
67 In order to test the ability
Normal Eyte 4:31, p.490
Aristos give program and elect officers.
68 The following persons
Normal Eyte 4:24, p.380
Speakers and topics.
69 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:21, p.328
Meeting leaders and new officers announced; highlights of state YMCA convention.
70 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:20, p.312
Meeting leaders announced; delegates selected for state convention.
71 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:15, p.233
Meeting leaders announced; description of term reception.
72 On account of sickness
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.218
L. H. Minkel will miss some school.
73 School Directory
College Eye 4:11, p.169
Roster of organizations and officers.
74 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 4:11, p.167
Meeting leaders announced; week of prayer; tea.
75 Speakers for the third intersociety debate
Normal Eyte 4:5, p.76
Roster of speakers.
76 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:4, p.55
Meeting leaders announced; detailed description of meeting of missionary circle.
77 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 4:3, p.42
Parents visit.
78 School Directory
Normal Eyte 4:1, p.9
Roster of student organizations and their officers.
79 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:35, p.276
Meeting leaders announced; urges students to attend even in the season of distractions; delegates selected for Geneva meeting.
80 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:34, p.268
Meeting leaders named; Miss Seever visits; Lewis Minkel elected president.
81 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 3:34, p.270
Returned to school.
82 L. H. Minkel
Normal Eyte 3:33, p.263
Has the mumps.
83 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:31, p.245
Meeting leaders announced; bad weather holds down attendance.
84 Base ball benefit
Normal Eyte 3:29, p.226
Detailed description of program.
85 The Aristo officers
Normal Eyte 3:28, p.223
Elect officers.
86 The following students
Normal Eyte 3:27, p.215
Classes select representatives for Class Day.
87 Base Ball benefit
Normal Eyte 3:27, p.213
Program for performance which will attempt to raise money for baseball equipment.
88 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:24, p.190
Members give impression of recent convention; YWCA and YMCA elect officer; report on Detroit volunteer meeting.
89 An unusually large crowd
Normal Eyte 3:21, p.168
Aristos debate relative merits of ill-natured tidy woman versus good-natured untidy woman; elect new officers.
90 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 3:20, p.157
Meeting leaders announced; more song books ordered; many expect to attend Davenport meeting.
91 The Aristo public
Normal Eyte 3:18, p.139
Detailed description of program.
92 Aristo Public, Jan. 19, 1894
Normal Eyte 3:16, p.128
Program for session.
93 Aristos
Normal Eyte 2:34, p.261
Short description of recent program; election of officers; will give pins to graduates.
94 The Aristo 'Doings"
Normal Eyte 2:24, p.187
Description of the Aristo meeting in which society members played the roles of political figures and discussed political issues.
95 The national game
Normal Eyte 2:7, p.57
The Aristos play the Philos in a baseball game; description of the game; Aristos win, 19-5.
96 Base Ball
Normal Eyte 2:2, p.18
Detailed account of campus ball game between the Spinners and the Sprinters.