Music--Performance Reviews

Displaying 401 - 450 of 621 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 College Symphony presents artistic and interesting program
College Eye 21:41, p.1
Performance review.
402 Cecilians annual concert delights music lovers
College Eye 21:32, p.1
Performance review.
403 Bel Canto Glee Club gives annual concert
College Eye 21:30, p.3
A review of the Bel Canto recital.
404 Contralto delights audience Tues. eve
College Eye 21:28, p.2
Review of performance by Cyrena Van Gordon.
405 Minnesingers give successful concert
College Eye 21:27, p.8
Performance review.
406 Combined glee club pleases audience at annual concert
College Eye 21:23, p.1
Review of performance by Euterpeans and Troubadours.
407 Aeolian concert is favorably received
College Eye 21:22, p.2
Irving Wolfe reviews performance.
408 Symphony Orchestra has balance of parts
College Eye 21:21, p.1
Professor Richman's review of the performance.
409 Small audience hears concert by orchestra
College Eye 20:44, p.1
Performance review.
410 Francis Macmillen gives outstanding concert of year
College Eye 20:39, p.1
Performance review.
411 Cyrena Van Gordon concert was fitting climax to lecture course program
College Eye 20:29, p.1
Performance review.
412 Excellent standard upheld by the Minnesingers
College Eye 20:27, p.1
Review of the Minnesingers Glee Club concert.
413 Joint concert pleases audience; Miss Hardeman's interpretations excellent
College Eye 20:26, p.1
Review of performances by Florence Hardeman and Kathryn Witwer.
414 Miss Balzer proves talent
College Eye 20:26, p.2
Review of recent performance.
415 Fortieth annual concert was an affair of distinction
College Eye 20:25, p.1
Performance review.
416 Delightful hour of music furnished by College Trio; compositions by Kurtz very much appreciated
College Eye 20:24, p.1
Performance review.
417 Joint concert attracts large audience
College Eye 20:22, p.1
Review of performance by the Euterpeans and Troubadours.
418 Aeolian concert was worthy of commendation
College Eye 20:20, p.1
Review of recent performance.
419 Thomas gives splendid concert
College Eye 20:18, p.1
Review of performance by John Charles Thomas.
420 T. C. boasts of fine Ladies Band
College Eye 20:12, p.1
Review of recent performance.
421 We hear Marion Talley
College Eye 20:8, p.1
Performance review.
422 Cecilia Dostal recital
College Eye 19:47, p.4
Performance review.
423 Marlys Schwarck's violin recital wins audience
College Eye 19:46, p.1
Performance review.
424 Ethel Jones pleases large audience here
College Eye 19:43, p.1
Performance review.
425 Appreciative criticism of Ganz recital
College Eye 19:41, p.7
Faculty and students were happy with the Ganz performance.
426 Symphony concert well received here
College Eye 19:35, p.1
Review of performance of Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
427 Cecilians maintain their high standard; in concert last Wednesday night
College Eye 19:33, p.1
Performance review.
428 Aeolian Glee Club gives final concert
College Eye 19:31, p.2
Performance review; program.
429 40th annual concert success; program was well-balanced
College Eye 19:29, p.1
Minnesingers present concert.
430 Interesting joint recital given Thurs.; second annual joint recital of Euterpeans and Troubadours
College Eye 19:26, p.1
Performance review.
431 McCormack pleases audience greatly
College Eye 19:12, p.1
Review of performance by John McCormack.
432 Werrenrath sings excellent program
College Eye 18:54, p.7
Brief review of performance by Reinald Werrenrath.
433 Galli-Curci concert immense success
College Eye 18:42, p.1
About 3200 attended concert; review.
434 Minnesinger concert pleases audience
College Eye 18:36, p.1
Performance review.
435 Bel Canto Club very good in concert
College Eye 18:35, p.1
Professor Kurtz played as well.
436 Luther band is well received here
College Eye 18:33, p.1
437 Hans Kindler gives excellent concert
College Eye 18:23, p.2
Performance review.
438 Kurtz concert of great merit
College Eye 18:21, p.5
Review of Professor Kurtz's violin recital.
439 Melchior-Flesch concert remarkable
College Eye 18:20, p.1
Brief review.
440 Lambert Murphy well received; responded to four encores during evening
College Eye 18:16, p.1
Performance review.
441 Phradie Wells, soprano, delights large audience; Metropolitan Opera artist welcomed at Teachers College; program success
College Eye 18:2, p.1
Review of performance.
442 Euterpean Glee Club gives a delightful concert
College Eye 17:43, p.3
Brief performance review.
443 Cecilians give pleasing concert
College Eye 17:42, p.1
Perform four groups of songs.
444 Bel Canto Club pleases audience
College Eye 17:40, p.7
Short review of performance.
445 Good crowd enjoys orchestra concert
College Eye 17:35, p.1
Performance review; raised $70 from seat sales and $12 from lost and found sales for Campanile.
446 In a program of numbers from Mozart
College Eye 17:22, p.2
Brief review of performance by Ruby Simmers.
447 We have with us
College Eye 17:13, p.3
Review of the band Midnight Ramblers.
448 Manuel and Williamson give pleasing concert
College Eye 17:2, p.3
Brief review.
449 Musbach recital brilliant success
College Eye 16:35, p.5
Review of Iva Musbach's recital in Gilchrist Chapel.
450 Famous Minneapolis Symphony pleases in two concerts; hearty applause showered on Kurtz, composer of March in D
College Eye 16:34, p.1
Review of performances given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.