Overseas Recruiting Fair

Displaying 51 - 58 of 58 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Overseas recruiting Mar. 5
Northern Iowan 73:42, p.3
Second phase coming up after successful first phase.
52 Untitled
Northern Iowan 73:40, p.5
First Annual Mid-West Overseas Recruiting Fair at UNI.
53 Overseas teaching interviewers to be on campus this month
Northern Iowan 73:35, p.3
Claimed to be first overseas recruiting fair in Midwest.
54 Overseas teacher interviews today in placement office
College Eye 56:14, p.6
55 More than 50 of the 88 teachers who reported for overseas teaching job interviews met all the desired qualifications, according to E. W. Goetch
Public Relations News Release 1952:493, p.1
Interviews for teaching positions with the American Dependents Schools Overseas were conducted at the college by a representative from the Civilian Personnel Division of the Department of the Army. Teachers interviewed were from seven states.
56 Eighty-five qualified teachers have applied for teaching positions with the American Dependents Schools Overseas
Public Relations News Release 1952:515, p.1
Because housing is inadequate to meet the needs of the occupation forces, said E. W. Goetch, eligibility for dependents is limited to employees who are hired for positions with a minimum two-year tour of duty.
57 Recruitment of teachers for positions in Europe and the Far East for the 1952-53 school year will be held Monday and Tuesday, March 17-18
Public Relations News Release 1952:453, p.1
Approximately 375 positions are to be filled, mostly in the elementary teaching area. Persons interested may obtain additional information from E. W. Goetch, placement consultant.
58 Placement Director E. W. Goetch said Tuesday that about 20 overseas teaching applicants will "definitely be recommended" for assignments
Public Relations News Release 1950:302, p.1
The assignments will be in Europe or the Far East commands. The Army's Overseas Affairs branch is touring the country for well-qualified teachers and administrators for over 400 openings in Germany and Japan.