Old Gold

Displaying 1501 - 1550 of 1751 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1501 Foreword
Old Gold 0:0, p.3
Old Gold staff hopes to reflect the mission of the college.
1502 Old Gold staff elected
College Eye 14:11, p.1
Marjorie Mullarky will be editor; Harrison Busby will be Business Manager.
1503 Untitled
College Eye 14:11, p.4
Spring news notes.
1504 Old Gold is to be superior to book of events; necessary to sign up now
College Eye 13:28, p.1
Has been sent to printers.
1505 Final election at Crossroads next Thursday; this election will decide on the nine students that will constitute T. C.'s senate
College Eye 13:19, p.1
Will determine ISTC's most popular student from each district of the state.
1506 T. F. McDonald
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.2
T. F. McDonald is elected president of the University Association of Cleveland, Ohio. McDonald is a former business manager of Old Gold, and graduated in Law at the University of Iowa.
1507 Winter sale of college annual encouraging; editor plans strong athletic and activity sections
College Eye 13:16, p.1
Plans for the yearbook.
1508 Old Gold sale advances rapidly; book will cost you four dollars if you wait until spring
College Eye 13:11, p.1
Asking for subscription and deposit now.
1509 Senior class members start college annual; the Old Gold staff intend to make it the best book that has ever been put in this school
College Eye 13:3, p.1
Seeking suggestions from students.
1510 Dedication
Old Gold 0:0, p.1
Dedication of the 1921 Old Gold to George W. Samson; photo.
1511 Meet the 1921 Old Gold Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
Short profiles on the staff members; roster of advisory board members; a letter of appreciation; photo.
1512 Foreword
Old Gold 0:0, p.5
Letter to the reader from the staff.
1513 T. C. students patronize T. C. advertisers
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Locations of businesses that contributed to the Old Gold.
1514 Why Old Gold editors go insane
Old Gold 0:0, p.264
Questions drive editors crazy.
1515 Old Gold greetings
Old Gold 0:0, p.273
Old Gold staff has worked hard; hopes that students enjoy the new book.
1516 Editorially speaking
College Eye 13:1, p.4
Comments on the 1920-1921 College Eye staff; the 1921 Old Gold is finished; news from around campus.
1517 Juniors elect Old Gold staff
College Eye 12:32, p.1
Anna Cordts is editor and Russell Lamson is business manager.
1518 Geneva Club
College Eye 12:26, p.3
Pledge toward Old Gold; next meeting held soon.
1519 Geneva Club
College Eye 12:23, p.6
Each member donated thirty-five cents to the Old Gold fund.
1520 Vote for representative students
College Eye 12:21, p.1
Will be featured in the Old Gold.
1521 Old Gold to feature splendid works of art
College Eye 12:17, p.2
Ivan Doseff will do the work.
1522 Notice this
College Eye 12:14, p.1
The Old Gold needs pictures.
1523 Old Goldlette
College Eye 12:12, p.6
Updates about the progress of the 1921 Old Gold.
1524 Seniors attention
College Eye 12:7, p.1
Senior pictures due to Old Gold.
1525 Junior B. A.
College Eye 12:6, p.8
Purchased three pages of Old Gold for class purposes.
1526 Do you want an annual?
College Eye 12:6, p.1
Students encouraged to reserve their copy early.
1527 Will Teachers College have an annual this year?
College Eye 12:5, p.5
If students don't raise enough money, there will not be an Old Gold this year.
1528 Senior B. A.s
College Eye 12:4, p.3
Select class officers and Old Gold staff.
1529 Old Gold staff announces plans
College Eye 12:2, p.8
Editor-elect Harold Sheldon will not be attending college this year; needs new editor.
1530 The College annual
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2
The Old Gold 1920 was a volume equivalent to previous issues, limited to subscribers, and dedicated to the late Professor Reuben McKitrick.
1531 Contents
Old Gold 0:0, p.5
Drawing of medieval character seated under a tree having lunch. Dog waiting faithfully and a crossbow leaning against a tree.
1532 The Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.1
Title page. Published by the Senior Class 1920. Drawing of a toga clad figure holding a lantern.
1533 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.241
Some of the staff; photo.
1534 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
Staff, advisory board, and contributors; photo.
1535 Poems
Old Gold 0:0, p.243
Poems, jokes, candid photos, and advertisements; photo.
1536 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.2
1920 Old Gold dedicated to Professor Reuben McKitrick, with poetic tribute by Professor Lynch; photo.
1537 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
Drawing of a bald man seated at a desk with pen in hand. Huge globe in the background; photo.
1538 The Campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.7
Drawing of campus. Poetic verse on each of the following ten pages. Scene from northeast of campus; photo.
1539 Offical accounts of the Old Gold staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.284
Humorous financial balance sheet.
1540 Senior B. A.
College Eye 11:33, p.4
News from the senior class.
1541 Senior B. A.
College Eye 11:32, p.8
News from the senior class.
1542 Coming!!!
College Eye 11:28, p.3
List of businesses that purchased advertising in this year's Old Gold yearbook.
1543 Senior B. A.
College Eye 11:25, p.4
News from the senior class.
1544 Senior B. A.
College Eye 11:23, p.2
News from the senior class.
1545 Old Gold!
College Eye 11:23, p.7
Candidates announce themselves for Old Gold staff of 1920-1921.
1546 Jots from the juniors
College Eye 11:9, p.10
Should get pictures taken for Old Gold.
1547 Big strike on; Old Gold staff walks out
College Eye 11:6, p.1
Humorous attempt to get students to subscribe.
1548 Organizations state their aims; all prepared to break records in spirit and efficiency
College Eye 11:0, p.1
YMCA and YWCA as well as many other organizations outline their plans for the year.
1549 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.282
Notes from the staff; roster of staff and advisory board; photo.
1550 Announcement
College Eye 10:27, p.6
Vesta Rugg will be editor and Tracy Hodsdon will be business manager of 1920 Old Gold.