Parish--Leonard W. (History and Politics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 228 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Life in the Normal School community
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.175
The beginnings of extracurricular activities and groups at UNI including athletics and sports, oratory and debate, music, literary societies, and the Alumni Association; photo.
2 Bangs, bustles . . . But no Beatles
Alumnus 51:3, p.2
1898 alumnus compares eras; photo.
3 Mabel Parish
Alumnus 28:2, p.32
Died in November, 1943, in Burlingame, California.
4 John Carl Parish
Alumnus 23:2, p.28
Professor of history at the University of California at Los Angeles, died at his home on January 13, at age fifty-seven. He was the son of Leonard W. Parish, professor of economics and head of the history department at the College.
5 Eleven members of the faculty
Alumnus 22:2, p.
Composite photo of faculty, 1895; photo.
6 Oldster C. Ray Aurner recalls student life in the Nineties
Alumnus 22:1, p.3
Alumnus recalls experiences of living on College Hill and going to school in the 1880s and 1890s; recalls faculty, serving as secretary to President Seerley, selling schoolbooks, rooming houses.
7 Department of Social Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
History and aims of the department; organizational history of the department with its leaders; photos.
8 Xanho fraternity
Alumnus 16:4, p.10
Rents house at 2500 Franklin.
9 Riding an elephant in the world's largest circus
Public Relations News Release 1931:28, p.1
Profile of ISTC alumna Dixie Willson, who joined the circus and later wrote stories and books.
10 Page and Parish
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.123
Biographical sketches of Professors Leonard W. Parish and Abbott C. Page.
11 The Principal-Elect
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.101
Professor Wright's biography of Homer Seerley.
12 Wright's book on school history well illustrates; covers a fifty year period
College Eye 17:40, p.3
Brief review of "Fifty Years at the Teachers College."
13 Alumni literary program
College Eye 3:1, p.3
Commencement reunions resulted in a literary program conducted by alumni.
14 The death of Mrs. Parish
College Eye 3:1, p.20
Widow of Professor Parish died; death is believed to be related to surgery on her appendix.
15 Mr. John C. Parish
College Eye 2:25, p.7
Spoke at chapel.
16 Class of 1911 present picture to the college
College Eye 1:9, p.1
Class presents portrait of the late Professor Leonard W. Parish; will be hung in the Library.
17 Official Notes
College Eye 1:8, p.8
Portrait of Professor Parish presented in chapel; news of Des Moines schools controversy.
18 Official Notes
College Eye 1:4, p.3
News of alumni, faculty, the Board of Education, and possible job opportunities in the Philippines for I. S. T. C. graduates.
19 Alumni business meeting
College Eye 1:12, p.18
At the Alumni Association business meeting, new officers were elected.
20 Faculty surprise President Seerley
College Eye 1:12, p.7
Faculty honors President Seerley on his twenty-five years of service to the college; several make addresses; present President Seerley with twenty-five roses.
21 Official Notes
Normal Eyte 21:8, p.126
Faculty will attend ISTA meeting, so no classes will be held; Professor Page is recovering; Edith Buck has been ill; Roger Leavitt attended mission meeting; Professor Arey will prepare memorial statement on Professor Parish.
22 Mrs. L. W. Parish
Normal Eyte 21:8, p.140
Left for Denver, Colorado, to visit her son John.
23 The new faculty
Normal Eyte 21:1, p.8
Profiles of the members of the faculty; photo.
24 In Memoriam: resolutions on the death of Prof. L. W. Parish
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.3
Athletic Board offers respectful memoriam to the late Professor Leonard W. Parish.
25 Board meeting occurs; important resolution passed; debating helped; actions not made public
Normal Eyte 20:35, p.581
Pass resolution of respect for Professor Parish; support debate program.
26 The Angel Flower
Old Gold 0:0, p.240
Poem dedicated to the memory of Professor Parish.
27 Department of History and Political Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
Photos of faculty.
28 In memoriam to Leonard W. Parish
Old Gold 0:0, p.4
Dedication of 1910 Old Gold; photo.
29 Annuals are sold; 1910 Old Gold proves to be fine edition; subscribers are well pleased
Normal Eyte 20:35, p.576
1910 Old Gold looks good; dedicated to Professor Parish.
30 Shake
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
Annual overview of activities for the Shakespearean Circle.
31 Mrs. L. W. Parish and daughter
Normal Eyte 20:31, p.516
Have returned from visiting family.
32 Mrs. L. W. Parish
Normal Eyte 20:29, p.485
Is visiting family.
33 Athletic Board meets; important action in regard to eligibility and athletic schedules taken
Normal Eyte 20:29, p.487
Half of surplus football money given to spring athletics.
34 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Knoll
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.439
Were in town for the funeral of Professor Parish.
35 Official
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.428

Brief Commencement week schedule; contractor putting roof on new Library; Lecture Committee has done fine work; committee assignments for Parish funeral; literary society work must be protected..

36 Memorial services held; many students and faculty friends of late Prof. Parish hear tributes
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.432
Lengthy description of the memorial service.
37 Mr. A. W. Taylor
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.438
Has been hired to replace Professor Parish.
38 Miss Clara Drenning
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.438
Was in Cedar Falls for Professor Parish's funeral.
39 Faculty members meet; teachers from three state schools confer on uniform entrance requirements
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.419
Considering standards for admission from high school.
40 A sketch of his life
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.413
Obituary of Leonard W. Parish, who was killed in a train wreck; photo.
41 Last rites performed; remains of late professor Parish laid away after special services in auditorium
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.415
Description of funeral service for Professor Parish
42 A tribute
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.414
Professor Arey's tribute to Professor Parish.
43 Awful wreck occurs; Professor L. W. Parish loses life in recent railroad catastrophe at Gladbrook
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.412
Description of the wreck; Professor Parish survived the wreck, but died shortly after being removed.
44 Editorial; the friend of all
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.411
Students and faculty mourn the death of Professor L. W. Parish.
45 Memorial service planned
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.416
For Professor Parish.
46 Mrs. L. W. Parish
Normal Eyte 20:23, p.388
Is on a trip visiting family.
47 A very interesting debate
Normal Eyte 20:20, p.338
Debate was held by the senior class of the Training School.
48 The Cedar Falls Tuesday Club
Normal Eyte 20:20, p.336
Had their annual banquet.
49 Prof. Parish's new edition
Normal Eyte 20:18, p.306
New edition of "Essentials of Economics" by Professor Parish is now on sale.
50 The twenty-fifth anniversary celebration; American Historical and Economic Association hold meeting at New York City
Normal Eyte 20:17, p.285
Professor Parish reports on the convention in New York.