National Education Association

Displaying 1 - 50 of 285 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 NEA distributes literacy kits to schools
Northern Iowan 104:45, p.2
Literacy kit program is a joint effort of the National Education Association Student Program and Northern Iowa State Education Association. Kits containing a book, activity, and journal will be distributed in May to area schools.
2 UNI faculty member receives $20,000 NEA literature award
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Rebecca Dunham was awarded the NEA Literature Fellowship for her poetry.
3 Iowa teachers rank near bottom of pay scale; UNI education majors seen alternatives in other states.
Northern Iowan 102:30, p.1
Students and graduates are frustrated by low teacher pay in Iowa, a state that values education; photo.
4 National Teacher Day
Public Relations News Release 2000:400, p.1
National Teacher Day is sponsored by the National Education Association.
5 NEA opposes 'English Only'
Northern Iowan 84:64, p.1
6 AFT vs. NEA
Northern Iowan 73:7, p.2
Gives reason why United Faculty associated with NEA rather than AFT.
7 James Hoobler named head of UNI ed. Assoc.
Northern Iowan 68:15, p.12
Will replace Caryl Middleton.
8 First Edition of National Newsletter Edited by UNI Prof
Public Relations News Release 1970:229, p.1
Dr. Dreier has originated and edited the first issue of a national quarterly newsletter for the leadership of the Rural Education Association (REA).
9 Alumnus heads NEA
Alumnus 54:1, p.7
George D. Fischer is president of NEA; photo.
10 Faculty challenge 'demure'
Northern Iowan 65:6, p.2
Faculty challenge to university authority has been milder than student challenge, but is increasing.
11 AFT 'provisional local' leaders seek change
Northern Iowan 64:58, p.1
Group leans toward AFT rather than NEA; pledges in any case to remain loyal opposition.
12 Hastings, Dreier top officers in local ISEA
College Eye 56:31, p.3
List of campus NEA chapter officers.
13 AFT, NEA, clash in Commons forum Monday
College Eye 56:31, p.3
14 Commons Forum series a success
College Eye 56:31, p.2
Congratulate Forum committee on its efforts.
15 NEA-AFT to debate
College Eye 53:30, p.8

Representatives will debate.

16 Representative Johnson, NEA, here Monday
College Eye 53:30, p.5

Kenneth Johnson will speak to classes.

17 Commons forum, AFT and NEA
College Eye 53:28, p.4

Speakers will represent both teachers associations.

18 Education topic for rescheduled Commons forum
College Eye 53:26, p.8

Glen Robinson and Carl Megel will speak.

19 New era begins for education
College Eye 53:15, p.2

A new union for teachers was voted on in New York; will help increase pay for teachers and provide better working conditions.

20 Fox analyzes teacher union prospects
College Eye 53:13, p.2

Discusses the differences between the NEA and the AFT, and talks about how a vote in New York could change education.

21 SCI post-session
Public Relations News Release 1960:559, p.1
Nearly one-hundred elementary and high school educators come together for post-session workshops, where they will cooperate with the National Education Association in writing a guidebook for use in driver education. Howard Knutson directs the session.
22 Van Til to speak at SCI elementary education conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:549, p.1
Professor Nellie D. Hampton acts as chairman of the Elementary Education Conference, where Professor William Van Til of the New York University and National Education Association will be speaking.
23 Local teacher to attend driver education workshop
Public Relations News Release 1960:528, p.1
The department of education and psychology sponsors a two-week driver education workshop in cooperation with the State Department of Public Instruction. Ivan L. Eland directs the program, with assistance from the National Education Association.
24 ISTC announces new education specialist
Public Relations News Release 1960:437, p.1
William C. Lang announces the appointment of Professor Stanley C. Knox as assistant professor of education and psychology. Knox is a member of the National Education Association and has published several professional articles.
25 ISTC professor commencement speaker
Public Relations News Release 1960:407, p.1
Professor William H. Dreier is scheduled to speak before the graduating class of Elvira High and Midland Community School in Wyoming. Dreier is a member of the Iowa Academy of Science, the Education Association, and Phi Delta Kappa.
26 ISTC Lab School Audio-visual head to attend conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:339, p.1
Robert Paulson, aduio-visual director at the Iowa State Teachers College Malcom Price school will represent the College at the North Central Regional Leadership Planning Conference at the University Wisconsin, Madison.
27 Mr. John Starie to speak at ISEA meeting
College Eye 52:23, p.1
NEA official will speak; photo.
28 ISTC senior flies to Washington, D. C. conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:27, p.1
Rose Ann Sadler flies to the Washington National Citizenship Conference as national president of the Future Business Leaders of America and vice president of all F. B. L. A. chapters. Her trip is sponsored by the National Education Association.
29 Workshop to be sponsored by NEA-ISEA
College Eye 49:39, p.1
A look at the leadership conference.
30 First workshop for association leaders Sunday
College Eye 48:38, p.5
NEA group will meet on campus.
31 NEA raises salaries
College Eye 48:35, p.2
Reviews the history of the NEA and its recent accomplishments.
32 Dr. Maucker elected to commission
College Eye 48:1, p.1
Will chair an NEA commission.
33 NEA finds kids are not too bad
College Eye 47:37, p.4
34 NEA will lobby
College Eye 47:37, p.2
Announces that the National Education Association will hold a convention in Oregon.
35 Appoint Maucker to commission on education
College Eye 45:39, p.1
Will serve on National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards of NEA.
36 Dreier to NEA as TC delegate
College Eye 45:34, p.1
Will attend national convention.
37 President of NEA talks here today
College Eye 45:33, p.3
William A. Early will speak; photo.
38 Seven Staff members are scheduled to participate in a Career Day at Forest City, Wednesday, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:574, p.1
They are Harold E. Bernhard, director of the bureau of religious activities; Donald F. Howard, assistant professor of history; Elisabeth Sutherland, head of the home economics department; Harry G. Guillaume, Ada McLeod, Leonard J. Keefe, and Henry Harris.
39 Four faculty members are scheduled to participate in a career day at Eagle Grove, Wednesday, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:573, p.1
The faculty members: Lloyd V. Douglas, head of the business education department; William C. Lang, asssociate professor of history; Bernice Helff, assistant professor of teaching; and Mardelle L. Mohn, instructor in teaching. Short biographies included.
40 Gordon J. Rhum, Henry Harris, and Gail E. Myers will participate in the Hancock County Career Day at Britt Monday, April 7
Public Relations News Release 1952:490, p.1
Rhum was born in Wayland, Iowa, and he holds three academic degrees. Harris was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. He spent nearly two and a half years in the Navy. Myers, a native of Clark, S. D., holds two academic degrees. He spent three years in the Air Force.
41 Mary Pickett Caldwell, 63, assistant professor of teaching, died Friday morning in her office at the college Campus School
Public Relations News Release 1952:506, p.1
Attending physician said the cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage. Caldwell joing the staff in 1922 as a critic of teaching. She received a kindergarten diploma in 1910, a critic certificate in 1918 and a bachelor of arts degree in 1919.
42 Thirtieth annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics will be held at Hotel Fort Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1952:511, p.1
Henry Van Engen, head of the college mathematics department and chairman of the convention central planning committee, said the occasion marks the first time the annual meeting will have been held west of the Mississippi river.
43 Clifford L. Bishop and James R. Clark will participate in a Career Day at Cherokee Thursday, March 20
Public Relations News Release 1952:541, p.1
Bishop, head of the education department, joined the faculty in 1950. A native Kansan, he was born in Girard, Kansas. Clark, associate professor of men's physical education, joined the faculty in 1949. He was born in St. Peter, Minnesota.
44 Lloyd V. Douglas and James T. Blanford will attend the annual convention of the National Association of Business Teacher Training Institution (NABTTI)
Public Relations News Release 1952:423, p.1
Douglas will attend a business meeting of the board of directors of the National Education association's United Business Education association. A former director of the NABTTI, Douglas will participate in a work conference devoted to "Graduate Study."
45 Special To: The Algona Kossuth County Advance
Public Relations News Release 1951:294, p.1
Marston, Algona high school business teacher, served as a recorder and participant in a Problem Clinic at the recent convention of the National Business Teachers association in Chicago.
46 A National Public School Authority said that Parents and Teachers have a common role
Public Relations News Release 1950:434, p.1
"That role is one of understanding, cooperation and leadership," said Agnes Samuelson, assistant editor of the NEA Journal and former Iowa state superintendent of public instruction.
47 Sarah Griffiths of London, England, was a Friday visitor on the campus.
Public Relations News Release 1950:332, p.1
She is the woman organizer of England's National Union of Teachers, similar to this country's National Education association. Griffiths is on a 14-week nation-wide tour of educational institutions.
48 Five seniors at Iowa State Teachers college will report their reactions of job interviews with superintendents
Public Relations News Release 1950:313, p.1
The Macy Campbell club, northeast Iowa schoolmen's organization will be held in Waterloo. The students, all members of the college's Homer H. Seerley chapter of the Future Teachers association are listed.
49 Woodcock receives high fraternity honor
Public Relations News Release 1950:206, p.1
The national office of Epsilon Pi Tau, honorary industrial arts and vocational education fraternity, has announced the awarding of the Laureate Citation to Bert L. Woodcock, assistant professor of safety education, of the Fraternity's Iowa Pi chapter.
50 Recognizing, respecting and guiding the abilities of others are the most essential marks of a leader, said Dr. Earl W. Anderson
Public Relations News Release 1950:192, p.1
Anderson said, "A leader doesn't necessarily know the answers, but he must know how to get the answers." Anderson, professor of education at Ohio State University, is chairman of the National Education association's commission on teacher education.