
Displaying 901 - 906 of 906 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
901 Rhetorical exercises
Students' Offering 8:35, p.3
The benefits of public speaking.
902 Ancient and modern oratory
Students' Offering 7:28, p.2
The purposes and styles of oratory.
903 Extracts from graduating orations of the Class of 1882
Students' Offering 6:25, p.1
904 Extracts from Graduating Orations of the Classes of 1881
Students' Offering 5:19, p.1
905 Spring has come
Students' Offering 5:18, p.4
Nature displays the news and sophomores have begun to worry about their orations.
906 Every morning
Students' Offering 2:8, p.11
Seniors are done with their outdoor oration practice.