Persian Gulf War

Displaying 51 - 100 of 127 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Is questioning 'un-American?'
Northern Iowan 87:38, p.3
Dissenting views should be heard.
52 Not right to 'jump on bandwagon'
Northern Iowan 87:38, p.3
Will not jump blindly onto patriotic bandwagon.
53 We have 'courage to think'
Northern Iowan 87:38, p.2
Should think about aims and effects of war.
54 288 Iraqi civilians killed: Allied bombings destroy questionable target
Northern Iowan 87:38, p.1
55 Hussein rallies Iraqi troops
Northern Iowan 87:37, p.1
Saddam Hussein addressed his people and assured them things were going well.
56 Will chemical weapons be used in the Gulf War?
Public Relations News Release 1990:338, p.1
UNI professor doubts chemical weapons will be used in the Gulf War.
57 The effects of war: faculty, staff offer opinions, commentary
Campus News Network 1:11, p.1
58 Iraqi planes continue great escape while ground war approaches
Northern Iowan 87:36, p.1
War continues as Iraq officially withdraws from diplomatic relations with Allied countries.
59 'Peace, I guess'
Northern Iowan 87:36, p.2
Student comments on recent comics and articles in the Northern Iowan about peace activists.
60 Rally members express First Amendment rights
Northern Iowan 87:35, p.2
Student was surprised a speaker at rally to support U. S. troops attacked beliefs of the peace activists.
61 Peace -- Over here
Northern Iowan 87:35, p.2
Americans need to put personal beliefs and differences aside and support the war effort in the Gulf.
62 Troops killed in battle for Khafji
Northern Iowan 87:35, p.1
Eleven servicemen died from American gunfire while fighting battle for city of Khafji.
63 How will American prisoners of war be treated in Iraq?
Public Relations News Release 1990:327, p.1
Concern over potential treatment of POWs in Iraq expressed by UNI professor.
64 Operation Desert Storm--will a calm follow the "storm"
Public Relations News Release 1990:327, p.1
U. S. role in the Gulf following the war is questioned.
65 Ground troops fight; Bush addresses the nation
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.1
President George Bush delivered a wartime State of the Union Address Tuesday night.
66 Poem, author questioned
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.3
Student questions the intent of the author of "'Twas a Night Over Baghdad". Poem was given to Dhirendra Vajpeyi by a former UNI student now stationed in Saudi Arabia.
67 U S., Allied roles make sense
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.3
Student supports U. S. involvement in the Gulf War.
68 When sand turns to mud; and the flinging thereof
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.3
Although rally was meant to support those who attended, columnist believed it failed.
69 Ground troops fight; Bush addresses nation
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.1
Iraqi troops opened fire on U. S. troops after pretending to surrender.
70 UNI students rally to support U.S. troops
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.1
One hundred students attended rally to show their support for American troops. Participants argued over peace flag; photo.
71 Persian Gulf forum held in Union
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.8
Persian Gulf question and answer session was held in the Union Tuesday. Faculty members in the forum included Ernest Raiklin, Abdullah Khan, and Thomas Gillespie.
72 Is it a war, or a mini-series? Analyzing media coverage of the Persian Gulf Crisis
Public Relations News Release 1990:322, p.1
Coverage of the Persian Gulf Crisis changed from the early days of the conflict.
73 U. S. economy could suffer severe effects if Persian Gulf War lasts longer than a year, economist says
Public Relations News Release 1990:325, p.1
Fred Abraham states that the length of the Persian Gulf War will have differing effects on the economy.
74 Nagle keeps hope for peace alive
Northern Iowan 87:33, p.1
Dave Nagle gave hope to those present at his address that the Gulf War would end peacefully; photo.
75 U. S. planes destroy Kuwaiti oil pipes
Northern Iowan 87:33, p.1
U. S. planes destroyed off-shore oil loading facility in hopes of stopping oil from dumping into the Gulf waters.
76 War won't solve the problems
Northern Iowan 87:33, p.2
Student comments on liberating Kuwait and the war in the Gulf.
77 Peace workshop focuses on conflict resolution
Northern Iowan 87:33, p.4
Workshop offered peaceful methods for resolving the conflict in the Gulf.
78 Dealing with anxiety: how to handle war-related stress
Campus News Network 1:10, p.1
79 Coping with the Gulf situation--an emotional struggle.
Public Relations News Release 1990:302, p.1
Believes many veterans of the Gulf War will suffer post traumatic stress problems.
80 Live from Saudi Arabia--examining news coverage of the Gulf War.
Public Relations News Release 1990:302, p.1
Technology allows American citizens to view the war live.
81 The war is on--how will it affect our sagging economy?
Public Relations News Release 1990:302, p.1
Professor Fred Abraham doubts the war will push the U.S. into a depression.
82 The theatre of Kuwait
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.3
Columnist comments on the beginning of the war and the television coverage.
83 Support the troops; question the government
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.3
Many Iraqi citizens do not support Saddam Hussein. Student questions our government's policies in the Mid-East.
84 UNI students support war effort; 78 percent favor U. S. role
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.1
A recent survey polled 488 students on their views of the Persian Gulf War. Only 13% disapprove of U. S. involvement.
85 UNI Israeli talks about U. S. foreign policy; Gulf War is hard for man with family there
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.8
Thabit Abu-Rass disagrees with U. S. foreign policy and fears for his family in Israel; photo.
86 Support group counsels Desert Storm loved ones
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.1
Support group, "Friends and Families of Soldiers in the Persian Gulf", meets every Tuesday night.
87 Student Government announces support for UNI troops; resolution passes unanimously
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.5
Resolution gives support to troops in war. Other business included 24 hour computer area, Union recycling program, and increasing minority recruitment.
88 Iraq continues Scud air attacks
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.1
Six Scud missiles were shot down by Patriot missiles.
89 Iraqi retaliation contained; eleven Iraqi Scuds fail to strike targets
Northern Iowan 87:31, p.1
Iraq responded to U. S. attacks with Scud missiles.
90 'Twas a night over Baghdad
Northern Iowan 87:31, p.9
91 Islamic religion restricts soldiers; American soldiers should not carry pictures
Northern Iowan 87:31, p.9
Islamic countries have many traditions that American soldiers must be aware of.
92 Thanks, we think
Northern Iowan 87:31, p.2
Student is impressed with quality of the January 18 issue of the Northern Iowan .
93 Thousands march for peace¿while a few defend war
Northern Iowan 87:31, p.1
Thirty UNI students attended demonstration in Des Moines Sunday to protest the Gulf War; photo.
94 The stress of war and how it effects children..
Public Relations News Release 1990:297, p.1
UNI counselor urges parents to be aware of their children's fears and feelings about war.
95 Peace groups organize and prepare for consequences of war.
Public Relations News Release 1990:297, p.1
Professor Quirk helps organize a teach-in plus other activities to help people deal with anti-war feelings.
96 Cries for peaceful settlement not impressive
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.4
Saddam Hussein's behavior cannot be ignored.
97 Thoughts, prayers needed during crisis
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.2
January 15, the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., was also the UN deadline for Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait.
98 "Brutal aggression" not permitted
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.2
President George Bush wrote message explaining actions taken against Hussein and Iraq.
99 War is not a game
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.2
The U. S. cannot afford to play games with Saddam Hussein.
100 Troops in Operation Desert Storm receive copies of "Northern Iowan"
Northern Iowan 87:30, p.1
Copies of the "Northern Iowan" will be sent to UNI military personnel in the Gulf War.