O'Kane--Stephen L. (Biology Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI continues to grapple with O'Kane removal Northern Iowan 118:14, p.1 |
Students and faculty fight back against the decision to discipline a professor for requiring masks. Another meeting with Dr. O'Kane's students was held on October 7, where administrative faculty spoke with them about their class; photo. | |
2 | Masks on or masks off? Northern Iowan 118:14, p.3 |
In this opinion article, Patience Kauzlarich pushes for students to wear masks during in-person classes, though they are not required; photo. | |
3 | NISG condemns administration Northern Iowan 118:13, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) resolved to give a statement of support for the students in Professor O'Kane's class who were affected by his dismissal. They also voted on committee chairs in this meeting; photo. | |
4 | Students speak out over professor removal Northern Iowan 118:12, p.1 |
Students voice their concern after Professor Steve O'Kane was removed from the classroom. Professor O'Kane mandated masks and threatened to lower grades if students did not comply, which violated the Board of Regents policy banning mask mandates. Students spoke to members of Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) about how it impacted their education; photo. | |
5 | Was removing Dr. O'Kane from the classroom the right choice from UNI? Northern Iowan 118:12, p.3 |
Author Jetta Colsch gives her opinion on Professor O'Kane's removal from the classroom after requiring a mask in his class, though it is prohibited by the Board of Regents; photo. | |
6 | Talking science and religion over beer Northern Iowan 112:45, p.5 |
UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) held Pint with a Prof on March 24, featuring professors Steve O'Kane and Jerry Soneson discussing "Religion and Science: Friends or Enemies," photo. |
7 | UNI faculty says 'yes' to supporting diversity Northern Iowan 112:28, p.1 |
The UNI Faculty Senate endorsed a statement about diversity and discrimination on campus following multiple student-centered discussions. |
8 | UNI to host presentations on evolution and Obamacare Public Relations News Release 2013:107, p.1 |
UNI's Department of Philosophy and World Religions is hosting lectures concerning evolution and religion, as well as the Affordable Care Act. Several faculty members will be speaking at these events. |
9 | University creates emergency plan for apocalypse; UNI's zombie outbreak defense tactics unknown Northern Iowan 106:16, p.7 |
A humorous look at the need for UNI to prepare for zombies, especially with Halloween coming up. | |
10 | UNI to host Honors Research Day Public Relations News Release 2008:466, p.1 |
Steve O'Kane, professor of biology and chair of the Honors Faculty Advisory Board, will provide a welcome address. Honors students will present their research throughout the day in different classrooms on Lang Hall's second floor. Students listed. | |
11 | UNI Beta Beta Beta officers Public Relations News Release 2007:598, p.1 |
Eight students are serving as officers for Beta Beta Beta, a national biological honor society, during the 2007-2008 academic year. UNI chapter formed in 1934. | |
12 | UNI herbarium receives book donation from grad Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Several botanical books were donated to the herbarium from the estate of the late Richard Golz. Biographical profile of Richard Golz. | |
13 | Untitled Northern Iowan 99:17, p.11 |
Claims that Justin Wise did not even read "Darwin's Black Box," the book he was reviewing. | |
14 | UNI names 2002-2003 Prem Sahai Distinguished Professor Public Relations News Release 2002:154, p.1 |
Steve O'Kane will receive $25,000 for appropriate expenses and will present a lecture as a part of the 2002-2003 Prem Sahai Distinguished Professor award. | |
15 | Stem cells present possibilities; despite criticism, scientists say much could be learned with research Northern Iowan 98:45, p.1 |
Stem cell research and cloning were among the topics at a UNI conference. | |
16 | Aquatic Learning Center brings new types of life to UNI Northern Iowan 94:52, p.2 |
Aquatic Learning Center recently opened in the UNI greenhouse; photo. |