
Displaying 301 - 350 of 433 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 The concert course which was received last year will not be reopened this year
Public Relations News Release 1935:46, p.1
Last year Phradie Wells, Hans Hess, and Gabriel Fenyves were presented.
302 Three seniors to assist in operetta
College Eye 26:39, p.1
Will present "Lelewala".
303 Singer carries on despite injuries
College Eye 26:35, p.4
Norma Atwood performs with tack in foot.
304 Opera tickets selling heavily; "Bohemian Girl" attracting enthusiasts throughout the state
College Eye 26:34, p.1
Reservations arrive from around the state; list of performers.
305 "The Bohemian Girl" will be presented March 14 and 15
College Eye 26:33, p.1
Preview of the opera.
306 Forum jury acquits Mr. Grand opera of malicious charges
College Eye 26:31, p.1
Present mock trial on value of opera.
307 Norma Atwood has the honor of being selected to play the lead in the opera, "The Bohemian Girl."
Public Relations News Release 1934:845, p.1
308 Principals and cast named for "Bohemian Girl"
College Eye 26:28, p.1
List of cast members and singers.
309 Tryouts for "The Bohemian Girl" will begin on Thursday
Public Relations News Release 1934:729, p.1
The opera will be presented on March 14 and 15.
310 Tests are scheduled for "Bohemian Girl"
College Eye 26:22, p.1
Will depart from usual custom of having two glee clubs put on the show.
311 Wells interviewed sings here tonight in the auditorium
College Eye 26:15, p.1
Phradie Wells on campus.
312 From farming, to teaching, to grand opera....
Public Relations News Release 1934:610, p.2
Profile of Phradie Wells.
313 Entertainment course will be resumed in fall; Miss Phradie Wells of the Metropolitan Opera Co. to sing here
College Eye 26:11, p.1
Program had been discontinued due to its expense and a lack of patronage.
314 Fairy tale, "Hansel and Gretel," comes to life in nursery school; Victrola with open doors used to portray the witch's oven
College Eye 26:9, p.3
Professor Mayfield's class acts out children's drama.
315 William Meyer is one of the graduates who have a coaching position set up for the fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:553, p.1
316 Pirates of Penzance
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Description and photo.
317 Mary Dunkle and Lolita Lillig will present a joint song recital on May 21
Public Relations News Release 1934:491, p.1
Program for the recital.
318 Lolita Lillig will present her graduation recital on May 21
Public Relations News Release 1934:490, p.1
The recital will be in conjunction with Mary Dunkle. Program for the recital.
319 "Pirates of Penzance," weekend dance, picnics, crowd calendar
College Eye 25:37, p.3
Campus social calendar.
320 "Pirates of Penzance," hilarious opera, will be repeated tonight; Gilbert and Sullivan show has sparkling music, gay lines
College Eye 25:37, p.1
A review of the glee club opera "Pirates of Penzance."
321 "Ruddigore" will be presented on April 2
College Eye 25:36, p.1
By TCHS glee clubs.
322 Special scenery, costumes add color to opera
College Eye 25:36, p.1
Description of the scenes for "Pirates of Penzance".
323 Rehearsals for opera started; college glee clubs prepare for "Pirates of Penzance"
College Eye 25:32, p.1
Preview of "The Pirates of Penzance".
324 Combined glee clubs to sing Sullivan opera; director W.E. Hays selects cast; performances March 22, 23
College Eye 25:31, p.1
Will present "The Pirates of Penzance".
325 Mikado
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
Description; photo.
326 'Pagliacci' to be shown here next Thursday
College Eye 24:26, p.1
Will show film version.
327 Musicians will repeat 'Mikado'; operetta moves against a colorful Japanese setting
College Eye 24:25, p.1
Story is told by the actors in this comic opera. There were minstrel singers and choruses.
328 Three faculty portray comic 'Mikado' roles; stage, painted by Stanley Wood, to represent Japanese print
College Eye 24:24, p.1
Preview of the presentation.
329 Teachers High to present comic opera 'Pinafore'
College Eye 24:24, p.1
330 'Mikado' cast rehearses daily; music department sponsors the presentation of comic-opera
College Eye 24:21, p.1
Cooperative effort within Department of Music.
331 Violin concert is canceled; financial conditions cause a change of plans
College Eye 24:21, p.1
Performance by Fritz Kreisler cancelled; Pagliacci movie scheduled.
332 Selection of 'Mikado' cast made this week; music, English departments to present comic opera
College Eye 24:20, p.1
List of cast members.
333 Movie version of 'Pagliacci' is set for April 6; two hundred subscribers assure presentation here
College Eye 24:20, p.1
Professor Richman believes that he can bring the movie to campus.
334 The Mikado will be presented
Public Relations News Release 1932:257, p.1
The presentation of "The Mikado" by students and faculty members will be March 23 and 24.
335 Movie version 'Pagliacci' may be shown here; if you want to see it, sing on the bulletin board
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Need one hundred signatures to get the film.
336 High school will give 'Fire Prince' tonight
College Eye 24:17, p.1
Will present two act operetta.
337 'The Mikado,' comic opera, will be given; to be produced by united departments on March 7
College Eye 24:16, p.1
Opera seems to be undergoing revival.
338 Will sing here
College Eye 24:6, p.6
Madame Maria Jeritza, an operatic concert singer, will perform; photo.
339 Famous concert singer will appear here October 24th
College Eye 24:5, p.1
Maria Jeritza will perform.
340 Seventy-five attend the "Flying Dutchman" at Cedar Rapids Tues.
College Eye 22:20, p.6
Professor and Mrs. Richman accompany student group.
341 Costume numbers by operatic quartet win audience acclaim; Seignior Martino-Rossi accorded particular mention for musicianship
College Eye 22:7, p.1
Review of performance by operatic quartette.
342 Five Metropolitan stars start open the year's entertainment
Public Relations News Release 1930:50, p.1
Opera quintet will open this year's entertainment and lecture series.
343 Five artists will give "Evening of Opera" Monday; program consists entirely of excerpts of opera given by metropolitan stars
College Eye 22:6, p.1
Marie Tiffany, Louise Bernhardt, Giuseppe Martino-Rossio, Enzo Aits, and Sanford Schlussel will be on campus.
344 "Evening of Opera" is first number of entertainments
College Eye 22:4, p.1
To be presented by National Music League; description of other presentation in the Lecture and Entertainment Course.
345 Naomi Evans
College Eye 21:42, p.3
Professors Evans and Freeman went to Chicago to the opera.
346 The sophomore class
College Eye 21:35, p.6
Training school students presented an operetta.
347 Cecilians sing grand opera Friday eve. in annual concert
College Eye 21:31, p.1
Minnesingers and Orchesis will assist.
348 Cecilians rehearse daily on opera for annual program
College Eye 21:30, p.1
Will present excerpts from four operas.
349 'Lelawala', Cadman's operetta, tells story of Indian legend
College Eye 21:24, p.1
A review on the story of Lelawala, produced by Training School.
350 Training School clubs rehearse for operetta
College Eye 21:21, p.2
Will present "Lewala".