Northern Iowan

Displaying 451 - 500 of 944 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
451 NI quality defended
Northern Iowan 85:29, p.2
Believes that portions of criticism of NI were justified, but implied criticism of speech coverage was out of line.
452 Majerus, Hawes 'praised'
Northern Iowan 85:29, p.2
Did not like implied criticism of speech team coverage.
453 Ex-editors scolded for NI digging
Northern Iowan 85:28, p.2
Believe NI has not been aggressive in its reporting.
454 Art viewed as 'sophomoric'
Northern Iowan 85:27, p.2
Enjoyed article on protest, but thought accompanying cartoon was poor.
455 Wilde Ideas
Northern Iowan 85:27, p.2
Comments on the difficulty of writing regularly; looks at criticism of running cartoon as commentary on accompanying article.
456 UNISA senator seeks students' views, opinions
Northern Iowan 85:11, p.3
Critical of value and quality of Northern Iowan.
457 UNI organizations aid students
Northern Iowan 85:2, p.10
A quick look at important campus offices and organizations.
458 NI receives thanks for week's coverage
Northern Iowan 84:57, p.2
Appreciates coverage of Handicap Awareness Week.
459 Suchomel, Reiling to be next year's editors
Northern Iowan 84:56, p.1
Lisa Suchomel will be executive editor and Diane Reiling will be managing editor for 1988-1989; photo.
460 Senate passes budget bill
Northern Iowan 84:48, p.4
Allocations for student organizations approved.
461 Editorial applications sought
Northern Iowan 84:48, p.1
NI seeking applicants for two positions.
462 NI, high school paper uncensored
Northern Iowan 84:42, p.6
Rules seem to give NI relatively free rein.
463 NI accused of ignoring policy regarding letters
Northern Iowan 84:41, p.2
Claims NI violated policy in publication of letters close to election day.
464 Calhoun named as NI advisor
Northern Iowan 84:30, p.1
Brief profile of Kathy Calhoun, who will replace Jackson Baty.
465 Geography Week deserves publicity
Northern Iowan 84:28, p.2
Professor Lu is unhappy that the NI carried almost nothing about the week even though he sent them information.
466 The Human Element
Northern Iowan 84:25, p.2
Comments on the relationship between student government and the NI.
467 NI retorts funding decision
Northern Iowan 84:24, p.2
A closer look at the decision not to recommend a new funding mechanism for the NI.
468 NI alternative funding committee disbands with no formal decision
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.1
Unable to come up with decision on alternative method for funding NI.
469 Story illustration was inappropriate
Northern Iowan 84:21, p.3
Believes cartoon accompanying story of the loss of the Alpha Chi Omega charger was in poor taste.
470 Articles were incomplete
Northern Iowan 84:18, p.4
Believes some stories deserve follow-up to provide complete coverage.
471 Story on dispute called incomplete
Northern Iowan 84:16, p.4
Believes story on parking lot dispute was one-sided.
472 Thanks given for coverage
Northern Iowan 84:16, p.3
Judy Meyers appreciates NI coverage of Mental Illness Awareness Week.
473 Search for NI adviser begins after five-month wait
Northern Iowan 84:10, p.4

In wake of Jackson Baty's retirement, the NI will seek a one-third faculty appointment.

474 UNISA committee to investigate different funding method for NI
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.5
Has been increasing competition for UNISA funding.
475 Organizations require input
Northern Iowan 84:7, p.2
Invites comments on student publications.
476 NI calendar policies
Northern Iowan 84:1, p.2
Will offer What's Up, This Week, and The Sports Calendar.
477 Committee to research funding change for "NI"
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.6
Attempting to work around building problems with NI funding through UNISA.
478 Baty admired by colleagues; praised as 'one in a million'
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.1
Profile of Jackson Baty; photo.
479 Many helpful sources appreciated
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.2
Thanks students, staff, and others for helping provide information for news stories during the past school year.
480 "NI" managing editor chosen
Northern Iowan 83:58, p.6
Profile of Lisa Suchomel; her plans for the job; photo.
481 Wubben announces committee to examine future "NI" funding
Northern Iowan 83:56, p.7
Will consider Board of Student Publications recommendation.
482 Letter writers forgot to check for accuracy
Northern Iowan 83:51, p.2
Believes letter critical of NI could have used some checking itself.
483 Suggestions offered to next year's "Iowan" staff
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.3
Points out past errors and suggests areas for improvement.
484 Executives announced
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.3
Feels the newspaper is too slow in publishing the names of new UNISA executives.
485 UNISA double standard
Northern Iowan 83:48, p.2
Feels the UNISA Senate is hypocritical in its statements on accountability; called for "accountability" in cutting funding for the Northern Iowan but then used secret ballots in its votes.
486 "NI" is held accountable
Northern Iowan 83:48, p.2
Defends the "Northern Iowa" against recent attacks.
487 "Northern Iowan" underfunded; could hamper paper's quality
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.2
Feels the "NI" should be financed primarily by University funds, not advertising.
488 Student groups lobby UNISA for more money
Northern Iowan 83:44, p.1
Students press cases for larger allocations.
489 Reicks chosen as 1987-88 "NI" editor
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.4
Rod Reicks will be executive editor; photo.
490 News articles should name UNI sponsor
Northern Iowan 83:41, p.4
Criticizes the journalism of the Northern Iowan.
491 UNISA, NI too liberal
Northern Iowan 83:41, p.3
Feels that articles printed in the "Northern Iowan" are biased.
492 UNI does not have 'free press'
Northern Iowan 83:25, p.2
Feels that the "Northern Iowan" does not qualify as 'free press.'
493 Budget request presented early
Northern Iowan 83:25, p.3
Criticizes an editorial about "Northern Iowan" funding.
494 First Amendment threatened
Northern Iowan 83:24, p.2
Feels a cut in funds for the newspaper would violate the First Amendment.
495 NI opinions, actions questioned by Klein
Northern Iowan 83:7, p.2
Disagrees with the practices of the student newspaper.
496 Timeliness required
Northern Iowan 83:6, p.2
Reminds the public that information must be received in advance to be printed.
497 Seniors, NI thanked
Northern Iowan 82:56, p.2
Greg Pittam talks about the work of the Class of 1986 in organizing activities for seniors and in raising money.
498 Criticism is necessary
Northern Iowan 82:56, p.2
Believes that people must have the courage to speak out when they disagree.
499 NI editor receives Jordan award for journalism
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.7

Lynn Olson wins Cubby Award; list of past winners; photo.

500 NI editor resigns
Northern Iowan 82:53, p.3
Gwynne Skinner will go to work for Democratic party; Lynn Olson will take over her duties; photo.