Northwestern University
Displaying 51 - 78 of 78 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | College Exchanges Normal Eyte 15:27, p.421 |
Excerpts from other college newspapers. | |
52 | College Exchanges Normal Eyte 15:17, p.265 |
Excerpts from other college newspapers. | |
53 | John Hoyt Normal Eyte 15:16, p.253 |
Is a senior medical student at Northwestern University, Chicago. | |
54 | W. G. Magee Normal Eyte 15:10, p.156 |
Is a senior in the medical department of Northwestern University. | |
55 | Correspondence school hoodoo; painted in rosy tints by prominent educator; ex-president of Northwestern alludes to correspondence method of teaching a Normal Eyte 15:8, p.113 |
A former Northwestern University president is trying to encourage the use of correspondence schools for people to receive a teaching degree; editorial writer speculates on the program's value. | |
56 | Northwestern has put her glee club under the control of the School of Music Normal Eyte 15:7, p.110 |
Northwestern University and the University of Michigan are giving college credit to their glee club singers. | |
57 | Chas. and Roger Rugg Long Normal Eyte 14:30, p.476 |
Sons of I. J. Long are studying pharmacy at Northwestern University. | |
58 | C. J. Oleson Normal Eyte 14:28, p.443 |
Studying at Northwestern University. | |
59 | Earl B. Rogers Normal Eyte 14:25, p.390 |
Graduated from medical school; now at Cook County Hospital. | |
60 | Dr. W. G. Magee Normal Eyte 14:16, p.253 |
W. G. Magee is studying at Northwestern. | |
61 | Roy Crouse Normal Eyte 14:14, p.213 |
Roy Crouse is studying dentistry at Northwestern University. | |
62 | John E. Hoyt Normal Eyte 14:8, p.121 |
John Hoyt is now attending Northwestern University. | |
63 | In addition to carrying junior work in the Northwestern Medical school Normal Eyte 13:10, p.154 |
John D. Lyon is serving as a student assistant. | |
64 | Miss Mamie Klinefelter Normal Eyte 13:7, p.105 |
Studying at Northwestern University. | |
65 | E. B. Rogers Normal Eyte 13:6, p.88 |
Graduated with medical degree from Northwestern University. | |
66 | Lucy M. Wood Normal Eyte 12:23, p.360 |
Graduated from medical program at Northwestern University. | |
67 | Earl B. Rogers Normal Eyte 12:9, p.140 |
Now in senior year of medical studies at Northwestern University. | |
68 | W. H. Wadleigh Normal Eyte 12:4, p.55 |
Studying at Northwestern University. | |
69 | W. G. Magee Normal Eyte 12:1, p.10 |
Worked in doctor's office last summer; will study medicine at Northwestern University. | |
70 | Wm. F. Berner Normal Eyte 9:22, p.519 |
Graduated from the medical school at Northwester University. | |
71 | J. J. Daly Normal Eyte 9:22, p.520 |
Practiced medicine in Illinois before returning to Charles City. | |
72 | Grace Gray Normal Eyte 9:2, p.34 |
Studying at Northwestern University. | |
73 | W. F. Berner Normal Eyte 6:34, p.475 |
Graduates from Northwestern University Medical School. | |
74 | W. F. Berner Normal Eyte 6:27, p.317 |
Will complete medical school at Northwestern University. | |
75 | W. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 5:8, p.59 |
Studying medicine at Northwestern University. | |
76 | J. J. Daly Normal Eyte 4:20, p.312 |
Studying medicine at Northwestern University. | |
77 | W. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 4:20, p.312 |
Medical student at Northwestern University. | |
78 | Frank McElwain Normal Eyte 1:12, p.92 |
Pleased with studies at Northwestern University. |