Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)
Displaying 1601 - 1615 of 1615 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1601 | Student Council takes new step in bettering campus government; forms Associated Student Council of Representative Students College Eye 22:2, p.1 |
Associated group will include leaders of other campus organizations. | |
1602 | Santa Claus is still a good old fellow Public Relations News Release 1929:96, p.1 |
A Christmas tree will be decorated for the upcoming holiday. | |
1603 | Student Council organized to aid college interests; sponsor all-college functions College Eye 17:29, p.1 |
Members of the Student Council; composed of representatives from each class; aim to "give clean wholesome recreation to everyone on campus." | |
1604 | Editorially speaking College Eye 13:4, p.4 |
Proposes the creation of a "Men's Union" to benefit the men students. | |
1605 | Student Council College Eye 9:4, p.4 |
Believes that the Student Council needs more power in order to be successful. | |
1606 | Student Council Old Gold 0:0, p.316 |
Information and photos of the members of the Student Council; organized in fall term of 1916. | |
1607 | The students use of the Council College Eye 8:10, p.4 |
Praises decision to institute a student council, but implores students to be mature and logical in governing. | |
1608 | Purpose of the Student Council; a word about its organization College Eye 8:10, p.1 |
Outline of the duties of the newly organized Student Council; members listed. | |
1609 | T. C. to have student council College Eye 8:9, p.5 |
President Seerley makes arrangements to organize a student council in order to govern the student body. | |
1610 | B. A.s elect officers College Eye 8:2, p.7 |
Roster of officers. | |
1611 | Student government at Bartlett Hall College Eye 7:13, p.6 |
Description of the success of the Bartlett Hall government. | |
1612 | The Men's Intersociety Committee Old Gold 0:0, p.314 |
Group includes three members from each men's society; considers matters such as intersociety athletics, debate, and oratory; photo. | |
1613 | New rules adopted; ladies literary society forms new organization known as Women's Intersociety Committee; provision made for Society Day College Eye 1:30, p.2 |
Committee worked on constitution all year; text of the constitution. | |
1614 | Student self-government College Eye 1:24, p.4 |
Register and Leader believes students may be granted certain responsibilities. | |
1615 | Co-operative government Normal Eyte 16:30, p.465 |
Simpson College may organize student government. |