Ogden--Harry (Class of 1905)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Harry Ogden
College Eye 2:20, p.4
Died recently due to consumption.
2 Faculty notes
College Eye 2:32, p.6
News notes on faculty activities.
3 Harry Ogden
Normal Eyte 21:8, p.134
Suffering from tuberculosis in California.
4 Here is what one paper says of Harry A. Ogden
Normal Eyte 18:2, p.23
Harry A. Ogden married Florence L. McNeal.
5 During the past month
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.559
Jeannette Fullerton English, Elizabeth Ogden, and Edward G. Miller died.
6 Things picked up on our trip
Normal Eyte 16:25, p.388
Humorous notes from the Minnesinger itinerary.
7 Harry Ogden
Normal Eyte 16:20, p.314
Teaching music in Washington, Iowa.
8 Harry Ogden
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.171
Giving private music lessons in Fairfield.
9 Harry and Miss Ogden
Normal Eyte 15:34, p.541
Mother visited.
10 Baseball
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.80
Talks about the men of the team and their positions.
11 Graduate recital
Normal Eyte 15:32, p.503
Blanche Renne will present the first public song recital.
12 Graduate recital
Normal Eyte 15:32, p.503
To graduate with a diploma in voice, Miss Renne must present a public recital. This recital will be held May 23.
13 Harry Ogden
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.493
Has been substituting for Lela McElhinney, who is ill.
14 George Wallace and Harry Ogden
Normal Eyte 15:28, p.446
Went to New Hartford to help with a night of entertainment.
15 Normal 12, Memorial 8; second practice game won handily by lanky Leland's lively lineup
Normal Eyte 15:28, p.443
I. S. N. S. defeated Memorial University of Mason City.
16 Ted Fitzgerald, Harry Ogden and Ed Haas
Normal Eyte 15:25, p.399
Had carriage problems while heading out on a duck hunt.
17 Track athletics boil; much strong new material in sight--training has begun with a vim that promises much.
Normal Eyte 15:24, p.371
Prospects for the 1905 team.
18 Baseball; Captain Leland writes of the prospects for 1905
Normal Eyte 15:22, p.346
Prospects for the 1905 baseball season.
19 Philo
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.301
A triangular debate was held among the Philos, Aristos, and Orios.
20 Men play tennis; best tournament ever held here--Hudson players defeated; Wallace champion in singles, Wallace and Walters in doubles and Wallace and
Normal Eyte 15:9, p.140
A single, double, and mixed double tennis tournament was held at I. S. N. S.
21 Harry Ogden
Normal Eyte 15:3, p.46
Returned to school.
22 Victory for Normal; Ellsworth College is defeated by a large school
Normal Eyte 14:31, p.484
Normal defeats Ellsworth College, 15-3, in baseball.
23 On Friday evening
Normal Eyte 14:31, p.491
Minnesingers and Cecilians presented "H. M. S. Pinafore"; did a good job.
24 Baseball
Normal Eyte 14:22, p.348
This year's team may be one of the best yet.
25 Neo
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.329
Presented Leap Year program.
26 Miss Oliver
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.334
Gave birthday party.
27 Shake
Normal Eyte 14:15, p.234
A temperance program was given by the Shakespeareans.
28 Our gridiron artists; a few points about the men who won our games this year
Normal Eyte 14:13, p.198
Player profiles; photo.
29 A greatly appreciated and much praised recital
Normal Eyte 14:10, p.159
Instrumental and vocal students gave recital.
30 Pedagogues 33, Preachers 0; Coach Pell's protégés walk over the Morningside team
Normal Eyte 14:10, p.155
Normal won last Saturday's football game as fans rejoice.
31 Who and what are Minnes are
Normal Eyte 14:9, p.129
The Minnesingers performed at the Teachers Association meeting.
32 Independence H. S. vs. Normal second team
Normal Eyte 14:7, p.107
Normal was defeated, 12-0, in football.
33 Pigskins christened; our long-haired warriors win
Normal Eyte 14:5, p.76
Normalites defeat Eldora and Waterloo.
34 Neo
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.43
Neos find large audience at their program.
35 Philo
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.42
Philos draw a large audience to their program.
36 Football items
Normal Eyte 14:2, p.28
Football schedule arranged; team practicing.
37 Robin Hood
Normal Eyte 13:30, p.473
Review of the comic opera.
38 The opera
Normal Eyte 13:28, p.438
Cecilians and Minnesingers will present "Robin Hood".
39 Minnesingers annual; fifth annual concert a success--everyone well pleased--specials presented in Scotch music and solos
Normal Eyte 13:19, p.292
Performance program.
40 Philomathean anniversary; twenty-five years of usefulness celebrate--excellent program in hall--sumptuous banquet in basement
Normal Eyte 13:18, p.274
Description of the performance and celebration.
41 Society
Normal Eyte 13:15, p.236
Aristos enjoy literary program; Philos work on debates; Chrestos feature poetry.
42 Philo open session; a large audience is well pleased by an excellent program- a pleasant and profitable evening
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.179
Performance program.
43 Society
Normal Eyte 13:8, p.124
Zetas enjoyed music and papers; Ossolis enjoyed favorite authors; Philos had business meeting.
44 Society
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.40
Margaret Oliver gave gavels to the Aristos and the Shakes; Philos engaged in debates; Ossolis present Boer program.
45 Athletics; the spring term
Normal Eyte 12:23, p.366
Roster of those who are out for baseball.
46 Philomathean
Normal Eyte 12:21, p.333
Roster of officers; enjoyed orations in new hall.
47 Mina Ogden
Normal Eyte 12:20, p.314
Teaching in Parkersburg.