Mother's Day

Displaying 1 - 50 of 304 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Botanical Center plant sale geared at students on a budget
Northern Iowan 108:49, p.6
Botanical Center and the Student Nature Society are sponsoring a plant sale. Cuttings from tropical plants, four different types of basil, herbs and other unusual things not normally found in garden centers will be available; photo.
2 What's cookin'?
Northern Iowan 77:55, p.4
Child going through Grandma's pans on Mother's Day; photo.
3 Various activities fill Mother's Day weekend
Northern Iowan 69:52, p.1
Description of activities available.
4 Mother's coffee planned
Northern Iowan 69:50, p.5
Phi Upsilon Omicron will host gathering.
5 Alpha Chi Omega
Northern Iowan 68:54, p.6
Hold dinner for their mothers.
6 Festivities begin today; with "classes" for parents?
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.4
Description of Mother's Day events.
7 Mothers stand up for peace
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.2
Asks mothers to oppose war.
8 Mother's weekend
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.4
Schedule of events.
9 Mother's Day activities planned at UNI
Northern Iowan 68:46, p.8
10 Mrs. Clarence Sievert: Mother of the Year
Northern Iowan 67:49, p.6
Profile of Mrs. Sievert and her daughter Jean.
11 Mother's Weekend: the heart of SUNI
Northern Iowan 67:49, p.1
Program for Mother's Day Weekend.
12 UNI 'Mother of the Year' Selected
Public Relations News Release 1971:577, p.1
Clarence Sievert has been named "Mother of the Year" and will be honored at Mother's Day activities at UNI from April 30-May 2.
13 World mothers' day for peace is May 9--Mrs. Mullen to speak
Northern Iowan 66:54, p.8
Will speak in Waterloo.
14 Tipton woman Named UNI "Mother of the Year"
Public Relations News Release 1969:530, p.1
Patricia Geadelmann's mother has been named UNI's "Mother of the Year" and will reign over Mother's Day activities on campus April 25 and 26.
15 UNI mothers honored April 17 and 18
Northern Iowan 66:50, p.12
Phi Mu Alpha will put on variety show.
16 Untitled
Northern Iowan 66:50, p.6
Pat Geadelmann's mother honored on Mother's Day; photo.
17 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:56, p.12
A mother and daughter enjoy time together during UNI's Mother's Day weekend; photo.
18 Phi Mu's entertain Mothers
Northern Iowan 65:55, p.5
Will present musical variety show.
19 Mrs. Alderson is Mother of Year
Northern Iowan 65:55, p.12
Mrs. James Alderson, mother of Adeline Alderson, honored.
20 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:55, p.5
Activities and meetings.
21 Will honor mothers
Northern Iowan 65:54, p.1
Many events planned for early celebration.
22 Mrs. Robert Young is UNI Mother of the Year
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.1
Profile of Mrs. Young and her daughter Barbara; photo.
23 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.8
Activities and meetings.
24 Conservative but dynamic
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.2
Believes that Mother's Day visitors will find an active, but not radical, campus.
25 Mother's Day corsages on sale at Commons
Northern Iowan 64:50, p.4
26 Hawaiian club, Kappas sponsor corsage sale
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.3
27 Mother's Day activities on April 27, 28
Northern Iowan 64:48, p.8
Brief schedule.
28 They're girls
College Eye 63:54, p.4
Sarcastically surprised to see women wearing 'proper' attire.
29 'Illegit Music' to be given for Mom's Day
College Eye 63:52, p.4
Description of program.
30 Mother's Day activities to begin Saturday
College Eye 63:52, p.1
Brief survey of activities.
31 Mrs. Robert Hanson to reign as 'Mother of the Year'
College Eye 63:52, p.1
Profile of Mrs. Hanson and her daughter Kristine; photo.
32 Phi Mu Alpha to present Mom's Day show
College Eye 63:51, p.8
Description of the program.
33 Mother's Day at SCI to be May 6 and 7
College Eye 63:50, p.8
Brief description of activities.
34 Hawaiian Club sponsors sale of corsages
College Eye 63:48, p.8
35 100 vanda orchid corsage still available
College Eye 60:51, p.4
For Mother's Day.
36 Mrs. Rensink will reign as 1966 'Mother of the Year'
College Eye 60:51, p.1
Mother of Barbara Rensink to be honored; photo.
37 Campus organizations plan activities for Mother's Day
College Eye 60:51, p.1
Schedule of activities.
38 'Hats off to mom' theme for Mother's Day
College Eye 60:50, p.6
Highlights of Mother's Day weekend activities.
39 Orchids from Hawaii for Mother's Day
College Eye 60:49, p.3
Kappa Theta Psi sponsoring sale.
40 Throngs of mamas invade campus; impressed by pretty girls, dorm life
College Eye 59:38, p.4
Mothers give their impressions of campus.
41 Mrs. Juanita Dorman to reign as SCI's 'Mother of the Year'
College Eye 59:37, p.1
Mother of Jan Dorman honored; photo.
42 Chambers talks on Women's Day
College Eye 59:33, p.1
A look at Women's Day and Mother's Day activities.
43 Mrs. James DiBlasio chosen SCI 'Mother of the Year'
College Eye 58:27, p.1
Profile of daughter Mimi DiBlasio; schedule of Mother's Day events; photo.
44 SCI president proclaims today as 'Mother's Day'
College Eye 58:27, p.1
Statement of proclamation.
45 Mother's Day weekend set for May 2-3
College Eye 58:26, p.5
Schedule of activities; Orchesis will perform; photo.
46 Mrs. Erwin Vogt will reign over Mother's Day activities
College Eye 57:28, p.1
Mother of Barbara Vogt will be honored; photo.
47 Mother's Day celebration planned for next weekend
College Eye 57:27, p.8
Schedule of events.
48 Mrs. Lloyd Lee named Mother of the Day
College Eye 53:29, p.1

Mother of Mary Ann Lee honored; photo.

49 Mrs., Lloyd Lee mother of year
Alumnus 47:2, p.6
Honored at tea; photo.
50 Mothers, coeds to be honored May 4-6
College Eye 53:28, p.1

Detailed schedule of Mother's Day activities.