Parietal Rule
Displaying 1 - 50 of 162 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | General activism and unrest on and off campus A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.278 |
President Maucker attempts to work with students to deal with civil rights and discrimination concerns; students stage march in Cedar Falls; photo. | |
2 | Student social life A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.90 |
Brief look at etiquette and Greek organizations in the 1930s; photo. | |
3 | Continuing common experiences A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.436 |
The role of the college in regulating behavior; the influence of religion on students and faculty; photo. | |
4 | Small increase in UNI residence hall rates approved by Regents; parietal rule continues on suspension Public Relations News Release 1987:257, p.1 |
The Board of Regents votes to increase rates for residents halls by 3.49 percent. The Board also moved to continue suspension of the parietal rule, which would require unmarried freshman and sophomores to live within the residence halls. | |
5 | Regents approve increase Northern Iowan 81:44, p.1 |
Room and board rates to increase about 5%; continue suspension of parietal rule for housing through May 1987. | |
6 | Regents approve increase in room and board rates Northern Iowan 79:46, p.1 |
Rates will increase 3.7% to $1700 for a double room; also vote to extend suspension of parietal rule for freshmen and sophomores through May 1985. | |
7 | Fewer students occupy dorms Northern Iowan 78:16, p.6 |
Fewer students live in UNI's dorms since the lifting of the parietal rule in 1981. | |
8 | Dorm requirement dropped UNI Century 9:4, p.6 |
Freshmen no longer required to live in university housing. | |
9 | Rule suspended; freshman may live off campus Northern Iowan 77:58, p.1 |
A look at the potential dorm financial picture; photo. | |
10 | Change in parietal rule to be requested Northern Iowan 77:58, p.1 |
UNI will request that the parietal rule be suspended for sophomores and freshmen. | |
11 | Parietal rule deliberated Northern Iowan 77:53, p.1 |
Board of Regents may decide soon. | |
12 | Clarify RHA position; parietal rule issue Northern Iowan 77:51, p.2 |
Feels that if students are in favor of abolishing the parietal rule, it should be brought to the attention of the RHA. | |
13 | Senate Scene Northern Iowan 77:48, p.6 |
Senate asks for suspension of parietal rule for freshmen; establishes committee to monitor administrative action on recommendation to name library after Professor Fox. | |
14 | Parietal rule suspended UNI Century 7:4, p.2 |
Under two year suspension of rule, sophomores will not be required to live in campus housing; freshmen still affected. | |
15 | Board of Regents eliminates parietal rule for sophomores Northern Iowan 76:1, p.12 |
The Board of Regents decides to end parietal rule for two-year trial basis. | |
16 | Regents hear UNI tenure report, personnel actions Northern Iowan 75:60, p.1 |
54% of faculty tenured; 74% on tenure track; parietal rule for sophomores suspended for two years; Norris Durham named department head. | |
17 | Parietal rule lifted for sophs Northern Iowan 75:59, p.1 |
The Board of Regents lifted the parietal rule for sophomores at UNI. | |
18 | Interim Committee studies parietal rule Northern Iowan 75:58, p.1 |
The Interim Committee of the UNISA met to discuss changes to the parietal rule. | |
19 | Kamerick supports rule change Northern Iowan 75:55, p.1 |
President Kamerick supports a proposal by the RHA to change the parietal rule for sophomores. Under the proposed change, freshmen would still be required to live on campus. | |
20 | We asked: and you said.. Do you agree of disagree with a proposal being considered to eliminate the parietal rule? Northern Iowan 75:47, p.2 |
Students give views on parietal rule; photo. | |
21 | U of I sets precedent; suspension of parietal rule Northern Iowan 75:29, p.1 |
University suspends rule requiring on-campus housing for freshmen and sophomores; RHA and UNISA hope to move toward a similar recommendation for UNI. | |
22 | Parietal rule change studied Northern Iowan 75:27, p.12 |
RHA and UNISA study whether or not freshmen and sophomores should be required to live on campus. | |
23 | Parietal rule: student rights is main issue Northern Iowan 75:17, p.8 |
A look at the parietal rule, especially as it applies to required dorm residence. | |
24 | Rule to comply with bonding? Views on the parietal rule Northern Iowan 74:33, p.7 |
Believes parietal rule simply insures that dorms will be full and bonds will be paid. | |
25 | Stansbury: housing rule not based on bonding: views on the parietal rule Northern Iowan 74:33, p.7 |
States that parietal rule has educational basis as well. | |
26 | UNISA prepares to tackle major student concerns Northern Iowan 74:30, p.1 |
Students from UNISA plan to take some of their concerns to the Board of Regents. | |
27 | A message to the students . . . . Northern Iowan 74:30, p.12 |
A call for student action. | |
28 | Majority rights proposals discussed by Regents Northern Iowan 68:56, p.1 |
Regents attempting to determine what the new legal age of 19 will mean especially as it relates to consumption of alcohol and required residence in dorms. | |
29 | End parietal rules Northern Iowan 68:55, p.2 |
Critical of UNI intentions to require freshmen and sophomores to live in dorms, based on the need to pay off the dorms. | |
30 | Dorm rulings fate uncertain Northern Iowan 68:37, p.6 |
Rules relative to possession of alcohol and contracts may need to be changed if age of majority is changed. | |
31 | Courts and the parietal rules Northern Iowan 68:32, p.2 |
If a university requires students to live in dorms, it ought to try to respond to the desires of the students required to live there. | |
32 | VP Martin presented to UNI Northern Iowan 68:2, p.1 |
Provost Martin gives views on budget, minority faculty, faculty governance, and residence halls. | |
33 | A "meaningful semester" Northern Iowan 67:56, p.2 |
Critical of life in dorm. | |
34 | Response Northern Iowan 67:46, p.2 |
President Kamerick states his position on parietal rule. | |
35 | New ruling restricts sophomore men to dorms Northern Iowan 67:45, p.1 |
Will make rule consistent with the rule for women. | |
36 | "No hours" proposal approved by AWS Northern Iowan 67:43, p.13 |
Recommendation goes to deans. | |
37 | Senate meeting calls for end to dorm discrimination Northern Iowan 67:41, p.1 |
Seeks to eliminate gender distinction in residence requirements. | |
38 | Students delay parietal change; room rates rise Northern Iowan 67:31, p.1 |
Parietal proposal dropped from docket; other measures pass. | |
39 | Exec. Council-Administrators meet Northern Iowan 67:30, p.1 |
Administration explains to students why they are going forward with dorm changes; photo. | |
40 | Statement on proposed dorm changes given to Regents today by UNISA Northern Iowan 67:30, p.1 |
Joint statement in opposition to proposed changes in fees, maid service, and requirement to live in dorms. |
41 | Petition over proposed rules Public Relations News Release 67:29, p.4 |
Petition against proposed requirement to live in dorm. | |
42 | Towards a volunteer dorm Public Relations News Release 67:29, p.2 |
Believes university should make dorms more attractive so that students would want to live there, instead of being required to live there. | |
43 | Sophomore men required to live in dorms if Regents pass administrations proposal Northern Iowan 67:28, p.1 |
Would make rule for men consistent with that for women. | |
44 | Students again become second class citizens Northern Iowan 67:18, p.2 |
Critical of policy requiring all freshmen and all sophomore transfer students to live in dorms. | |
45 | In loco parentis: alive and only injured at UNI Public Relations News Release 67:6, p.2 |
Believes that students are still firmly under control of faculty and administration. | |
46 | Closed door policy guide lines moral blow to "in loco parentis" Northern Iowan 66:64, p.1 |
Text of closed door visitation policy. | |
47 | Regents approve 'closed door' visitation policy at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:607, p.1 |
Students will be allowed to entertain persons of the opposite sex in their rooms with the doors closed. Each hall's student governing body will determine the hours of the "closed door" policy. | |
48 | MRA announces open hours Northern Iowan 66:53, p.4 |
Lounges in Regents and Towers will be open until 1 AM. | |
49 | President Maucker comments: UNI "no hours" policy Public Relations News Release 66:49, p.2 |
President Maucker addresses new policy to Patricia Geadelmann of AWS. | |
50 | Regents approve "no hours" for next fall Northern Iowan 66:48, p.8 |
Freshman women will have no hours, so long as parents approve. |