
Displaying 251 - 300 of 539 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Women's counselors and guides selected
College Eye 57:21, p.1
List of new counselors and guides.
252 AWS selects 1963-64 counseling, guide chairmen
College Eye 57:16, p.1
List of those selected; description of responsibilities..
253 Registration and missing luggage are all part of orientation week
College Eye 57:1, p.1
Students talk about their first week at school; photo.
254 48 men's guides selected for fall orientation
College Eye 56:26, p.8
List of those who were selected.
255 Women's guides, counselors to begin training Wednesday
College Eye 56:22, p.5
List of guides and counselors.
256 Meeks, Schmicher, Martin chosen to guide, counsel
College Eye 56:19, p.10
Will assist in orientation of new students.
257 Engelhardt to be orientation head next fall
College Eye 56:19, p.4
Will head men's orientation.
258 Barb Vogt chosen women's student counseling chairman
College Eye 56:16, p.1
Brief profile of Barbara Vogt.
259 Here we go again . . .
College Eye 56:1, p.5
Freshmen are welcomed to SCI; photo.
260 Freshman orientation begins Sunday at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:458, p.1
Professor William C. Lang delivers the opening address at the freshman orientation program held in the Commons. The program includes placement, speech, and hearing testing, as well as an afternoon tea in Bartlett Hall.
261 Local student named orientation head at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:431, p.1
Dennis Jensen names James Carr as the men's orientation guide chairman for the fall semester. Carr will be responsible for coordinating activities for student guides. The orientation program is sponsored by the student government.
262 Shaw, Carr named to posts
College Eye 52:31, p.2
Cecil Shaw will be senior head resident; James Carr will be men's orientation guide chairman.
263 What is a counselor?
College Eye 52:22, p.3
Description of a counselor's duties.
264 Students may now apply for guide positions
College Eye 52:19, p.4
Will guide new students and assist with orientation.
265 ISTC faculty and area teachers to attend mathematics conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:32, p.1
Professors Augusta Schurrer, Max Hosier, and Glenadine Gibb attend a two-day orientation conference for the School Mathematics Study Group with twenty-three area math educators.
266 Jones addresses freshman orientation assembly
Public Relations News Release 1960:26, p.1
Professor Howard K. Jones leads the freshman orientation assembly program.
267 Orientation highlights ISTC opening days
Public Relations News Release 1960:18, p.1
Incoming students, parents, administrators, and advisors join for orientation activities in the Commons. The orientation will take place over the course of four days, and will include tours, testing, and registration.
268 Orientation highlights ISTC opening days
Public Relations News Release 1960:19, p.1
Incoming freshman attend a reception and orientation, where they register for classes, tour campus, and meet with faculty advisers. Programs include the Chuck Wagon picnic, Church Night, and a welcoming address by President Maucker.
269 No slack season at I. S. T. C.
Public Relations News Release 1960:9, p.1
Professor Raymond Schlicher directs extension courses, consultation services, and workshops for teachers. Paul Bender directs orientation services. Professor Marshall Beard assigns advisors to new students. Eldon Cole directs campus grounds maintenance.
270 Orientation Guides
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
Orientation Guides; Photo. Women's Counselors and Guides; Photo.
271 Off-Campus Students Strive to Make College More Meaningful
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Off-Campus Women, Cedar Falls Men, and Waterloo Men are organizations that represent all off campus students in student government. Their goal is to promote an awareness among off-campus students of college activities and to serve as a coordinating body with the on-campus students.
272 Orientation
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
Freshman arrive in the fall and parents help them move in. The new students are subjected to tests and special events dedicated to make the students feel welcome. The events allowed the students meet upperclassman, clubs, and to entertain; Photos.
273 MU Sponsors Beard Contest
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
The Men's Union is an organization of all men students on campus work to enlarge the opportunities for men to develop the campus and community. The MU organized many events through out the year with highlights being the annual style show co-sponsored with the AWS and men's intramural. The main features was the relay competition between houses and a beard-growing contest. MU also sponsors a number of scholarships and extracurriculars.
274 1959 reminisces 1960
College Eye 51:31, p.4
Photos feature the highlights of the 1959-1960 academic year; photo.
275 Men's Union announces orientation guides for fall
College Eye 51:23, p.1
Description of duties; list of guides.
276 Women counselors chosen
College Eye 51:22, p.1
List of counselors; description of duties.
277 Men needed orientation week
College Eye 51:18, p.2
Applications available for guides.
278 Bartlett counselors light into unforgettable year of work
College Eye 51:15, p.5
A look at the work of the freshman orientation counselors; photo.
279 SLB discusses possible display for HS seniors
College Eye 51:13, p.3
Hopes to provide more information about ISTC; also considering more detailed student handbook; investigating opportunities to study abroad.
280 Men, women counselors chosen; five-week training program begins
College Eye 50:26, p.7
Men will also receive training; photo.
281 Orientation
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Photos and a brief description of the first few days of the new school year; photos.
282 Orientation plans ready; Frosh week program and personnel set
College Eye 49:32, p.1
Description of program; list of counselors; photo.
283 Drop that crying towel!
College Eye 49:21, p.2
TC students have it easier than their predecessors.
284 Applications available for 1958 counseling
College Eye 49:20, p.7
Description of counselors' duties; photo.
285 Open house
College Eye 49:1, p.2
To be held for new students at Commons.
286 Orientation
Old Gold 0:0, p.70
Placement tests, picnics, registration, meetings and mixers swept the freshman and transfer students along at a rapid pace; the Commons Open House was added to Orientation Week; the Newcomer's Variety Show had all seats reserved for the first time; photo.
287 Men's counselors '57-'58 announced
College Eye 48:26, p.6
List of counselors.
288 1957-58 women counselors announced by Shirley Post
College Eye 48:24, p.8
Lit of orientation counselors.
289 AWS position is now available
College Eye 48:14, p.1
Seeking Orientation Committee chair.
290 Social Life Committee plans "Open House"
College Eye 48:1, p.1
Schedule of activities for new students.
291 Orientation week to provide busy schedule for newcomers
College Eye 47:39, p.1
Schedule of orientation activities.
292 Fall
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Brief description of fall activities; photo.
293 Students at the Newcomers Variety Show
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
294 Two committees announce new orientation counselors
College Eye 47:28, p.3
Men's Union and AWS announce counselors.
295 Orientation Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Photos of the last day are featured on this page. They show the women students pledging loyalty to the green beanie and of the men in a tug-of-war against upper-classmen; photos.
296 Orientation Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.26
Photos of the activities of orientation for new students are featured on this page, of note is the top photo which shows the proper attire for chapel; photos.
297 Orientation Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Photo of the Chuckwagon Picnic for women students and a square dance are two of the photos on this page; photos.
298 Orientation Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Three photos from orientation take up this page, one of which shows Janice Booth and the other two showing the stages of registration for classes; photos.
299 Sandra Waldron heads off-campus counselor
College Eye 46:30, p.10
List of off-campus counselors.
300 Schroeder names men counselors
College Eye 46:29, p.1
List of orientation staff.