Mother's Day
Displaying 251 - 300 of 304 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
251 | 500 aid in planning program for May Day, Mother's Day College Eye 23:40, p.1 |
Many working on programs. | |
252 | Mothers of students Public Relations News Release 1931:357, p.1 |
Will be honored guests for May Day weekend festivities; schedule of activities and list of committee members included. | |
253 | 2000 invitations to be sent for Mother's Day College Eye 23:39, p.1 |
For third annual celebration. | |
254 | Committees are named for May Day, Mother's Day observance May 7 College Eye 23:35, p.1 |
List of committee members. | |
255 | Three hundred mothers attend Teachers second Mother's Day celebration College Eye 22:31, p.1 |
Highlights of the Mother's Day and May Day celebrations. | |
256 | With 254 acceptances from mothers in answer to the invitations Public Relations News Release 1930:385, p.1 |
Program of Mother's Day events. | |
257 | Mothers of students Public Relations News Release 1930:386, p.1 |
Mother's Day weekend plans. | |
258 | "Rhapsody in Blue" is big feature of music jamboree; lighting effects make concert pleasing to eye as well as ear College Eye 22:30, p.1 |
Symphony Orchestra will perform for mothers. | |
259 | Mothers are feted by Teachers College students this weekend; three days program of dances, dinners, and music planned College Eye 22:30, p.1 |
Lengthy description of the program. | |
260 | Every day should be mother's in thought, if not in celebration; music, dinners, dances, movies, church are for mother College Eye 22:30, p.2 |
Mothers arriving for Mother's Day celebration are welcomed. | |
261 | Untitled College Eye 22:30, p.2 |
Phi Chi Delta honors mothers. | |
262 | Mothers will be guests at Berg's on Saturday College Eye 22:30, p.2 |
Will receive treats there. | |
263 | Mother and Dan Cupid rate high in college society this week College Eye 22:30, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
264 | "Cimarron" will be shown here Saturday College Eye 22:30, p.6 |
College movie. | |
265 | Music jamboree will be held next Friday evening; is planned in connection with program of Mother's Day celebration College Eye 22:29, p.1 |
Program for Mother's Day activities. | |
266 | Alice Dowden elected to reign at May Day festivities next week College Eye 22:29, p.1 |
Description of May Day ceremonies. | |
267 | Spring dances are keeping the social circles humming this week College Eye 22:29, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
268 | Thirty-eight students and faculty members on Mother's Day committees; Student Council committee composed of Eileen Hardie, Bob Burley, and Ora Natvig College Eye 22:26, p.1 |
Committee responsibilities set for the celebration. | |
269 | Ora Natvig, of this city Public Relations News Release 1930:320, p.1 |
Member of the Mother's Day committee, | |
270 | Mothers of students at the Iowa State teachers College Public Relations News Release 1930:319, p.1 |
Mother's Day activities planned. | |
271 | Eileen Hardie, of this city Public Relations News Release 1930:321, p.1 |
Member of the Mother's Day committee. | |
272 | Mothers and May will go hand in hand on May tenth; Mothers Day and May Day will be combined Senior Prom Saturday night College Eye 22:25, p.1 |
Preview of the Mother's Day and May Day celebrations. | |
273 | Mothers will be the "who" of this story Public Relations News Release 1930:307, p.1 |
Mother's Day activities planned; list of committee members provided. | |
274 | College honors mothers in first "day" Alumnus 14:3, p.15 |
Hold first Mother's Day in conjunction with May Day celebration; mothers attend classes, dinners, activities. | |
275 | Nearly four hundred mothers visit here College Eye 21:32, p.1 |
Review of the activities. | |
276 | The Editors Column College Eye 21:32, p.2 |
Urges students to attend Play Day; feels the date for Mother's Day should be changed; advocates grading on a curve. | |
277 | Ruth Eells, Cedar Falls, is pictured above as she rides in her beribboned chariot. Public Relations News Release 1929:493, p.1 |
Eells crowned as Queen of May during Mother's Day festivities. | |
278 | Welcome, mothers, to our campus College Eye 21:31, p.1 |
279 | Band sponsors dance Saturday for students and mothers College Eye 21:31, p.1 |
280 | Professor Dora E. Kearney College Eye 21:31, p.3 |
Professor Kearney will be at home to students and their mothers. | |
281 | Mothers are honored at Sunday services College Eye 21:31, p.5 |
Special service at CHIC. | |
282 | House presidents of the Women's League College Eye 21:31, p.5 |
Women's League met. | |
283 | Students, notice College Eye 21:31, p.1 |
Mothers will be admitted free to the Cecilian concert. | |
284 | Mothers of students at the Iowa State Teachers college Public Relations News Release 1929:484, p.1 |
Mother's Day activities planned. | |
285 | Mothers enroll at Teachers College for three days course in applied college life; expect hundreds at first annual mother's program College Eye 21:31, p.1 |
Schedule of activities for first Mother's Day program. | |
286 | Notice College Eye 21:30, p.3 |
Tickets on sale for Mother's Day lunch. | |
287 | Mothers answer to invitation to campus College Eye 21:30, p.1 |
Schedule for the first annual celebration. | |
288 | Mother will put away the dishes Public Relations News Release 1929:429, p.1 |
Students forgo Sneak Day and celebrate Mother's Day instead; weekend activities discussed. | |
289 | College invites mothers to visit sons and daughters College Eye 21:28, p.1 |
Will forego sneak day; will honor mothers instead. | |
290 | The Editor's Column; why be childish? College Eye 21:28, p.4 |
President Latham asks students to give up half-day holiday in order to celebrate Mother's Day. | |
291 | Mothers will visit their sons and daughters Public Relations News Release 1929:398, p.1 |
First annual Mother's Day Celebration to be held May 9-11. | |
292 | Compositions by Prof. Samson were excellent College Eye 20:33, p.1 |
Performed at CHIC. | |
293 | Alpha Delta Alpha College Eye 19:35, p.8 |
Fraternity happenings. | |
294 | Alpha College Eye 19:35, p.5 |
Society program about Mother's Day. | |
295 | Phi Omega Pi College Eye 19:35, p.8 |
Sorority happenings. | |
296 | Xanho College Eye 19:35, p.8 |
Fraternity happenings. | |
297 | Theta Gamma Nu College Eye 19:35, p.8 |
Sorority happenings. | |
298 | Alpha College Eye 19:34, p.5 |
Society meeting; program information. | |
299 | Mother's Day services to be held Sunday College Eye 19:34, p.5 |
Mother's Day program information. | |
300 | All College Community program of religious life for May 6 is announced College Eye 19:33, p.7 |