Northern Iowan
Displaying 701 - 750 of 948 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
701 | Letters, letters, letters: Why do you write them? Why do we print them? Northern Iowan 75:23, p.3 |
Executive editor Julie Vorman explains a little about letters to the Northern Iowan. | |
702 | Local paper blasts theft Northern Iowan 75:21, p.2 |
Reprint of Cedar Falls Record editorial on theft of Northern Iowans. | |
703 | 8,000 N. I.'s stolen Tuesday; theft under investigation by UNI security office Northern Iowan 75:20, p.1 |
Considering possible link to unfavorable story about Gamma Phi Beta. | |
704 | NI omission? Northern Iowan 75:17, p.2 |
Chateau Galliano house in Lawther Hall believes the Northern Iowan unfairly omitted their Homecoming contest victories. | |
705 | Access to the N. I. Is easier than you think; editor invites criticism, comments, further use of newspaper Northern Iowan 75:15, p.3 |
Julie Vorman tells readers how they can react to or be a part of the NI. | |
706 | Reader criticizes newspaper Northern Iowan 75:9, p.2 |
Long-time reader criticizes the staff of newspaper for recent errors, but did like article on general education by Professor Brintnall. | |
707 | Some thoughts on 'newsworthiness' Northern Iowan 75:7, p.3 |
Northern Iowan Executive Editor Julie Vorman discusses the process used to decide what is newsworthy. | |
708 | A question of credibility Northern Iowan 75:6, p.2 |
Policy and dilemmas surrounding publishing letters to the editor are discussed; believes claims made by letter writer are false. | |
709 | KCRS manager criticizes newspaper Northern Iowan 75:6, p.2 |
General manager of KCRS discusses the article dealing with KCRS budget over-run; claims NI made errors in its report. | |
710 | Compliments Iowan Northern Iowan 75:2, p.2 |
Northern Iowan complimented for its coverage of the arts. | |
711 | Welcome back, Volgarino Northern Iowan 75:2, p.3 |
Former executive editor returns as advisor to the staff of the Northern Iowan. | |
712 | An introduction Northern Iowan 75:1, p.2 |
The Northern Iowan staff writes an introductory editorial. | |
713 | Survival guide Northern Iowan 75:1, p.10 |
Information given on scheduling, activities, organizations, services, buildings on campus and academic advising. | |
714 | Retiring editor Milroy makes farewell comments Northern Iowan 74:56, p.2 |
Milroy saying his good-byes to the university community. | |
715 | Fall Northern Iowan staff is announced Northern Iowan 74:56, p.1 |
Julie Vorman will be Executive Editor; Julie Bowman will be Managing Editor; list of other staff members. | |
716 | Iowan awarded Northern Iowan 74:54, p.1 |
NI receives First Class rating. | |
717 | Party with staffers; NI holds party! Northern Iowan 74:53, p.1 |
All students invited. | |
718 | Notice! Northern Iowan 74:52, p.2 |
Looking for contributions for creative writing special section. | |
719 | Fine Arts supplement Northern Iowan 74:50, p.1 |
Seeking contributions for supplement to Northern Iowan. | |
720 | Apology Northern Iowan 74:48, p.15 |
NI apologizes to members of the SAE fraternity for a statement made about them. | |
721 | An explanation on our behalf Northern Iowan 74:47, p.2 |
Attempts to explain why there has not been more coverage of certain on-campus events. | |
722 | Students complain about lack of Metamorphosis coverage in Iowan Northern Iowan 74:47, p.2 |
Upset about poor coverage in the newspaper for the Metamorphosis Program. | |
723 | Vorman selected as NI editor Northern Iowan 74:46, p.1 |
Julie Vorman briefly outlines her plans. | |
724 | Sexist cover photo Northern Iowan 74:44, p.3 |
Feels the Northern Iowan displayed sexist photo. | |
725 | More views on Robinson memo Northern Iowan 74:42, p.2 |
It may not have been in good taste for George Robinson to tell students not to vote for Roland Caldwell, but the Northern Iowan should not have provided a forum for criticism of Mr. Robinson. | |
726 | So it was a legal meeting, hey? Northern Iowan 74:33, p.3 |
Questions whether or not a recent meeting was against the open meetings law. | |
727 | People read the Iowan? Northern Iowan 74:31, p.7 |
A student either reading the Iowan, or sleeping; photo. | |
728 | A promise of dedication Northern Iowan 74:29, p.2 |
Northern Iowan planning to do very good job this semester. | |
729 | Off the Record Northern Iowan 74:23, p.2 |
Believes Hunter Thompson visit interested many students; applauds efforts of Controversial Speakers Committee. | |
730 | Iowan should consider its priorities Northern Iowan 74:14, p.2 |
Criticizes choice to run extensive article on Gerald Baker. | |
731 | Iowan to pay Northern Iowan 74:11, p.3 |
Will pay for stories from non-staff people. | |
732 | NI headline editorializing Northern Iowan 74:5, p.3 |
Quarrels with choice of words in headline about coal pile run-off into Dry Run Creek. | |
733 | Off the Record Northern Iowan 74:3, p.2 |
Record enrollment, the new column developed, letters to the editor, and campus grounds. | |
734 | Theory and info about the Iowan; Viewpoint Northern Iowan 74:1, p.2 |
Information on what the student newspaper is, and how it works. | |
735 | Northern Iowan pledges service Northern Iowan 73:57, p.2 |
Welcomes everyone to the summer session and lets it be known that the Northern Iowan will try to keep everyone informed on events going on. | |
736 | Iowan presents Ninny awards Northern Iowan 73:56, p.2 |
The Northern Iowan's Ninny Awards. | |
737 | More on ad problems Northern Iowan 73:56, p.2 |
Stated the Northern Iowan acted unethically by continuing to publish an ad which was revealed to be fraudulent by a student. | |
738 | Questions honesty in 'stuffing' advertisement Northern Iowan 73:54, p.2 |
Wants the Northern Iowan to stop printing an advertisement that promises students a lot of money just for stuffing envelopes because it is a scam. | |
739 | Iowan staffs for summer/fall set Northern Iowan 73:54, p.7 |
List of staff. | |
740 | Milroy, Rank are new editors for NI Northern Iowan 73:48, p.1 |
Kevin Milroy and Dan Rank are executive editors; photo. | |
741 | NI coverage now 'balanced' Northern Iowan 73:46, p.2 |
Congratulates the Northern Iowan for its balanced reporting of the faculty and regents negotiations. | |
742 | Is article one-sided? Northern Iowan 73:33, p.2 |
Professor Eblen believes that the Northern Iowan presented a one-sided view about collective bargaining and also unjustly criticized faculty for not attending the first bargaining session. | |
743 | Merry Christmas from the Northern Iowan staff Northern Iowan 73:28, p.8 |
Newspaper staff poses for a picture; photo. | |
744 | It's the red tape blues again . . . Northern Iowan 73:25, p.1 |
UNI's purchasing process is discussed. | |
745 | Iowan awarded ACP first class Northern Iowan 73:12, p.8 |
Northern Iowan awards First Class rating for 1976 spring semester by the Associated Collegiate Press Newspaper Critical Service. | |
746 | Welcome Northern Iowan 73:1, p.2 |
NI goals for the year. | |
747 | NI policies explained Northern Iowan 72:57, p.2 |
748 | NI pledges service Northern Iowan 72:57, p.2 |
The Northern Iowan staff pledges to keep students up-to-date. | |
749 | Summer staff announced Northern Iowan 72:56, p.14 |
List of staff for Northern Iowan. | |
750 | NI fall staff is announced Northern Iowan 72:56, p.1 |
Kevin Milroy will be managing editor; list of other staff. |