National Education Association

Displaying 151 - 200 of 285 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 National Education Association Administration Building Washington D.C.
College Eye 21:9, p.1
The National Education Association Administration Building in Washington, D. C., will look like this when it is complete; photo.
152 Convention notes
College Eye 20:26, p.3
Professor Nelson gives his impressions of the NEA meeting.
153 The educational meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, February 21st to February 28th
College Eye 20:26, p.2
Professor Goetch gives his impression of the NEA meeting.
154 Cram and Swalwell report N. E. A. meeting
College Eye 20:6, p.1
ISTA meets to elect state delegates.
155 More N. E. A. news
College Eye 19:42, p.7
Speaker advocates good conversation.
156 Faculty members report on N. E. A. convention
College Eye 19:42, p.1
Citizenship was topic of recent conference; Harry Eells was one speaker; fifteen faculty members attended.
157 Members of faculty to attend N. E. A.
College Eye 19:41, p.1
Ten faculty members will attend conference in Minneapolis.
158 Mr. Cram elected delegate to N. E. A.
College Eye 19:32, p.1
Professor Swalwell is alternate.
159 N. E. A. adopts resolutions at Seattle meeting; four years college advocated for teachers; Mrs. Lindbergh congratulated by N. E. A.
College Eye 19:6, p.1
Praise for increased standards for teachers.
160 Agnes Samuelson
College Eye 19:2, p.5
Former Extension Professor, current State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Iowa was elected Vice-President of the N. E. A.
161 Mr. C. A. Fullerton
College Eye 18:33, p.5
Returned from the National Education Association with Professors Finkenbinder and Campbell.
162 E. O. Finkenbinder
College Eye 18:32, p.5
Attending a National Educational Association meeting in Dallas, Texas.
163 Mr. Campbell
College Eye 18:27, p.5
Working with the National Education Association.
164 Teachers request one year in seven free for studies; N. E. A. directors decide on Seattle convention next year
College Eye 18:5, p.1
Highlights of the NEA convention.
165 Prof. Macy Campbell
College Eye 17:35, p.3
Professor returns to campus following attendance at mid-winter meetings in Washington, D. C.
166 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 17:23, p.3
Host to president of the National Education Association.
167 Prof. Macy Campbell and Dr. Ritter
College Eye 16:24, p.6
Attended the National Education Association convention in Cincinnati.
168 President and Mrs. Seerley
College Eye 16:2, p.2
Attended the National Education Association meeting in Washington, D. C.; details of the meeting provided.
169 Educational Association delegates visit school
College Eye 15:25, p.1
Josephine Corliss Preston will visit campus on way to NEA meeting.
170 Macy Campbell elected Pres. Nat. rural schools
College Eye 15:25, p.1
Heads NEA group.
171 Campbell to cooperate with Farm Bureau
College Eye 15:24, p.7
On study of rural education.
172 Pres. N. E. A. pleads for teaching as a life work
College Eye 14:55, p.1
Excerpts from address by Olive Jones.
173 Dr. Winship makes annual call at Teachers College
College Eye 14:53, p.1
Brief excerpts from addresses.
174 Olive Jones
College Eye 14:53, p.1
Olive Jones will speak on campus.
175 Miss Jennette Carpenter
College Eye 14:52, p.4
Plans to travel to the library of the University of California for reading and research.
176 The Iowa delegation
College Eye 14:52, p.2
NEA regrets that President Seerley was unable to attend national meeting.
177 Letter from Miss Carpenter
College Eye 14:50, p.1
Comments on her long trip to San Francisco for the National Education Association meeting.
178 Miss Jennette Carpenter
College Eye 14:49, p.4
Left for San Francisco to be the delegate at the National Education Association meeting.
179 The cost of education
College Eye 14:47, p.1
Believes that education is a good investment.
180 Pres. H. H. Seerley
College Eye 14:35, p.8
Returned to campus, along with Macy Campbell and I. H. Hart, after attending the National Education Association convention.
181 Teachers College wins recognition; highly praised by national commissioner at Cleveland meeting
College Eye 14:35, p.1
Cited for work in extension and rural education.
182 President Seerley and Prof. Macy Campbell
College Eye 14:34, p.7
Attending the National Educational Association winter session in Cleveland, Ohio.
183 By the combined orders
College Eye 14:24, p.6
Chapel programs will be devoted to education next week.
184 News and comments
College Eye 14:21, p.1
News from on and off campus.
185 The next N.E.A. meeting
College Eye 14:18, p.1
Will meet in Cleveland in March.
186 Boston N. E. A.
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.3
President Homer Horatio Seerley represents the Iowa State Teachers Association as a delegate at the National Education Association Convention.
187 W. H. Gemmill
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.8
W. H. Gemmill represents the Iowan state education institutions at the National Education Association in Boston, Massachusetts.
188 Eva May Luse
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.7
Eva May Luse is elected delegate to the National Education Association.
189 J. E. Fitzgerald
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.4
J. E. Fitzgerald represents Northeast Iowa as a delegate to the National Education Association.
190 Supt. J. S. Hilliard
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.5
Superintendent J. S. Hilliard is appointed to the Committee of Health by the Iowa State Teachers Association. He will work with the Joint Committee on Health Problems in Education of the National Education Association and American Medical Association.
191 Alice Hanthorn
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.6
Alice Hanthorn supervises primary and elementary education in the public schools of Lincoln, Nebraska. Hanthorn delivered an instructive report to the National Education Association at their sectional meeting.
192 The Chicago N. E. A.
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.7
The National Education Association meeting is held in Chicago, Illinois. Professors in attendance include F. E. Fuller, E. J. Cable, E. L. Ritter, C. C. Swain, J. B. Paul, R. R. Hollingsworth, T. B. Homan, H. S. Buffum, A. C. Fuller, and C. H. Meyerholz.
193 John H. Beveridge
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.7
Former member of the Education Department, John H. Beveridge, is elected President of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association at their Chicago meeting.
194 The following
College Eye 13:24, p.8
Many ISTC faculty attended the National Educational Association meeting in Chicago.
195 An important program
College Eye 13:7, p.2
A look at NEA aims for libraries.
196 Charles A. Fullerton
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.3
Professor Charles A. Fullerton, head of the department of music, accepts the role of president of the National Education Association.
197 Vacation during summer term; National Council of Education and National Education Association meet in Des Moines, July 1-8
College Eye 13:1, p.1
NEA will meet in Des Moines.
198 The N. E. A.
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.2
Winter N. E. A. attended by President and Mrs. Seerley, Professors Luse, Paul, Campbell, and Goetch. Summary given.
199 The National Education Association
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.1
The National Education Association meeting is to be held in Des Moines.
200 Homer H. Seerley
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3
Attended N. E. A. in Salt Lake City and vacationed with family.