Parietal Rule
Displaying 101 - 150 of 162 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Set penalties for each women's dorm in effect College Eye 63:21, p.1 |
New procedures in effect for discipline in women's dorms; also considering elimination of women's hours. | |
102 | These coeds favor lifting 21 year old's restrictions College Eye 63:19, p.5 |
Students express views on decision to allow women over 21 to live off campus. | |
103 | Regents approve proposals liberalizing housing rules College Eye 63:18, p.1 |
Two changes are considering because of overcrowding in the dormitories; women over 21 may live off-campus and student aid scholarship winners not required to live in dorms. | |
104 | Year-end gripes include early bells, Hondas, vandals College Eye 60:57, p.1 |
Lengthy selection of student complaints about faculty, the campus, and other students. | |
105 | Student proposes spy creed College Eye 60:53, p.2 |
Expresses strong discontent with current housing policies especially regarding female undergraduates. | |
106 | SCI's policies are mid-Victorian College Eye 60:50, p.2 |
Advocates support for the new Students Right Committee. | |
107 | Untitled College Eye 59:38, p.2 |
Fellow students criticize man for having trouble adjusting to new women's hours (male student is sleeping on desk). | |
108 | House rules removed for seniors, women over 21 College Eye 59:32, p.1 |
Women who are over 21 and senior women who have parents' permission will no longer have hours. | |
109 | Hours move proves SCI aware, will prove step in right direction College Eye 59:32, p.2 |
Removal of restrictions placed on senior women and women over 21 is a good thing. | |
110 | Fund raising settlement near College Eye 59:11, p.2 |
Still working on proposal relating to fund-raising by student organizations; AWS looking at women's hours. | |
111 | Faculty should speak out on lights out College Eye 59:8, p.2 |
Student appreciates Professors Bohme and Thompson's support; condemns Professor Fox for his complaints of faculty involvement. | |
112 | To have or not to have lights out--counselors, freshmen, faculty argue College Eye 59:7, p.3 |
Offer a variety of opinions on the matter. | |
113 | Freshman speaks out against lights College Eye 59:7, p.2 |
Current time allowed by 'lights out' isn't enough to finish studies. | |
114 | Counselors make hall rules College Eye 59:7, p.2 |
Justifies Bartlett's 'lights out' policy. | |
115 | Throw out lights out, give women 11 p.m. hours College Eye 59:6, p.2 |
Bartlett's 'lights out' policy should be rescinded. | |
116 | 'Lights Out' referred to administration College Eye 59:6, p.3 |
Will consider policy that requires lights to be out at 11PM for freshman women. | |
117 | AWS Prexy contends women need hours College Eye 59:6, p.2 |
Women of Bartlett Hall should take complaints about 'lights out' policy to house council. | |
118 | Faculty Senate in meeting with Maucker College Eye 59:5, p.3 |
Will discuss bringing controversial speakers to campus; will consider rules for freshman women in Bartlett Hall. | |
119 | Open letter to the Faculty Senate College Eye 59:5, p.2 |
Requests lights-out regulations for Bartlett freshmen women be lifted. | |
120 | Should freshmen girls be coddled, protected? College Eye 59:5, p.2 |
Restrictions on freshman women should be relaxed; must be in room by 10PM and have lights out by 11PM. | |
121 | Fraternity housing given Faculty Senate approval College Eye 58:12, p.1 |
Also approve off-campus housing for men over 21. | |
122 | 'Mothering' causes overcrowding College Eye 58:4, p.2 |
Agrees with Dianne Bock that something must be done to ease the problem with housing; believes that juniors should be free to seek off-campus housing. | |
123 | Togetherness plan of co-ed living College Eye 57:33, p.2 |
Students suggest the advantages of being allowed to visit members of the opposite sex in their dorms. | |
124 | Women's hours extended to 11 starting Monday College Eye 56:32, p.1 |
125 | New hours for women's dorms effective Jan. 2 College Eye 56:12, p.1 |
Schedule of hours. | |
126 | Off-campus clause added College Eye 52:26, p.1 |
Landlords who wish to be on the college approved housing list must agree to non-discrimination clause. | |
127 | Sign-out not compulsory; change due to failure, time waste College Eye 49:15, p.1 |
Rule had asked women to sign out of the dorm whenever they left after 6:30PM; weekend and late permission sign-out will remain. | |
128 | Letters to the editor College Eye 49:11, p.2 |
AWS president and vice president feel editorial "A Moderate Proposal" has valid points. | |
129 | A moderate proposal College Eye 49:10, p.2 |
The women's dormitory regulations must stay, although they should be altered. | |
130 | On the rights of woman College Eye 49:9, p.2 |
Bedchecks and signing-in are below the maturity level of college students. | |
131 | "Give me liberty or . . . " College Eye 48:29, p.2 |
Wonders about the basis and purpose of the women's curfew rules. | |
132 | 'Ten minute rule' on lates passes College Eye 43:10, p.1 |
Women may accumulate ten late minutes per quarter without penalty. | |
133 | Student tests Merfeld claims College Eye 42:41, p.2 |
Finds claims about dormitory regulations to be false, is upset by Merfeld's inaccurate letter. | |
134 | Dorm administrators lack courtesy in general relations with students College Eye 42:41, p.2 |
Students upset with the treatment they receive in the dormitories. | |
135 | Merfeld defends dorm regulations College Eye 42:40, p.2 |
Board is doing its best to provide most reasonable regulations in dormitories. | |
136 | Hilltopics College Eye 42:40, p.2 |
Teachers College dormitories are too strict. | |
137 | Campusing system needs revision College Eye 42:39, p.2 |
"System of signing out lates is inefficient, ridiculous, and discriminatory." | |
138 | Follow the clock hands for time of you life College Eye 36:1, p.3 |
Schedule of times important in a student's life. | |
139 | A letter to the editor College Eye 35:39, p.2 |
Strong criticism of rules requiring all women to be back to campus by midnight. | |
140 | An answer to the letter College Eye 35:39, p.2 |
Defends hours for women. | |
141 | Usual complaints bring up late hours question College Eye 33:40, p.2 |
Compares the curfew for women at the Teachers College with the curfew for women at other colleges and universities around the country. | |
142 | Hyde Park; Women on the March College Eye 32:33, p.2 |
Laments noise made by women in a concert audience when they get up to leave in order to be back in the dorms on time. | |
143 | Night owls at Baker Hall are few College Eye 29:39, p.1 |
Men have no hours; may come and go as they please. | |
144 | Locked doors College Eye 28:0, p.2 |
Believes that rules should be relaxed for the older students on campus during the summer session. | |
145 | Forced discourtesy College Eye 28:41, p.2 |
Some students needed to leave the recent concert in order to arrive home before the 10 o'clock curfew; it would be good to extend that curfew on evenings when there are significant campus events going on. | |
146 | House council lays more strict rules College Eye 28:28, p.1 |
Proposal would have women who stay out after midnight speak with President Latham. | |
147 | Those seven permits College Eye 28:20, p.2 |
Women who returned late from a play performance did not receive "lates" as has been supposed; system has flexibility built into it. | |
148 | Penalty for seeing "Hamlet" College Eye 28:19, p.2 |
Believes receiving a late penalty after returning from seeing "Hamlet" in Des Moines is unjust. | |
149 | Women's League proposes change in late permits College Eye 27:1, p.1 |
Freshmen would have four lates; upperclassmen would have twelve lates. | |
150 | Upperclaswoman proposes eight o'clock curfew for freshmen College Eye 26:16, p.2 |
Female student suggests an early curfew for freshmen so that upperclasswomen have a chance to meet some men and go on dates. |